
On China as a patient investor – Project Syndicate Video

, 27/10/2017

With President Xi Jinping’s signature ‘Belt and Road’ initiative gaining momentum, more countries will be negotiating with China for inward investment in infrastructure. Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, says that his own experience was highly encouraging. Greece and China, two ancient civilizations, two countries whose peoples have had a long experience and quite […]

Le cinéma est politique: conversation Costa Gavras-Yanis Varoufakis – Mediapart

, 18/10/2017

Rencontre entre l’ancien ministre et celui qui s’apprête à le transformer en héros de cinéma. Costa-Gavras envisage en effet de tourner un film autour de ce bras de fer de 2015. « Je veux parler de l’émotion que j’ai eue en lisant ce livre, par son personnage principal – c’est quand même un personnage de […]

DiEM25’s European New Deal explained – video

, 07/10/2017


On negotiating with the EU & fiscal money – with Anatole Kaletsky & journalists from El Pais, Handelsblatt – Project Syndicate video

, 28/09/2017

Yanis Varoufakis  discusses how to negotiate with the EU and his proposal to introduce fiscal money with Anatole Kaletsky, Co-Chairman of Gavekal Draganomics, David Alandete, Managing Editor of El Pais, and Torsten Riecke, Handelsblatt’s international correspondent.

“Προαπαιτούμενα ελπίδας” – Ομιλία Γ. Βαρουφάκη στην Πάτρα 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

, 25/09/2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUmi1HxPOKo DiEM25 Greece Το DiEM25 και ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης βρέθηκαν στο θέατρο Royal στην Πάτρα που γέμισε με ανθρώπους κάθε ηλικίας που θέλησαν να ακούσουν από κοντά την πρόταση του κινήματος για την αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης στην Ελλάδα και την Ευρώπη. Για περισσότερα διαβάστε εδώ: http://bit.ly/2hvSXSl

Perspectives of Democracy & the German election | video | actitvism

, 23/09/2017

In this video, former finance minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, Yanis Varoufakis, provides his perspective on democracy and how his movement practices it internally. In addition Varoufakis talks about the context under which the European Union was formed and also surfaces concrete examples from the current period in how the EU employs double […]

On China – Talking with Project Syndicate’s Anatole Kaletsky, David Alandete (El Pais), Torsten Riecke (Handelsblatt’s)

, 20/09/2017

Greece’s former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, discusses China’s growing role in Southern Europe and EU politics with Anatole Kaletsky, Co-Chairman of Gavekal Draganomics, David Alandete, Managing Editor of El Pais, and Torsten Riecke, Handelsblatt’s international correspondent. Published on Sep 20, 2017.

Discussing China’s role in Europe, with Anatole Kaletsky & journalists from El Pais, Handelsblatt – Project Syndicate video

, 20/09/2017

Yanis Varoufakis, discusses China’s growing role in Southern Europe and EU politics with Anatole Kaletsky, Co-Chairman of Gavekal Draganomics, David Alandete, Managing Editor of El Pais, and Torsten Riecke, Handelsblatt’s international correspondent.

Riding in a cab with Anatole Kaletsky, talking Brexit – Project Syndicate video

, 11/09/2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB1tZis11M8 Despite vastly different histories, cultures, and economies, the UK and Greece have at least one thing in common: both have provoked the ire of Brussels. Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and Chief Economist of Gavekal Dragonomics Anatole Kaletsky discuss what this means for the Brexit negotiations. Keep up to date with PS films […]

In Brussels next Saturday 9/9? Come to the Bozar to discuss with DiEM25’s finest, plus guests including President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, the Real State of the European Union

, 07/09/2017

The weekend before the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivers his official ‘State of the Union’ speech in Strasbourg, DiEM25 will be in Brussels, at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, to open the lid on the real state of our European Union; and to discuss DiEM25′ plans for 2019 and beyond. Featuring […]

DiEM25 members are voting, across Europe, for half of the members on our main coordinating committee: Democracy begins at home

, 23/08/2017


Συνέντευξη ΣΚΑΙ, με τον Γιώργο Αυτιά, για το παράλληλο σύστημα πληρωμών

, 17/07/2017

ΑΝΤΙ ΣΧΟΛΙΟΥ: Κάποτε o Άπτον Σινκλαίρ είχε πει: “Μου είναι δύσκολο να κάνω κάποιον να καταλάβει κάτι όταν ο μισθός του εξαρτάται από το να μην το καταλάβει.” [‘It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.’]

Tο DiEM25 για τα 2 χρόνια μετά το ΟΧΙ στο δημοψήφισμα

, 05/07/2017

Δείτε ακόμα: Πέντε συμπεράσματα από το Δημοψήφισμα του 2015

Why Europe is failing – video

, 30/06/2017


On Snowden, Putin & NATO

, 27/06/2017

Extracts from an event that took place on 3rd December 2016 in Zagreb’s National Theatre.

The markets will not fix themselves – interviewed by Emma Walden for FundForum

, 19/06/2017

“We have a major imbalance between savings and investment. We have the highest savings rates in the history of capitalism and lowest level of investment. You only have to state that to realise what the source of our troubles are.” Speaking at FundForum International 2017, Former Greek Finance Minister and DiEM25 Co-Founder Yanis Varoufakis sat […]

What lies behind the euro crisis, Brexit & Trump: Keynote at the FundForum International, Berlin & a discussion with Megan Greene

, 12/06/2017

Keynote at the FundForum International conference in Berlin, 12th June 2017. Followed by a discussion with Megan Greene.

Jeremy Corbyn’s night was one for the true believers. Onwards now!

, 09/06/2017

In September 2015, soon after Jeremy Corbyn’s election, I was asked to offer advice to the freshly elected Labour leader. My response was, following our experiences in Greece of defeating a resurgent, oligarchic media twice during that year: Do not get scared by the character assassination attempts of the systemic media. The systemic media will try […]

Ομιλία Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη στην εκδήλωση στο ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017

, 21/05/2017

ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ DiEM25 ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΓΗΠΕΔΟ ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017 Όπως βλέπετε, φίλες, φίλοι, σύντροφοι, ΕΜΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ… ΕΜΕΙΣ ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ Η ΜΑΧΟΜΕΝΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΑΞΙΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ! Ο απομονωτισμός δεν βοηθά κανέναν να πάρει πίσω την πατρίδα του. Όπως η κλιματική αλλαγή έτσι και η αντιμετώπιση του χρέους, των τραπεζικών κρίσεων, των […]

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