
Ραδιοφωνική συνέντευξη: Οι θέσεις του ΜέΡΑ25 για τα κόκκινα δάνεια και το ελληνικό τραπεζικό σύστημα

, 05/10/2018

Ραδιοφωνική συνέντευξη στο Πρώτο Θέμα, με τους Μπάμπη Κούτρα και Θανάση Τσεκούρα. Ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης μιλά για το ΜέΡΑ25, τα κόκκινα δάνεια και το ελληνικό τραπεζικό σύστημα.

Discussing the Labour Party’s fitness for government, Brexit et al – on BBC 2’s Politics Live

, 01/10/2018

Yanis Varoufakis and Conservative MP Ken Clarke join Andrew Neil, along with Camilla Tominey from the Telegraph and Labour’s Rupa Huq. They discuss whether Labour is ready to govern, Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit meeting with the EU’s Michel Barnier and the Salisbury poisoning suspect reported to be a Russian military officer.

Συνέντευξη Τύπου για το Εκλογικό Πρόγραμμα του ΜέΡΑ25 – video

, 18/09/2018

Το Εκλογικό Πρόγραμμα του ΜέΡΑ25 όπως παρουσιάστηκε στην ΔΕΘ την 13η Σεπτεμβρίου 2018. Δείτε ακόμα το σχετικό άρθρο “Για μια άλλη ΔΕΘ” στην Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών.

Democracy, Socialism, Europe and Scottish Independence – four clips on STV

, 05/09/2018

PART 1 – WHY SOCIALISM? Interviewer: You are meeting with Jeremy Corbyn to discuss socialism. Why? Varoufakis: Because democracy needs a healthy democratic socialist movement to be part of the political process in order to be healthy PART 2 – REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL PART 3 – DEMOCRATS MUST GET TOGETHER ACROSS PARTY POLITICAL AND NATIONAL […]

Στον Real FM, για το δήθεν “κόστος Βαρουφάκη”, που στόχο έχει την απόκρυψη του πραγματικού “Κόστους Τρόικας & Μνημονιακού Τόξου”. Κι οι ρεαλιστικές λύσεις του ΜέΡΑ25

, 28/08/2018

Στην εκπομπή του Ν.Στραβελάκη στον Real.fm, Δευτέρα 27/8/2018. Οι μύθοι για το δήθεν “κόστος Βαρουφάκη”, που στόχο έχουν την απόκρυψη του “Κόστους Τρόικας & Μνημονιακού Τόξου” και του ζοφερού μέλλοντος της μονιμοποιημένης “Χρεοδουλοπαροικία Ελλάς ΑΕ”. Κι οι ρεαλιστικές λύσεις του ΜέΡΑ25

Free Gaza now!

, 21/07/2018

No one can be free if one person is in chains, let alone a whole people. It is in the interests of all, Jews & Arabs, Europeans & Americans, Asians & Africans that the blockade of Gaza and the collective abuse of its people ends now!

Why Germany neither can nor should pay more to save the eurozone – IFO Munich Seminar, 11 June 2018

, 17/07/2018

 “I wanted a Germany that was hegemonic and efficient, not authoritarian and caught up in a European Ponzi scheme. That was in 2013.” Excerpt from the Munich Seminar. This CESifo group Munich seminar took place on June 11, 2018 in Ludwig-Maximilian University, in Munich, in the Grosse Aula of the Ludwig-Maximilian University. The euro crisis has highlighted […]

Varoufakis Says There’s an EU Crisis, Not a Refugee Crisis – Bloomberg

, 29/06/2018

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis discusses the European Union agreement on migration which he calls “a fudge” and “complete failure.” He speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.” (Source: Bloomberg)  June 29th, 2018, 2:05 PM GMT+0300

Germany has been wasting its wealth in a manner that prevents the rest of the Eurozone from earning its keep – Video interview for Mission Money, Munich

, 26/06/2018

Er galt als der große Euro-Schreck während seiner Amtszeit als griechischer Finanzminister! Doch waren die Vorwürfe von Politikern und Medien gegen Yanis Varoufakis wirklich gerechtfertigt? Im Interview mit der Mission Money vertritt Varoufakis spannende Positionen. Deutschland dürfe nicht für Pleite-Staaten haften, fordert er. Und außerdem werde Deutschland aus dem Euro austreten, wenn ein ganz bestimmtes […]

Live at ‘Politics and Prose’, Washington DC

, 03/06/2018

Yanis Varoufakis discusses his books, Adults in the Room and Talking to my Daughter About the Economy, at Politics and Prose on 10th May 2018 In his eye-opening memoir, Adults in the Room, Varoufakis, Greece’s former Finance Minister, recounts his frustrating struggle to resolve Greece’s debt crisis without resorting to austerity measures. His book give […]

On YouTube’s ‘The Young Turks’ (TYT), interviewed by Nomi Konst on Capitalism, Democracy and Crisis – 21 MAY 2018

, 27/05/2018

Nomiki Konst (TYT Politics) interviews former Greek Finance Minister and Greek Member of Parliament Yanis Varoufakis. Get ‘Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism’ here: http://a.co/eXqqRNt

At the New School, discussing ‘Capitalism and the Present Moment in History’ with Will Milberg – 7 MAY 2018

, 25/05/2018

On the day of this discussion/presentation, students and staff were occupying part of the New School as part  of a twin labour dispute: one regarding the cafeteria staff facing dismissal and partial re-employment under worse terns and a second dispute concerning low pay and lack of rights for student workers-TAs. It is in this context […]

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