
A central bank cryptocurrency to democratise money – Project Syndicate & Jordan Times

, 02/08/2021

The history of money has been the history of the struggles to control the payment system and the money tree. Today, with control over both resting in the hands of bankers, central banks’ efforts to boost business end up amplifying inequality while failing to address either economic stagnation or the looming climate disaster. The time […]

«Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα Νο.5» από τον Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου

, 10/07/2021

Χωρίς απαγορευμένες ή υπαγορευμένες ερωτήσεις. Χωρίς ταμπού θέματα ή προσυμφωνημένες ατζέντες. Συνεντεύξεις όπως πρέπει να γίνονται. Ο Άρης Χατζηστεφάνου κάνει «σκληρό μαρκάρισμα» στον Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη συζητώντας από το κίνημα BDS για το μποϊκοτάζ του Ισραήλ και το ισραηλινό απαρτχάιντ μέχρι τα ζητήματα της πανδημίας, των εμβολίων, της παγκόσμιας διάθεσής τους και της κερδοφορίας των φαρμακευτικών, […]

“La crisis se está haciendo más profunda, más tóxica, más permanente” (“The crisis is getting deeper, more toxic, more permanent”) – El Diario interview, 13/1/2018 (including the original English text of the interview)

, 15/01/2018

“Europa es exactamente lo opuesto a democracia”, asegura el ex ministro griego de Finanzas y cofundador de DIEM25, que ajusta cuentas con los protagonistas de la crisis del euro en  “Comportarse como adultos“ “El Gobierno español actuó firmemente en Bruselas contra los intereses de la inmensa mayoría de los españoles” “El bitcoin es una espléndida burbuja […]

2nd anniversary of the OXI vote & our parallel payments system: Its importance confirmed by the oligarchic press’ continuing, ritualistic distortions

, 05/07/2017

Today, on the anniversary of the stupendous NO with which 62% of Greek voters responded to a third predatory loan ultimatum from Greece’s ‘official’ lenders (the troika: IMF, ECB, EU), Greece’s oligarchic press – in cahoots with the troika itself – is hard at work in its attempt to demonise the people of Greece for having dared […]

Επέτειος Δημοψηφίσματος & παράλληλο σύστημα πληρωμών – οι επετειακές διαστρεβλώσεις της “Καθημερινής” επιβεβαίωση της σημασίας εκείνου του σχεδίου

, 05/07/2017

Επέτειος του μεγαλειώδους δημοψηφίσματος σήμερα και η τρόικα εσωτερικού κάνει, άλλη μια φορά, ό,τι μπορεί να αμαυρώσει την θύμηση εκείνης της γιορτής της δημοκρατίας νομιμοποιώντας τον παραγκωνισμό του 62% του ελληνικού λαού που τόλμησε να πει ΟΧΙ. Άλλη μια φορά, το επίσημο όργανο της τρόικας εσωτερικού, η Καθημερινή, επιλέγει την επέτειο του δημοψηφίσματος για να πείσει […]

Transparency Everywhere! My fees and the troika’s latest vilification drive

, 28/10/2015

Since my resignation from the finance ministry, in protest at our government’s capitulation to the troika, I have been spending my time and energy to transfer the spirit of the Athens Spring to the heart of Europe – to promote the urgent need to shine the light of transparency on Europe’s decision making as a […]

DIGITAL ECONOMIES: Markets, Money and Democratic Politics Revisited

, 08/05/2014

Audio and transcript of the keynote I delivered on 5th May 2014 in Seattle in the context of the CFA Institute’s Annual Conference entitled The Future of Finance. 

Digital Economies/Money

, 14/03/2014

The Internet has revolutionised the production and dissemination of information. It is a prime example of Hegel’s (and Marx’s) Dialectic at work. Of how quantitative changes lead to qualitative shifts and how technological innovations subvert prevailing social relations of production and distribution, engendering newfangled systems  via ‘creative disruption’. Of course, in the midst of any such […]

Can the Internet democratise capitalism?

, 21/02/2014

Technological fixes to time-honoured problems are all the rage these days. Bitcoin is meant to fix money, social media are seen as an antidote to Rupert Murdoch and assorted tyrants, networked robots are to help countries like Japan deal with demographic declines etc. Perhaps the largest claim is that the Internet has helped (or is […]


, 14/10/2013

POLITICS, PHILOSOPHY &ECONOMICS: Assorted posts 30 NOV 2010 – Cutting our noses to spite our faces The trouble with austerian logic is that it is grossly illogical. It does not even make sense in terms of the logic of microeconomics, let alone that of macroeconomics. 2 DEC 2010 – Antisemitism’s handmaidens I was recently sent a book that warmed my heart […]


, 14/10/2013

After the 2nd World War, and under the purposeful guidance of the United States, Europe began the process of integration which succeeded in making it possible to imagine a United Europe. For decades Europe’s elites bopped merrily across a sea of self-satisfying myths which nevertheless proved functional to the difficult task of creating the requisite […]


, 13/10/2013

Over the years, the frequency of my tv interventions has been highly correlated with the Euro Crisis’ above-the-surface intensity. This page offers links to some of them. Featured videos: The two featured videos that I selected for this page are: (a) a mini documentary on the Euro Crisis that I wrote and presented for Channel […]


, 13/10/2013

RADIO INTERVIEWS/TALKS: A list of interviews/talks follows mainly on the Crisis (global, European, Greek, Irish etc.). My numerous interviews with Doug, which have been tracking the Euro and the Greek crises for years now, present themselves as a running commentary on events in Europe since 2008. Additionally, extensive interviews on a variety of topics are included (e.g. […]

Taking stock of the Euro Crisis on the Keiser Report (video)

, 12/07/2013

I always enjoy being interviewed by Max Keiser, despite our differences on a number of issues (the merits of the Gold Standard, Bitcoin – gold’s e’reincarnation), I beg to differ from him on his hypothesis that Greece fell to a well thought out conspiracy. There was no such thing. Just a badly designed common currency […]

Are digital currencies the future?

, 26/09/2012

In today’s edition of Business Daily, a BBC World Service radio program, Ed Butler investigates digital currencies. As you will hear, my contribution was to warn that, while digital currencies are the future, the libertarian (wet) dream of an international digital-gold standard that involves no collective agency (i.e. democratically or otherwise determined government) is a […]

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