
Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process – Audio of speech, Derry, 26th January 2018

, 27/01/2018

In what was a tremendous honour, the Bloody Sunday March organising committee invited me to Derry’s Guildhall to deliver the annual memorial lecture highlighting the legacy of Bloody Sunday and linking it with Brexit and DiEM25’s pan-European campaign for democracy and shared prosperity. An audio of my talk is now available here. Afterwards, I was treated […]

Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process: Public lecture, followed by ‘In conversation with Bernadette McAliskey’ – Derry, 26th January 2018, 7.30pm

, 15/01/2018

Why ‘Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process’ ? Much like many other parts of the world at that time, the North of Ireland was undergoing a process of profound political change in the early 1970’s.  By the time January 1972 came around the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) had already been holding peaceful protests […]

Internationalism vs Globalisation – op-ed in The Globe & Mail, published as “Globalization is stuck in a trap. What will it be when it breaks free?” – 12 JAN 2018

, 14/01/2018

Back in 1991, a left-wing friend expressed his frustration that “really existing socialism” was crumbling, with exaltations of how it had propelled the Soviet Union from the plough to Sputnik in a decade. I remember replying, under his pained and disapproving gaze: “So, what? No unsustainable system can be, ultimately, sustained.” Now that globalization is also […]

The High Cost of Denying Class War – Project Syndicate op-ed, 8th December 2017

, 12/12/2017

ATHENS – The Anglosphere’s political atmosphere is thick with bourgeois outrage. In the United States, the so-called liberal establishment is convinced it was robbed by an insurgency of “deplorables” weaponized by Vladimir Putin’s hackers and Facebook’s sinister inner workings. In Britain, too, an incensed bourgeoisie are pinching themselves that support for leaving the European Union […]

A Tale of Two Faltering Unions (UK and EU); and what DiEM25 proposes in response – Address at the Oxford Guild, Oxford University, 28/11/2017 (Audio + Full Transcript)

, 04/12/2017

Yanis Varoufakis, co-founder of DiEM25, former Minister of Finance for Greece and high profile economist, academic and writer, addressed The Oxford Guild  on Tuesday 28th November in the Said Business School Amphitheatre. He discussed the state of the European Union, of the United Kingdom, the political landscape globally and the political/economic/social agenda of DiEM25 across the […]

Book review of ‘Adults in the Room’ in the Los Angeles Review of Books

, 28/10/2017

The Ins and Outs of Europe’s Deep Establishment By Stan Persky I. ONE EVENING in spring 2015, a finance minister walks into a bar in Washington, DC, looking for some insider advice. No, this is not one of those man-walks-into-a-bar-type jokes. On this occasion, the man walking into a bar is Yanis Varoufakis, the then-newly-minted finance […]

Interview for VOX with Sean Illing, occasioned by ‘Adults in the Room’

, 24/10/2017

“The alternative is a gigantic dystopia, because the way we are moving today is creating nothing but hopelessness and despair and a shrinking middle class.” Those aren’t the words of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. They’re from someone who watched his nation get hammered first by a financial crisis not solely of its own making […]

Article on DiEM25 in the Boston Globe – by Thanassis Cambanis, 29th September 2017

, 29/09/2017

WHEN THE PUBLIC is disillusioned with an entire political culture, it’s not a problem that technocrats alone can fix. But an unlikely band of Greek reformers may have an answer for an unsettled Europe — and the entire Western world. Over the last seven decades, Western Europe, with support from the United States, built a liberal […]

Adults in the Room: The Sordid Tale of Greece’s Battle Against Austerity and the Troika – by Dean Baker, Huffington Post

, 15/09/2017

Yanis Varoufakis begins his account of his half year as Greece’s finance minister in the left populist Syriza government (Adults in the Room, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux) with a description of a meeting with Larry Summers. According to Varoufakis, Summers explains that there are two types of politicians. There are those who are on the […]

Help separate truth from motivated error: My acceptance speech at Sussex University on the occasion of an honourary doctorate conferment

, 23/07/2017

On 20th July 2017, the University of Sussex conferred upon me the degree of Doctor of the University Honoris Causa. Professor Andrea Cornwall, who kindly presented me to the Chancellor and the Congregation, explained the rationale of the award: “[F]or his contribution to our understanding of the global economy, for his advocacy of an authentic internationalism, […]

A New Deal for the 21st Century – op-ed in the New York Times 6th July 2017

, 07/07/2017

ATHENS — The recent elections in France and Britain have confirmed the political establishment’s simultaneous vulnerability and vigor in the face of a nationalist insurgency. This contradiction is the motif of the moment — personified by the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, whose résumé made him a darling of the elites but who rode a wave of anti-establishment enthusiasm […]

How to build a democratic Europe in a post-Brexit landscape – interviewed for Jacobin by Doug Henwood

, 22/05/2017

Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with the EU elite over the Greek bailout, witnessed firsthand the callous mathematics used to keep the union together. Today — after OXI, after Brexit, and after Trump — he and his comrades in DiEM25 are calling for a New Deal for Europe: a plan that can stabilize the European Union and […]

Why the French left should have backed Macron in the 2nd Presidential Round – The Guardian

, 04/05/2017

In 2002, Jacques Chirac, the French right’s leader, faced Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the racist Front National, in the second round of France’s presidential election. The French left rallied behind the Gaullist, conservative Chirac to oppose the xenophobic heir of Vichy collaborationism. Fifteen years later, however, large sections of the French left are […]

Macron tried to help Greece. He deserves the Left’s vote – Le Monde op-ed

, 02/05/2017

[For the Le Monde website click here. The original article in English is posted below] A year ago, at an event at the New York Public Library, Noam Chomsky and I were asked by a member of the audience where we stood regarding the impending electoral duel between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both Noam […]

Why we support Macron in the second round – op-ed in Le Monde (English original) and DiEM25 France in Mediapart

, 02/05/2017

In today’s Le Monde I call upon French progressives to vote for Macron in the second round of France’s Presidential election. The article explains my recommendation to French voters and finishes off with the following promise to Emmanuel: “I shall mobilise fully to help you beat Le Pen with the same strength that I shall […]

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