
Goodbye, LINKE!

, 22/03/2025

In its quest to become a ‘normal’, ‘acceptable’ party, Die Linke has joined the warmongering radical centrists in their rearmament folly This past week was one for the history books. The German parliament  amended the constitutional debt brake so as to enable unlimited military spending, irrespectively of how deeply into the red it will push […]

Ukraine, Europe, China and Technofeudalism – in conversation with Cyrus Janssen

, 01/03/2025

Donald Trump has upended the narrative on the Ukraine War. But what does it mean for the future of Europe? Plus a lot more on NATO, China, the US dollar, technofeudalism and our duty to stop the Palestinian genocide while fighting antisemitism. 0:00 – Intro to Yanis Varoufakis 2:26 – Did Ukraine Lose the War? […]

Europe in the Post-Atlanticist Era – The Guardian

, 21/02/2025

JD Vance, the US Vice President, told Europeans that their values are no longer America’s values. Pete Hegseth, the US Defence Secretary, added that Europeans “can’t make an assumption that America’s presence will last forever.” Keith Kellog, Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, confirmed that Europe will not have a seat at the table […]

Europe’s Self-Betrayal: War, Austerity, Palestine and the Struggle for Peace – Munich Speech, 15-2-2025

, 21/02/2025

Friends, Germans, citizens from all over, sisters and brothers. We once had a dream. It was the dream of what Europe could have been: Not a single market, a single currency or a common budget. No, we dreamt of Europe as a Peace with Justice Project. That dream has gone, it evaporated in the cold […]

Reversing Europe’s and Australia’s slide into irrelevance & insecurity – National Press Club of Australia speech

, 14/03/2024

“Europe and Australia are facing a common existential threat: a creeping irrelevance caused, on the one hand, by our failure properly to invest and, on the other hand, by our ill-considered slide from a strategic dependence on the United States to a non-strategic, self-defeating servility to Washington’s policy agenda.” Yanis Varoufakis’s address at the National […]

Britain, Europe, the New Cold War Finance & Technofeudalism – at the Cambridge Union

, 24/03/2023

On 7th February 2023, I returned to the Chamber to discuss a wide variety of issues, beginning with a Europe-at-war, post-Brexit Britain, the New Cold War that marks capitalism’s global transition to (what I call Technofeudalism), the state of the Left in Eastern Europe and more. Thanks Cambridge Union!

The New Non-Aligned Movement and New Economic System we have a duty to work towards – Havana Address, 27th January 2023

, 26/02/2023

The War in Ukraine has sped up the division of the world into two technofeudal fiefdoms – one US dollar denominated and one Chinese yuan denominated. As the world bifurcates, class struggles within each technofeudal fiefdom, as well as between them, generate destructive forces that threaten our species survival – from a New Cold War, […]

Comradely disagreements between progressives over Ukraine & the New Cold War – Reply to Anthony Barnett

, 12/10/2022

Anthony Burnett, a friend, comrade and collaborator, just published an article in openDemocracy, a splendid and much loved source of progressive ideas and material, to which he alerted me in a mail reading: “Dear Yanis, we disagree but in solidarity!” Since Anthony’s article mentions me, along with Jeremy Corbyn, in its subtitle, here I am, […]

Why energy markets should be dismantled, especially during and after the war in Ukraine – On Democracy Now!

, 18/09/2022

We look at how the Ukraine war is contributing to an energy crisis across Europe with Greek politician and economist Yanis Varoufakis. Last week Russia announced it would not resume sending natural gas to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, blaming Western sanctions for supposed maintenance delays keeping the gas shut off. Prior to […]

Chatting with Owen Jones on Rwanda, Brexit, Keir Starmer, Assange, Melenchon, Ukraine and Paul Mason – video

, 20/06/2022

We had a lot to talk about: Britain’s deporting of refugees to Rwanda, how Boris Johnson’s ‘oven-cooked’ Brexit deal is unravelling, Keir Starmer’s dishonest leadership of the Labour party, the political situation in Spain, the revival of the French left, how the horror of the Ukraine war can end, the extradition of Julian Assange, and […]

The Peace Process Ukraine’s Supporters Should Support – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 06/06/2022

In 1943, progressives had a moral duty to dismiss calls for a negotiated settlement with Hitler. Cutting a deal with the Nazis to end the carnage would have been unforgivable. Civilized people had only one option: to keep fighting until Allied troops stood over Hitler’s Berlin bunker. Today, by contrast, it would be a grave […]

“No one can win this war. A negotiated, just peace guaranteed by EU-US-Russia is the only sane strategy” – CGTN interview

, 02/05/2022

“The global South is not sanctioning Russia, not because they support Putin but because they’ve had enough of US government hypocrisy.”

Our moral duty to Ukraine, and to each other – UNHERD (video + full transcript)

, 23/04/2022

Since war broke out in Ukraine, Greek politician and economist Yanis Varoufakis has been accused of being a Putin apologist, a “Westsplainer”, and a conspiracy theorist. But what does he really think about this conflict? Freddie Sayers spoke to him about liberal warmongering, who’s benefitting from the war, and the West’s moral duty to put […]

Saving Ukraine, dealing with Russia and the global repercussions of failing to do so – On TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin

, 23/04/2022

When economist Yanis Varoufakis last visited The Agenda a decade ago, the world was still reeling from the 2008 economic crash, which decimated the economy of his native Greece. In the years since, he ran for political office, became Greece’s finance minister, and started his own political party. Varoufakis is the focus of a new […]

Why Stop at the Russian Oligarchs? Project Syndicate op-ed

, 12/04/2022

At a time when Russian bombs are destroying Ukrainian cities, there is good reason to focus on the oligarchs supporting the Kremlin. But do American multi-billionaires and Saudi princes enjoy less political clout, stash less money abroad, and use their influence any better? ATHENS – No sooner had Roman Abramovich, newly targeted by the United […]

Putin must be given a golden bridge from which to escape – On Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman

, 26/03/2022

The only way of ending the killings, the injuries, the destruction of Ukraine and a permanent quagmire in Europe that threatens world peace, is a rational solution that will leave everybody slightly dissatisfied. “What is exactly the alternative? Is it regime change in Russia?” “Well, whenever the United States tried regime change, it didn’t turn […]

My reply to the Charge of Westsplaining Eastern Europeans

, 23/03/2022

The horrific war Putin unleashed against Ukraine has also caused collateral damage within the ranks of the left. No sooner had I, and other DiEM25 comrades (including Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein), began campaigning for a peaceful resolution of the war based on the principle of an independent but neutral Ukraine than a charge of […]

What we must do in the face of Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine – a personal view plus a heartwarming Manifesto by Russian comrades

, 05/03/2022

When a country or region is invaded, I am overcome by one duty: To take the side of the people facing troops with direct orders to violate their homes, to bombard their neighbourhoods, to destroy the circumstances of their lives. Without hesitation. Unconditionally. When I see civilians in Kharkiv or Kiyv preparing Molotov cocktails with […]

Putin’s criminal invasion, Europe’s response, America’s role – AVVENIRE interview (English version)

, 05/03/2022

Avvenire wanted to know my opinion of Putin, of his invasion, of Europe’s and America’s role, of what this war means for Europe and, of course, they wanted me to explain my support for a diplomatic solution based on the idea of an independent, free, neutral Ukraine. Here is the original English text. What is […]

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