On the state of Europe (its Economy, Treaties, Migration, Italy&Greece) – interviewed by FOTOSINTHESI
, 15/01/2024
DiEM25 was born in 2016 to counter the oligarchies that control and influence the lives of European citizens. How has the situation changed in recent years? Our mission has failed. Instead of being democratised, power within the EU has become even more concentrated and opaque. As we had predicted, because it was not democratised, the […]
Q&A on Technofeudalism – interviewed by Lorenzo Tecleme for
, 13/01/2024
In our society, large companies wield a considerable amount of power, more inequalities spread within our systems, and lobbying pervades our democracy: how is it possible that capitalism is dying as you claim? My claim is that capitalism is being killed by a new form of highly toxic, highly concentrated capital (which I call cloud […]
LA STAMPA interview on the Italian edition of ANOTHER NOW: From Marinnetti & the Sex Pistols to Hephaestus & favourite books
, 17/11/2021
On the occasion of the publication of my ANOTHER NOW in Italian (Un Altro Presente), La Stampa put to me some quirky and irreverent questions. Just in case you wanted to read them, and my answers, in the English original, here they are. Have fun! Marinetti and the Sex Pistols are milestones for Costa: is […]
On Italy & the EU after the Eurogroup of 9th April – (English version)
, 16/04/2020
The debate about the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic has already begun: what do you think is easier to happen? Will it be a momentary crisis or a crisis destined to change our economic system forever? Neither. The consequences will be harsh and will not disappear any time soon. But, it will not, on […]
The 5S-Lega Italian government is continuing the failed Renzi strategy of demanding the right to bend the fiscal rules without demanding a re-assessment of the fiscal rules – interviewed for AGI by Arcangelo Rociola
, 03/10/2018
This is the English language (original) interview with Arcangelo Rociola, published on the AGI site in Italian, on the Italian government’s clash with Brussels over its budget deficit, the plans for a flat tax (that is not flat) and a universal income (that will never be universal), the 5S Movement’s claim to the mantle of the […]
Yanis Varoufakis è un pazzo o un profeta? Il Post, 15 June 2018
, 30/06/2018
Abbiamo passato una giornata con l’ex ministro greco, che alle prossime elezioni europee vuole riunire la sinistra di tutto il continente e rivoluzionare l’Unione Europea di Davide Maria De Luca – @DM_Deluca (ANSA / MATTEO BAZZI «Avete notato come le persone cattive stiano tutte insieme? Salvini, Le Pen, Orban: insieme stanno benissimo». Mercoledì pomeriggio una piccola […]
Interviewed by Vanity Fair Italia on the new 5S-Lega government – Read the original Q&A in English
, 05/06/2018
Vanity Fair’s interviewed me on the new Italian government (see here). The complete, original Q&A follows below: So, Italy has finally a government. New Premier is Giuseppe Conte, a technician who was never elected. Do you think this is acceptable? The new government has the consent of the majority of parliament. So, it is legitimate. […]
Interviewed by Il Fatto Quotidiano on developments in Italy, Europe and Greece. Here is the original Q&A in English
, 05/06/2018
Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano interviewed me (see here) regarding the latest developments in Italy, Europe and Greece. The original Q&A (in English) follows: Greece is about to exit from the notorious memorandum, the austerity plan signed with the troika. Public finance has improved at a high price for the population as we all know. […]
Complete text of my interview with Corriere Della Sera’s Aldo Cazzullo (in English)
, 31/05/2018
Corriere Della Sera, the Italian daily, published today an interview that I gave to Aldo Cazzullo. For the published version (in Italian of course), you can visit the paper’s site here. However, the published text is a heavily reduced version of the exchange between Mr Cazzullo and myself. For those interested in the full exchange, see […]
LA STAMPA interview on the Italian election result (the original answers in English) – 9 MAR 2018
, 09/03/2018
In this interview LA STAMPA sought my views on the outcome of the Italian elections. My original answers (in English) appear below. The gist? Italy’s election result is yet another example of the political centre’s implosion as a result of the establishment’s perseverance with failed, austerity-based policies, pretending that they were the solution to our […]
“Diem25, un movimento per superare il fallimento dell’Europa” – La Repubblica
, 02/04/2017
L’ex ministro dell’Economia greco presenta il suo nuovo progetto politico: “Mi piacerebbe attrarre il maggior numero di democratici di tutti i tipi” di MATTEO PUCCIARELLI MILANO. La crisi greca non è finita, anzi. “Tsipras sta percorrendo un vicolo cieco e lui lo sa benissimo”, assicura l’ex ministro all’Economia greco Yanis Varoufakis. È in Italia per il […]
, 02/04/2017
Marzo 2017 LA FINANZA RACCONTATA DALLA SUA SCATOLA NERA Mib 0.45% Il piano del movimento DiEM25 per salvare l’Europa da se stessa: uno European New Deal, con una Banca europea di investimenti dalla quale la Bce comprerebbe i bond, uno European Equity Depository, un Dividendo universale di base al posto del reddito universale. L’ex ministro […]
Varoufakis & DiEM25 a La Gabbia Open , 28/10/2016
Stefano Fassina’s reply to our la Repubblica article on democratising Europe
, 15/07/2016
Stefano Fassina wrote the following letter to la Repubblica’s editor, in response to the article that I published in the same newspaper with Lorenzo Marsili. Over the next few days, I shall be replying to Stefano here. Meanwhile for the original version in Italian, click here. For the English language version…
On the anniversary of the Greeks’ OXI, we say NO to a retreat to leftist nationalism – op-ed in La Repubblica
, 11/07/2016
by Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili. Click here for the la Repubblica site. For the English language version…
La Repubblica: Diem25, un movimento per superare il fallimento dell’Europa
, 20/03/2016
For a copy of the (longer) interview in English, click: Original answers by Yanis Varoufakis, in English, to La Repubblica, 19 March 2016. Click here the LA REPUBBLICA site (Italian), or…
Professorship Honoris Causa, International University College of Torino – report in La Stampa
, 19/03/2016
Folla all’università di Torino per la lectio magistralis dell’ex ministro che racconta i duelli con Schäuble: «Gli dissi che le sue idee erano ottime per il Partito comunista cinese» SEPPE SALVAGGIULO, TORINO – Click here for La Stampa’s website or…
A tu per tu con Varoufakis, senza peli sulla lingua (sull’Europa e non solo) -Marcello Foa, Il Giornale
, 01/02/2016
Origina source: Visto da vicino, Yanis Varoufakis convince. Ho avuto il privilegio di intervistarlo pubblicamente a Lugano e poi di trascorrere alcune ore assieme a lui. E mi ha fatto un’eccellente impressione. Mi verrebbe dire che è un greco tutto d’un pezzo, uno spirito libero, capace di rompere gli schemi e di andare oltre le […]
Interview in Corriere Della Sera – 16 SEP 2015
, 16/09/2015
L’ex ministro greco delle Finanze: «Presto ci sarà il lancio ufficiale e una sinistra pan europea capace di offrire una politica alternativa all’austerità» For the Italian version as published in CDS, click here. But beware: The Italian text there is a summary of my answers and, in my view, offers a distorted version of my […]
Stop Greece’s fiscal waterboarding – interviewed by la Repubblica
, 05/01/2015
Interviewed today by la Repubblica. CLICK HERE (Italian version only). Or read on…
Interviewed by Thomas Fazi for ONEURO: Greece, the EUROZONE and the prospects of a SYRIZA government
, 15/12/2014
Thomas Fazi has just interviewed me for ONEURO on Greece and the Eurozone two months before a possible Greek election. To read the interview as published in Italian click here. For the Q&A in its English original…
La Grecia tradita dall’Europa: farà default – interview with F. Simonelli, for MediTelegraph
, 12/12/2014
Atene – Yanis Varoufakis, stimato economista dell’Università di Atene, ha sempre avuto opinioni fuori dal coro. Sin dall’inizio della crisi greca, nel 2010-2011, ha messo in guardia sul fatto che non si trattasse di un problema locale, ma di una crisi sistemica dell’eurozona FEDERICO SIMONELLI – DICEMBRE 12, 2014
Can Greece stand on its own feet? Interview with ADN Kronos
, 10/10/2014
As elections begin to loom in Greece, an extraordinary propaganda drive has commenced. Its purpose? To impress upon the world (with a view to swaying Greek pubic opinion) that Greece is out of the woods; that Greek public debt is (miraculously) sustainable, that the banks are back on track, that investment is beginning to flow […]
Italy, Greece and Europe after the European Parliament elections: An interview with Alessandro Bianchi
, 01/06/2014
How the current policies of the Brussels-Berlin-Frankfurt triangle are based on a propaganda campaign reflecting continuing Crisis Denial and why they constitute an attempt to create a new financial bubble – Why SYRIZA is a pro-European progressive party, in contrast to UKIP and Ms Le Pen’s FN – What should we expect of the new Italian government and why there […]