
Who was planning a coup? Tom Strohschneider in Neues Deutschland

, 20/07/2016

This article by Tom Strohschneider was first published in the German newspaper Neues Deutschland. Read the German original here or the English version on the DiEM25 site. 

Der Spiegel op-ed: Endgame for the IMF-EU Feud over Greece’s Debt

, 11/04/2016

For the Der Spiegel site click here. Otherwise… The feud between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European side of Greece’s troika of creditors is old news. However, Wikileaks’ publication of a dialogue between key IMF players suggests that we are approaching something of a hazardous endgame.

On German Moral Leadership – English version of op-ed in Sunday's FAZ

, 14/09/2015

For the published version in Sunday’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung click here. For my original English text read on…

Romantiker gegen Pragmatiker – Die Zeit

, 25/07/2015

Yanis Varoufakis erklärt in einem neuen Buch seinem Kind, warum die Griechen nichts für ihre Situation können. VON ADAM SOBOCZYNSKI (Die Zeit site) DIE ZEIT Nº 28/201524. Juli 2015  15:11 Uhr 139 Kommentare Der ehemalige griechische Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis  |  © dpa

Dr Schäuble’s Plan for Europe: Do Europeans approve? – English version of my article in Die Zeit

, 17/07/2015

On 15th July 2015 Die Zeit published this piece. Here is the original English language version.

SYRIZA intends to infuse a little rationality into Europe’s attitude toward itself – interviewed by PROFIL (Austria)

, 05/01/2015

A fresh interview offered to PROFIL (Austria) on why SYRIZA’ s proposals for Greece and for Europe are radical only to the extent that they are rational and therapeutic for the Eurozone as a whole. CLICK HERE (in German only I fear)

Has the Greece Success Story bubble burst? Interview with Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten

, 17/10/2014

In this interview, with Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachtrichten  (German Business News), I address the question of what happened in recent days in the Greek bond markets, in view of the Greek government’s failed attempt to argue that Greece is about to exit its Bailout. Regular readers may notice that I am merely repeating what I was saying […]

Interview with Der Standard: "Noch nie war Athen so bankrott wie heute"

, 25/04/2014

INTERVIEW with ANDREAS SATOR, April 25, 2014. Click here for THE STANDARD’s website or read on …

In conversation with Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur (dradio.de)

, 17/06/2013

Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur, paid me a great compliment a couple of weeks ago when he visited me in Athens and put to me pertinent, hard, questions on the state of the global political economy, on Europe, on economics etc. That interview has just been published on the dradio.de site and is […]

The Global Minotaur now in German

, 24/01/2012

It is with great joy, and some trepidation, that I received the news of the German edition of my Global Minotaur. At this delicate juncture of Europe’s ‘evolution’, the opportunity to speak directly to German readers’ perceptions of the Crisis, and in German, seems  significant.  Click here for my presentation of the book at Columbia […]

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