
Europe’s Self-Betrayal: War, Austerity, Palestine and the Struggle for Peace – Munich Speech, 15-2-2025

, 21/02/2025

Friends, Germans, citizens from all over, sisters and brothers. We once had a dream. It was the dream of what Europe could have been: Not a single market, a single currency or a common budget. No, we dreamt of Europe as a Peace with Justice Project. That dream has gone, it evaporated in the cold […]

Musk, Trump and the Broligarchs’ novel hyper-weapon – Le Monde 4-1-2025, full original English version

, 06/01/2025

How does wealth manage to persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? By merely posing his dazzling question in 1952, Aneurin Bevan captured liberal democracy’s greatest paradox. Today, in the era of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance and their Big Tech brethren, Bevan’s time-honoured paradox has only grown preposterously. […]

On the state of Europe (its Economy, Treaties, Migration, Italy&Greece) – interviewed by FOTOSINTHESI

, 15/01/2024

DiEM25 was born in 2016 to counter the oligarchies that control and influence the lives of European citizens. How has the situation changed in recent years? Our mission has failed. Instead of being democratised, power within the EU has become even more concentrated and opaque. As we had predicted, because it was not democratised, the […]

Q&A on Technofeudalism – interviewed by Lorenzo Tecleme for valori.it

, 13/01/2024

In our society, large companies wield a considerable amount of power, more inequalities spread within our systems, and lobbying pervades our democracy: how is it possible that capitalism is dying as you claim? My claim is that capitalism is being killed by a new form of highly toxic, highly concentrated capital (which I call cloud […]

Tι θα έπρεπε να κάνει η ΕΚΤ, το οποίο αρνείται να κάνει – Σχόλιο της Les Echos σε συνέντευξή μου στην Le Temps

, 20/06/2022

Με άρθρο του στη γαλλική εφημερίδα «Les Echos» ο Pierre Demoux σχολίασε την κριτική που έκανε σε συνέντευξή του στην ελβετική εφημερίδα «Le Temps» ο «αντικομφορμιστής πρώην υπουργός Οικονομικών της Ελλάδος», όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει, Γραμματέας του ΜέΡΑ25, Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης, αναφορικά με την ανακοίνωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας για σταδιακή αύξηση των επιτοκίων. Συγκεκριμένα, αναφέρει το άρθρο, […]

Unlike feudalism, techno-feudalism is born of the triumph of capital – KU Podcast-Interview

, 16/04/2022

  Along the lines on my evolving hypothesis that capitalism in the process of morphing into techno-feudalism, in this podcast I speak to two fine Finnish leftwing journalists who take me to task and interrogate me on this highly controversial idea. For the podcast’s own site, click here.

MERA25: DiEM25’s new German (!) Party is now a reality

, 27/12/2021

You may have heard of MeRA25, the first political party that DiEM25 created in Greece – and which entered Greek Parliament in July 2019. Well, true to our ambitious transnational agenda, DiEM25 took matters further: We recently established MERA25 as a… German political party that is now legally and organisationally ready and willing to contest […]

LA STAMPA interview on the Italian edition of ANOTHER NOW: From Marinnetti & the Sex Pistols to Hephaestus & favourite books

, 17/11/2021

On the occasion of the publication of my ANOTHER NOW in Italian (Un Altro Presente), La Stampa put to me some quirky and irreverent questions. Just in case you wanted to read them, and my answers, in the English original, here they are. Have fun! Marinetti and the Sex Pistols are milestones for Costa: is […]

My farewell to Mikis Theodorakis – Der Freitag

, 09/09/2021

I must have been 6 or 7 years-old when I got whiff of the significance of Theodorakis’ music. It was around 1968 when my parents warned me not to tell anyone at school or in the neighbourhood that they owned records of his – and certainly not to admit that we listened to them. “Even […]

From an imagined hi-tech rebellion to the GameStop incident: Lessons for collective action in the 21st Century – Der Freitag

, 12/02/2021

When in 2008 I heard that Lehman Brothers collapsed, and thousands of its staff were laid off, I allowed myself a fantasy. I imagined that one of the laid off financial engineers, whom for some reason I named Esmeralda, would turn into a dissident. That, incensed with the way she had been discarded by the […]

Debt is never the problem, just the symptom of a deeper drama – Interviewed by L’Humanité (French)

, 17/01/2021

L’économiste et ancien ministre grec des Finances analyse les ressorts profonds de la crise actuelle, et invite à réfléchir aux moyens de transformer l’Union européenne. ENTRETIEN. À 59 ans, il a déjà vécu plusieurs vies. Universitaire né en Grèce et formé en Grande-Bretagne, enseignant dans plusieurs pays, Yanis Varoufakis fut conseiller économique du gouvernement grec, puis accepta le poste […]

On Dutch FinMin, the Eurogroup, its President, the euro, DiEM25 and MeRA25 – Interviewed by TSF Radio Noticias

, 17/04/2020

  The Eurogroup approved a 500 billion package to fight the crisis. You recently wrote in the Guardian that The EU’s coronavirus relief deal is a gift to Europe’s enemies. Explain. To begin with, the 500 billion euros is almost entirely loans. It’s exactly what Europe doesn’t need, especially like the countries that were hit […]

On Italy & the EU after the Eurogroup of 9th April – fanpage.it (English version)

, 16/04/2020

The debate about the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic has already begun: what do you think is easier to happen? Will it be a momentary crisis or a crisis destined to change our economic system forever? Neither. The consequences will be harsh and will not disappear any time soon. But, it will not, on […]

Dann wäre morgen die Revolution – KONTEXT Wochenzeitung

, 09/02/2020

Unter Meteorologen braucht es keine Meinungsvielfalt – so lange die etablierten Methoden fundierte Prognosen liefern. In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wo die Vorhersagen “allenfalls per Unfall” richtig lägen, sei das anders, meint der Ökonom und DiEM25-Initiator Yanis Varoufakis. Wenn die herrschende Lehrmeinung die Realität nicht mehr treffend beschreiben kann, brauche es alternative Blickwinkel.  Der Einladung der studentischen Inititiative “Rethinking […]

“El ‘establishment’ y la ultraderecha se necesitan” – El Mundo

, 21/10/2019

Costa Gavras adapta al cine su libro autobiográfico en la película ‘Comportarse como adultos’ que se estrena el viernes. Yanis Varoufakis es el autor del libro en el que se basa la última película de Costa-Gavras. SANTI COGOLLUDO Yanis Varoufakis (Falero, 1961) es de los pocos ex ministros de finanzas (con o sin moto) que puede […]

Tageszeitung-TAZ: DiEM25 as the best hope for overcoming Europe’s nationalist resurgence

, 12/05/2019

Europe is in deep political crisis, and without renewal, the Union could soon fall apart. This is shown by Brexit, the strengthening of Euroscepticism in Italy, in Germany and many other countries. Many now rely on the French president as a renewal and saviour. But Emmanuel Macron is not the right person to stop the slow dying of the European […]

Der Grieche erklärt Europa – Der Spiegel

, 14/03/2019

In der Nachspielzeit, die “Tagesthemen” warten schon, darf Christian Lindner noch einmal seinen Tweet zu den “Profis” erläutern, denen die Sache mit dem Klimawandel überlassen werden müsste. Wer schlechte Zähne habe, der gehe ja auch zum Zahnarzt. [VIDEO LINK] Schon freut sich Lindner über seinen späten Punkt, da umdribbelt plötzlich Yanis Varoufakis eine bereits auf glühenden Kohlen sitzende Anne Will und taucht […]

Pour un New Deal européen – Liberation

, 14/03/2019

A l’approche des élections européennes, le Printemps européen, coalition transnationale de partis de gauche, présente un programme social et écologique pour dépasser le clivage entre populistes et libéraux. Avec des propositions concrètes : plan de transition écologique de 500 milliards d’euros annuels, Assemblée constituante, fonds citoyen financé par les Gafa…  Yánis Varoufákis pour un New Deal européen Tribune. L’Union européenne se fracture au moment précis où les Européens ont le plus besoin d’elle. […]

Debate with Manfred Weber (EPP) and Christian Lindner (ALDE) on Anne Will’s ARD show – 10 MAR 2019

, 10/03/2019

Here is a selection of what the press had to say about this debate: Berliner Zeitung: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/rnd/-anne-will–zu-europa-beatrix-von-storch-haelt-emmanuel-macron-fuer-einen–loser–32199838 BILD: https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/anne-will-in-der-ard-afd-frau-beatrix-von-storch-beschimpft-macron-als-verlierer-60594026.bild.html Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung: https://www.ejz.de/blick-in-die-welt/politik/das-establishment-in-deutschland-hat-macrons-ideen-von-europa-ldquoabgestochenrdquo_241_111679328-122-.html FAZ: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/tv-kritik-zu-anne-will-die-europawahl-und-praesident-macron-16082328.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_0 Focus: https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/bei-anne-will-als-es-um-eu-parlament-geht-argumentiert-sich-beatrix-von-storch-selbst-ins-abseits_id_10436219.html Huffpost: https://www.huffingtonpost.de/entry/anne-will-varoufakis-entlarvt-mit-einer-einfachen-frage-die-ideenlose-debatte_de_5c8602c5e4b0d93616299711 Merkur: https://www.merkur.de/politik/anne-will-lindner-erntet-shitstorm-und-rechtfertigt-sich-in-ard-sendung-zr-11841663.html NRZ: https://www.nrz.de/politik/anne-will-beatrix-von-storch-fordert-nach-brexit-dexit-lindner-und-varoufakis-zerlegen-sie-id216634089.html NTV: https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Wie-europaeisch-wollen-wir-regiert-werden-article20898891.html RTL: https://www.rtl.de/cms/beatrix-von-storch-giftet-bei-anne-will-macron-ist-ein-loser-4305832.html Spiegel: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/anne-will-europa-talk-mit-yanis-varoufakis-christian-lindner-manfred-weber-a-1257162.html Stern: https://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/-anne-will—nur-beatrix-von-storch-haelt-macron-fuer-einen–loser–8615508.html Tagesspiegel: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/medien/tv-talk-anne-will-zur-europawahl-frau-von-storch-will-sowieso-lieber-den-dexit/24087140.html T-Online: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/id_85384164/tv-kritik-anne-will-dann-ist-orban-nicht-mehr-zu-halten-.html Web.de: https://web.de/magazine/politik/politische-talkshows/anne-europa-wahl-eu-nationalstaat-33602506 Der Westen: https://www.derwesten.de/panorama/anne-will-ard-christian-lindner-attackiert-beatrix-von-storch-id216634537.html

Our Plan for a European Spring | DiEM25

, 07/03/2019

The 2008 global financial crisis — the modern 1929 crash — set off a vicious chain reaction across Europe. By 2010 it had irreparably damaged the foundations of the eurozone, causing the establishment to bend its own rules and commit crimes against logic in order to bail out its banker friends. By 2013 the neoliberal ideology […]

Radio France – L’Interview éco, 18 FEV 2019

, 19/02/2019

Yanis Varoufakis est en campagne. L’ancien ministre grec des Finances, chantre de la lutte contre l’austérité, va se présenter aux élections européennes, en Allemagne. De passage en France, il est l’invité de “L’Interview éco”, lundi 18 février. Depuis quelques mois, après des années de crise, l’économie grecque retrouve des couleurs. La croissance est de retour. Le chômage […]

“Ich bin stolz auf die Dämonisierung” – Deutsche Welle

, 29/01/2019

In der Finanzkrise zog er den Zorn europäischer Sparpolitiker und heimischer Eliten auf sich. Jetzt will Yanis Varoufakis selbst nach Brüssel. Im Interview mit der Deutschen Welle spricht er über seine Vision für die EU. Als Finanzminister Griechenlands verhandelte Yanis Varoufakis während der Finankrise 2015 – ohne Erfolg. Nach seinem Rücktritt gründete der Ökonom die paneuropäische […]

The 5S-Lega Italian government is continuing the failed Renzi strategy of demanding the right to bend the fiscal rules without demanding a re-assessment of the fiscal rules – interviewed for AGI by Arcangelo Rociola

, 03/10/2018

This is the English language (original) interview with Arcangelo Rociola, published on the AGI site in Italian, on the Italian government’s clash with Brussels over its budget deficit, the plans for a flat tax (that is not flat) and a universal income (that will never be universal), the 5S Movement’s claim to the mantle of the […]

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