
Video: Debt Crises and the World Economy, Seattle Town Hall

, 28/12/2012

On 20th November, a wonderful crowd came to Seattle Town Hall to hear me talk about Debt Crises and the World Economy, effectively a presentation of the main thesis of The Global Minotaur, suitably updated for 2012 and beyond. It was a rare occasion made possible by a crowd with which I felt a special bond […]

"We all live under the dark cloud of the same crisis" James Galbraith at Germany’s IG Metall Trades Union Congress, 7th December 2012

, 12/12/2012

There is only one crisis. The various ‘episodes’ of  US subprime mortgages, European and American banks, Greek debt, the recession of the Eurozone today, the trials and tribulations of Ireland, etc., all these are part of the very same, deeply interconnected world crisis. Pretending otherwise is fuel that gives this global crisis another lease of life, […]

Political paralysis and the Eurozone crisis: USI Web Conference

, 16/11/2012

USI (Union Solidarity International) paid me the complement, on the occasion of the Pan-European Trades Union Action against Austerity, of organising a Web Conference to discuss my take on the Eurozone Crisis. To visit their relevant webpage, click here. In the following video, I had a chance to offer an update on where we stand, […]

DESIGN DEFECTS AND POLICY FAILURES: An institutional analysis Of The Eurozone Crisis: Video of the Varoufakis-Auerback presentations, Columbia Law School

, 13/11/2012

Back in October, the Columbia Law School organised a debate on the Eurozone Crisis as part of their series Modern Money & Public Purpose 3: The Eurozone. Click below for the talks by Yanis Varoufakis and Marshall Auerback

Should the completion of the Single Market be Europe’s top priority now? Watch the video of the 90-minute debate

, 17/10/2012

Last week Intelligence Squared, Google and Youtube, with the support of the European Commission, organised a televised debate on the future of Europe using their standard debate format. The statement that was put to the audience was: Europe, wake up! We will only return to growth and prosperity if we complete the Single Market A […]

On BSkyB commenting on the troika's latest assault on Greek labour

, 05/09/2012

You may have seen the leaked letter (see below for its contents and also read the Guardian’s report on the matter), authored by the troika and sent to the hapless Quisling-like Greek government. In this interview I was given a brief ‘window’ of an opportunity to discuss its contents and general ‘philosophy’.

23 crucial days for Greece

, 28/07/2012

On 20th August, the Greek government will have to borrow 3.2 billion from one arm of the Eurozone (from the EFSF) in order to repay another (the ECB). Yet Greece is insolvent. The very idea of an insolvent entity borrowing more from a community, like the Eurozone, in order to repay that same community is […]

A technical failure foretold? My interrupted BBC TV interview on the… BBC's bias

, 20/06/2012

You may recall that on Greek election day I issued a missive to the BBC, suggesting that they recover forthwith the journalistic standards which they seemed to have dropped in the run up to the Greek election. That missive, might I add, came from a long standing friend and contributor to the BBC. Indeed, I […]

Ponzi Austerity: Interviewed on the Keiser Report

, 15/06/2012

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert interviewed me, on the Keiser Report, on my notion of Ponzi Austerity, with particular reference to Spain, Ireland and Greece. Watch the video below and let me know what you think. But before you watch it, allow me to state one disagreement of mine with Max and Stacy’s interpretation. Max […]

In conversation with Rob Johnson (INET Chairman) on the Global Minotaur, the Slump, US and Europe

, 08/06/2012

A few weeks ago, while in New York, Rob Johnson (Chair of the Institute of New Economic Thinking) invited me to their offices where we recorded a conversation on my The Global Minotaur, the true causes of the Crash of 2008, the reasons why the global economy cannot find its poise after that momentous Crash, […]

'Plotting' an economics' rebellion? Featured on Deutsche Welle's mini video documentary on the INET Berlin Conference

, 02/05/2012

During the INET Berlin Conference, April 2012, DW tv spent a day with me, compiling this mini documentary on the INET Conference in general and my involvement in it in particular. You can watch it here: click the video entitled Economists Planning a Revolution. [Those of you who have missed my INET address, and can […]

The Modest Proposal in Berlin – INET Conference, 13th April 2012

, 16/04/2012

The invitation to address INET’s Berlin Conference, and to deliver a fresh version of the Modest Proposal, gave me the impetus to revisit the latter. The extended summary below (of my INET talk) will soon spawn Version 3.0 of the Modest Proposal. Europe’s strategy for dealing with the Euro Crisis has been to ringfence, at […]

CBS’s 60 Minutes program on An Imperfect Union: Europe’s Debt Crisis. An ‘eyewitness’ assessment

, 09/04/2012

On 8th of April, CBS’s 60 Minutes featured a section on the Euro Crisis in which I appeared. Here is my account, and assessment, of it.

Θεωρία Παιγνίων

, 09/03/2012

Η Θεωρία Παιγνίων, αφού καταξιώθηκε ως η σύγχρονη θεμελίωση της οικονομικής, φιλοδοξεί πλέον να ενοποιήσει όλες τις κοινωνικές επιστήμες. Από τα μικρά προβλήματα της κοινωνίας (π.χ. το σχεδιασμό δημοπρασιών) μέχρι τα μεγάλα φιλοσοφικά μας αινίγματα (π.χ. περί Ηθικής και του ρόλου του Κράτους), η Θεωρία Παιγνίων έχει άποψη. Εντάσσει τον εαυτό της στα φαινόμενα που […]

My documentary for Channel 4: The Eurozone, the Ant and the Grasshopper

, 21/02/2012

A Special Report commissioned by Channel 4 (UK), based on an earlier post in this blog entitled Never Bailed Out: Europe’s ants and grasshoppers revisited  See also the piece I wrote for Channel 4’s website. And do not neglect to watch the full interview with Mr Robert Halver, Baader Bank’s Chief economist. It sheds plenty […]

Europe's austerian state of play, animated

, 04/02/2012

Written and produced by Irish economist David McWilliams, who deserves a round of applause. 

Two interviews on the futile PSI negotiations

, 19/01/2012

  For the second interview click here: Europe as the world’s laughing stock

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