
BBC One's Question Time, 24th September 2015 – full program

, 24/09/2015

  Yanis Varoufakis, Conservative former Chancellor Ken Clarke, Shadow Leader of the House Chris Bryant (Labour), UKIP’s Suzanne Evans and columnist/commentator Julia Hartley Brewer. See here for a review of the program by The Guardian.

On the state of the European Union – Address at the 41st Forum of The European House-Ambrosetti

, 07/09/2015

In a session entitled ‘Old and New Conflicts and Challenges in the EU’, featuring also Peter Sutherland (FT), Mario Monti and Otmar Issing, I used the unwillingness of the Eurogroup, and the troika, even to consider a document prepared by my (then) ministry  (entitled “A Policy Framework for Greece’s Fiscal Consolidation, Recover and Growth“) as a […]

Varoufakis on Schäuble – extract from Stephan Lamby's SWR-ADR documentary

, 31/08/2015

Extract from Stephan Lamby’s SWR-ADR documentary Schäuble: Power & Powerlessness in which I discuss our government’s January-June 2015 negotiating experience and aspects of my discussions with Dr Wolfgang Schäuble.

The Athens Spring lives on! Speech at Frangy-en-Bresse, with Arnaud Montebourg

, 25/08/2015

On Sunday 23th August, I joined forces with Arnaud Montembourg in Frangy-en-Bresse (or Frangy-en-Grece as it was renamed for the day!) to put forward to the people of France a simple message: There is no alternative but the democratisation of the Eurozone! For the full text of my speech click here. And for a translation in […]

Panel session “Greece’s future in the EU” Berlin (08-06-2015)

, 08/06/2015

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