
WTF happened to Europe? Speech at DiEM25’s Brussels Event (National Theatre, 7th March 2025)

, 10/03/2025

Good evening Brussels! We once had a dream. It was a dream of what Europe could have been. A Europe of shared prosperity, dignity, freedom – a Europe of Peace and Hope. That dream is now dead, lost, gone, kaput. Why? What the hell happened to Europe? We know what happened to Europe! We know […]

Reversing Europe’s and Australia’s slide into irrelevance & insecurity – National Press Club of Australia speech

, 14/03/2024

“Europe and Australia are facing a common existential threat: a creeping irrelevance caused, on the one hand, by our failure properly to invest and, on the other hand, by our ill-considered slide from a strategic dependence on the United States to a non-strategic, self-defeating servility to Washington’s policy agenda.” Yanis Varoufakis’s address at the National […]

What’s behind the Great Volatility? Audio of SSGA Zurich Address

, 26/02/2023

From the Great Moderation to the Great Crash, the Great Recession, the Great Stagnation, the Great Inflation and, finally, to the Great Volatility. What are the forces driving this 50yr dynamic? Plus an answer to: “What did the euro crisis teach us about the EU’s various debt instruments?” A lecture delivered on 24th January 2023 […]

Unlike feudalism, techno-feudalism is born of the triumph of capital – KU Podcast-Interview

, 16/04/2022

  Along the lines on my evolving hypothesis that capitalism in the process of morphing into techno-feudalism, in this podcast I speak to two fine Finnish leftwing journalists who take me to task and interrogate me on this highly controversial idea. For the podcast’s own site, click here.


, 26/01/2022

In this episode of EUROPARAMA, I answer questions regarding my sci-fi novel ANOTHER NOW posed by Giuseppe Porcaro and Alberto Cottica, from the Science Fiction Economics Lab, with  the participation of Teresa O’Connell, acting chief editor at Are We Europe – and Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, director of the European Neighborhood Council. The show is edited […]

What’s the matter with capitalism? And what alternative does ANOTHER NOW offer? Interview with CAPITALISN’T

, 26/01/2022

In this podcast, I sit down with Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean to discuss the ills of capitalism, not as an unjust system but one that is inefficient and freedom impeding. And, in the process, to discuss my novel ANOTHER NOW. Clich here to listen to the podcast.

Slo Mo: The Moment Capitalism Died. And Imagining an Enlightened Economy | Interviewed by Mo Gawdat

, 26/01/2022

  To LISTEN TO THE PODCAST, ClICK HERE Today’s guest is Yanis Varoufakis, the world renowned economist, member of the Hellenic parliament, and former Greek finance minister who’s been called the “rockstar politician who took on the EU.” This was an absolutely mind blowing conversation, and I recommend approaching it like the most enlightening and […]

How the euro divided Europe, and why countries like Bulgaria should not join – Project Syndicate, Oxford Union video & Keynote audio

, 26/01/2022

This January marked the 20th anniversary of euro notes and coins circulating. In an op-ed published by Project Syndicate I argue that the euro was an unmitigated failure even by the criteria of its architects. This is an updated analysis of a keynote I delivered a few years ago at the Oxford Union – see […]

The causes of inflation and what to do about it – Keynote at Banking Conference, Sofia 2 DEC 2021

, 26/01/2022

Invited by the Bulgarian Central Bank’s Deputy Governor, here is a keynote I delivered in Sofia, on 2nd December 2021, in which I offer a historical  explanation of the nature and causes of our current inflation – as well as a proposed policy response that would help (but which vested interests are impeding).

The State of the Global Economy under the heavy burden of twelve lost years – Keynote (audio + text)

, 21/01/2022

A keynote summing up my view that, since 2009, the world has wasted enormous resources in a bid to re-float finance and at the expense of our capacity to look after each other, and the planet, at a time humanity is facing existential threats – from climate catastrophe to war and toxic politics. My discussants […]

MERA25: DiEM25’s new German (!) Party is now a reality

, 27/12/2021

You may have heard of MeRA25, the first political party that DiEM25 created in Greece – and which entered Greek Parliament in July 2019. Well, true to our ambitious transnational agenda, DiEM25 took matters further: We recently established MERA25 as a… German political party that is now legally and organisationally ready and willing to contest […]

In conversation on the postcapitalist vision in my ANOTHER NOW – JACOBIN interview & DISSENS podcast

, 17/12/2020

State socialism has failed because of its authoritarian excesses, but the idea of ​​socialism still offers the only alternative for a viable future – says Yanis Varoufakis. In 2015, in the midst of the Greek sovereign debt crisis, he became finance minister under Alexis Tsipras until he resigned after the referendum. In the meantime, he has […]

Discussing ANOTHER NOW with Joe Walker – The Jolly Swagman Podcast

, 27/11/2020

The Triumph & Tragedy Of Capitalism – a conversation occasioned by my new book ANOTHER NOW: Dispatches from an Alternative Present Also listen on: iTunes: tinyurl.com/y5quz6nt Website: tinyurl.com/y4ekbpfv Spotify: tinyurl.com/yxmwnmh4 Show notes Selected links Follow Yanis: Website | Twitter Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present, by Yanis Varoufakis The Sovereignty of Good, by Iris Murdoch ‘Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: […]

A discussion I enjoyed hugely with Matthew Taylor of the Royal Society of the Arts on my ANOTHER NOW

, 24/11/2020

  How can a Marxist-feminist, a libertarian ex-banker and a maverick technologist help us navigate our new future? Economist Yanis Varoufakis explains all. Global crises cause big changes and reveal deep structural weaknesses. In this special interview series from the RSA its chief executive, Matthew Taylor, puts a range of practitioners on the spot – from scholars to […]

LOWY INSTITUDE: Interviewed by Alexandre Dayanton on EUROPE & THE FUTURE OF CAPITALISM

, 28/09/2020

In this episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Alexandre Dayant sat down with Professor Yanis Varoufakis to discuss Europe and the future of capitalism. Yanis is currently a member of the Hellenic Parliament and served as Greece’s minister of finance during the government debt crisis. ALEXANDRE DAYANT COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast […]

Why we need a Progressive International that must plan for today and for beyond capitalism – Keynote at the PI 2020 Summit, 18 SEP 2020

, 19/09/2020

Our era will be remembered for the triumphant march of a Twin Authoritarianism in whose wake the vast majority of humanity experience unnecessary hardship and the planet’s ecosystem suffers avoidable climate destruction. For a brief period, that Eric Hobsbawm described as the short 20th Century, Establishment forces were united in dealing with challenges to their […]

Something remarkable just happened this August: How the pandemic has sped up the passage to postcapitalism – Lannan Foundation virtual talk

, 21/08/2020

Two days ago, something extraordinary happened. Something that has never happened before in the history of capitalism. In Britain, the news came out that the economy had suffered its greatest slump ever – more than 22% down during the first 7 months of 2020. Remarkably, on the same day, the London Stock Exchange, the FTSE100 […]

How deep will the Depression occasioned by Covid-19 be? Debate on BBC World Service’s THE REAL STORY

, 20/03/2020

Coronavirus: The economic crisis – Just how bad will the downturn be and can anything be done to soften the blow? Contributors Stephanie Flanders – head of Bloomberg Economics Yanis Varoufakis – Greek economist, politician, secretary-general of DiEM25 who also served as Greek finance minister during 2015Linda Yueh – economist and author of the book: ‘The Great Economists’ […]

“We are here so that unarmed truth has the final word” – speech at Julian Assange London rally 22-2-2020

, 23/02/2020

Leaking the Guilty Secrets of Power is not a Phrase, it is a Sentence. And no one is facing a longer one today than JA. Julian has GAINED the right to quote another past prisoner, another enemy of Empire, Mahatma Ghandi. Like Ghandi Julian could say: “You can chain me, you can torture me, you […]

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