
Τεχνολογία, Χρήμα, Πόλεμος: Διάλεξη στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων

, 23/04/2022

 Η τεχνολογία, το χρέος και το χρήμα πάντα προχωρούσαν χέρι-χέρι, με τον πόλεμο να παίζει τον ρόλο του επιταχυντή της εξέλιξής τους. Σε αυτή την διάλεξη, εστίασα σε αυτή την εξελικτική διαδικασία υπό το φως των σύγχρονων εξελίξεων στην Ουκρανία αλλά και στον χώρο των ψηφιακών (κρυπτο)νομισμάτων. Σημ. Η διάλεξη κρατά 42′ και η συζήτηση […]

Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα Νο.11. Με τον Πάνο Χαρίτο

, 23/04/2022

Χωρίς απαγορευμένες ή υπαγορευμένες ερωτήσεις. Χωρίς ταμπού θέματα ή προσυμφωνημένες ατζέντες. Χωρίς την παραμικρή προσυνεννόηση. Συνεντεύξεις όπως πρέπει να γίνονται. Στο δέκατο «Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα» με ανακρίνει ο Πάνος Χαρίτος. Μιλήσαμε χωρίς περιστροφές για τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία και τις δηλώσεις μελών του τάγματος Αζόφ στην ελληνική Βουλή, για την  πανδημία και την οικονομία, τον πληθωρισμό, […]

Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα Νο.10. Με τον Χρήστο Αρβαμίδη

, 23/04/2022

Χωρίς απαγορευμένες ή υπαγορευμένες ερωτήσεις. Χωρίς ταμπού θέματα ή προσυμφωνημένες ατζέντες. Χωρίς την παραμικρή προσυνεννόηση. Συνεντεύξεις όπως πρέπει να γίνονται. Στο ένατο «Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα» με ανακρίνει ο Χρήστος Αβραμίδης. Μιλήσαμε χωρίς περιστροφές για την ενεργειακή κρίση, την ακρίβεια, την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, την πανδημία και τους θανάτους εκτός ΜΕΘ, τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία, το ΝΑΤΟ, τον […]

Discussing Crypto, the Left & Technofeudalism with Evgeny Morozov – CRYPTO SYLLABUS long interview

, 23/04/2022

Rare is the person who could expertly comment – in a single interview! – on the rise of NFTs and their origins in the virtual worlds of gaming, the logic of the emerging regime of techno-feudalism, and the folly of El Salvador’s Bitcoin-heavy negotiating tactics with the IMF. Luckily, we have found this person in […]

Our moral duty to Ukraine, and to each other – UNHERD (video + full transcript)

, 23/04/2022

Since war broke out in Ukraine, Greek politician and economist Yanis Varoufakis has been accused of being a Putin apologist, a “Westsplainer”, and a conspiracy theorist. But what does he really think about this conflict? Freddie Sayers spoke to him about liberal warmongering, who’s benefitting from the war, and the West’s moral duty to put […]

Saving Ukraine, dealing with Russia and the global repercussions of failing to do so – On TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin

, 23/04/2022

When economist Yanis Varoufakis last visited The Agenda a decade ago, the world was still reeling from the 2008 economic crash, which decimated the economy of his native Greece. In the years since, he ran for political office, became Greece’s finance minister, and started his own political party. Varoufakis is the focus of a new […]

Unlike feudalism, techno-feudalism is born of the triumph of capital – KU Podcast-Interview

, 16/04/2022

  Along the lines on my evolving hypothesis that capitalism in the process of morphing into techno-feudalism, in this podcast I speak to two fine Finnish leftwing journalists who take me to task and interrogate me on this highly controversial idea. For the podcast’s own site, click here.

The Progressive International’s forensic look into the toxic activities of the IMF – video

, 16/04/2022

An inquiry into the activities of the IMF by the Progressive International (@ProgIntl). Worth watching not just by those of us who have suffered its policies directly (Argentinians, Koreans, Greeks and now Sri Lankans, Lebanese etc.) but the Rest of the World whose majorities are suffering indirectly from the IMF’s activities.

Putin must be given a golden bridge from which to escape – On Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman

, 26/03/2022

The only way of ending the killings, the injuries, the destruction of Ukraine and a permanent quagmire in Europe that threatens world peace, is a rational solution that will leave everybody slightly dissatisfied. “What is exactly the alternative? Is it regime change in Russia?” “Well, whenever the United States tried regime change, it didn’t turn […]

My reply to the Charge of Westsplaining Eastern Europeans

, 23/03/2022

The horrific war Putin unleashed against Ukraine has also caused collateral damage within the ranks of the left. No sooner had I, and other DiEM25 comrades (including Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein), began campaigning for a peaceful resolution of the war based on the principle of an independent but neutral Ukraine than a charge of […]

Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα Νο.9. Με την Αγγελική Σπανού

, 06/03/2022

Χωρίς απαγορευμένες ή υπαγορευμένες ερωτήσεις. Χωρίς ταμπού θέματα ή προσυμφωνημένες ατζέντες. Χωρίς την παραμικρή προσυνεννόηση. Συνεντεύξεις όπως πρέπει να γίνονται. Στο ένατο «Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα» με ανακρίνει η Αγγελική Σπανού.

Putin’s criminal invasion, Europe’s response, America’s role – AVVENIRE interview (English version)

, 05/03/2022

Avvenire wanted to know my opinion of Putin, of his invasion, of Europe’s and America’s role, of what this war means for Europe and, of course, they wanted me to explain my support for a diplomatic solution based on the idea of an independent, free, neutral Ukraine. Here is the original English text. What is […]

Capitalism and Social Democracy are finished | On the David Pakman Show

, 26/01/2022

Yanis Varoufakis, author of several bestselling books including most recently “Another Now: A novel,” joins David Pakman to discuss the future of the global economy, Europe and the European Union, and much more.   Become a Member: https://www.davidpakman.com/membership Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/davidpakmanshow Book David Pakman: https://www.cameo.com/davidpakman — Subscribe to the SECOND channel: https://www.youtube.com/pakmanlive Follow David […]


, 26/01/2022

In this episode of EUROPARAMA, I answer questions regarding my sci-fi novel ANOTHER NOW posed by Giuseppe Porcaro and Alberto Cottica, from the Science Fiction Economics Lab, with  the participation of Teresa O’Connell, acting chief editor at Are We Europe – and Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, director of the European Neighborhood Council. The show is edited […]

What’s the matter with capitalism? And what alternative does ANOTHER NOW offer? Interview with CAPITALISN’T

, 26/01/2022

In this podcast, I sit down with Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean to discuss the ills of capitalism, not as an unjust system but one that is inefficient and freedom impeding. And, in the process, to discuss my novel ANOTHER NOW. Clich here to listen to the podcast.

Slo Mo: The Moment Capitalism Died. And Imagining an Enlightened Economy | Interviewed by Mo Gawdat

, 26/01/2022

  To LISTEN TO THE PODCAST, ClICK HERE Today’s guest is Yanis Varoufakis, the world renowned economist, member of the Hellenic parliament, and former Greek finance minister who’s been called the “rockstar politician who took on the EU.” This was an absolutely mind blowing conversation, and I recommend approaching it like the most enlightening and […]

Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα Νο.8. Με την Κάτια Μακρή

, 26/01/2022

Χωρίς απαγορευμένες ή υπαγορευμένες ερωτήσεις. Χωρίς ταμπού θέματα ή προσυμφωνημένες ατζέντες. Χωρίς την παραμικρή προσυνεννόηση. Συνεντεύξεις όπως πρέπει να γίνονται. Στο όγδοο «Σκληρό Μαρκάρισμα» με ανακρίνει η Κάτια Μακρή. Μιλήσαμε χωρίς περιστροφές για την πανδημία, τους εμβολιασμούς και την υποχρεωτικότητά τους ή μη, τα πρόστιμα, το Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας και το Παίδων Πεντέλης. Και, βέβαια, […]

How the euro divided Europe, and why countries like Bulgaria should not join – Project Syndicate, Oxford Union video & Keynote audio

, 26/01/2022

This January marked the 20th anniversary of euro notes and coins circulating. In an op-ed published by Project Syndicate I argue that the euro was an unmitigated failure even by the criteria of its architects. This is an updated analysis of a keynote I delivered a few years ago at the Oxford Union – see […]

The causes of inflation and what to do about it – Keynote at Banking Conference, Sofia 2 DEC 2021

, 26/01/2022

Invited by the Bulgarian Central Bank’s Deputy Governor, here is a keynote I delivered in Sofia, on 2nd December 2021, in which I offer a historical  explanation of the nature and causes of our current inflation – as well as a proposed policy response that would help (but which vested interests are impeding).

The State of the Global Economy under the heavy burden of twelve lost years – Keynote (audio + text)

, 21/01/2022

A keynote summing up my view that, since 2009, the world has wasted enormous resources in a bid to re-float finance and at the expense of our capacity to look after each other, and the planet, at a time humanity is facing existential threats – from climate catastrophe to war and toxic politics. My discussants […]

Greek government’s market fundamentalism undermines Greece’s vaccination drive – BBC World Service

, 17/01/2022

As of today, unvaccinated older Greeks (60+) will forfeit 100 euros each month. Market fundamentalism is pushing the Mitsotakis government to adopt a measure that undermines its own vaccination drive. Yet another example of how the neoliberal mindset fails to understand that the principles of demand and supply do not work when it comes to […]

On Brexit and the task of confronting technofeudalism – Interview in The Morning Star

, 03/01/2022

ONE YEAR since the final deal for Brexit was announced, it remains one of the most divisive political subjects for a generation. Perhaps unknown to most, the incendiary B-word had its genesis in the term “Grexit” — coined during tumultuous years after the 2008 credit crunch when a Greek exit from the EU was speculated, […]

MERA25: DiEM25’s new German (!) Party is now a reality

, 27/12/2021

You may have heard of MeRA25, the first political party that DiEM25 created in Greece – and which entered Greek Parliament in July 2019. Well, true to our ambitious transnational agenda, DiEM25 took matters further: We recently established MERA25 as a… German political party that is now legally and organisationally ready and willing to contest […]

Rosemary Bechler (1951-2021) – A wonderful life, a tower of intellect, a beautiful heart and the ideal comrade for all of us at DiEM25 and beyond

, 27/12/2021

“Such a relief to be working on this with you guys … all the best and sleep much better for all this classy political activity! As I will now!” That was the last email I received from her. The campaign that she referred to was DiEM25’s recent, and very successful, crusade to save the NHS […]

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