
In Perpetual Denial: Papandreou on TVO, interviewed by Steve Paikin (and responding to Varoufakis and Vaxevanis)

, 05/06/2013

George Papandreou, the former Greek PM, had a splendid chance a couple of days ago to come clean on the two fundamental errors that cost him his legacy and pushed Greece down a hideous rabbit hole: (a) Failing to acknowledge that the Greek state and banking sector was bankrupt, making preemptive haircuts essential (instead, his […]

Confessions of an Erratic Marxist: Keynote speech, Subversive Festival, Zagreb, Croatia – 14th May 2013

, 14/05/2013

To listen (as audio only) to my keynote speech at the 6th Subversive Festival (Kino Europa, Zagreb), 14th May 2013, click CONFESSIONS OF AN ERRATIC MARXIST. For the complete program click here. For the abstract as well as full text of my talk…

Taking stock: May Day video discussion with Unite Solidarity International

, 02/05/2013

The video recording of my discussion with Andrew Brady, of USI, below is for ‘true believers’ only. It is a talk from the heart about the Eurozone Crisis on the day when labour around the world heralds the obligation and asserts the right of working people to demand a re-think of the social relations governing […]

On BBC Radio 4, talking Cyprus

, 23/03/2013

Here is the audio that goes with these thoughts on Cyprus:

Gabe Newell on ‘Productivity, Economics, Political Institutions and the Future of Corporations’ – the video link

, 01/02/2013

On 30th January, Gabe Newell gave a talk at the University of Texas, Austin, with the above title. Click here for an abstract and a description of the motivation behind the talk. The video of his talk is now available below:

Video: Debt Crises and the World Economy, Seattle Town Hall

, 28/12/2012

On 20th November, a wonderful crowd came to Seattle Town Hall to hear me talk about Debt Crises and the World Economy, effectively a presentation of the main thesis of The Global Minotaur, suitably updated for 2012 and beyond. It was a rare occasion made possible by a crowd with which I felt a special bond […]

"We all live under the dark cloud of the same crisis" James Galbraith at Germany’s IG Metall Trades Union Congress, 7th December 2012

, 12/12/2012

There is only one crisis. The various ‘episodes’ of  US subprime mortgages, European and American banks, Greek debt, the recession of the Eurozone today, the trials and tribulations of Ireland, etc., all these are part of the very same, deeply interconnected world crisis. Pretending otherwise is fuel that gives this global crisis another lease of life, […]

At the Kreisky Forum: Why have Europe's social democrats surrendered to the toxic logic of current policies?

, 07/12/2012

On 5th December, I had the great pleasure of addressing a splendid audience at the Kreisky Forum, in Vienna. My theme was, surprise surprise, the European Crisis in its Global Context. Nevertheless, in view of the very special venue (dedicated to the late Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, and delivered in his former home), I was compelled to […]

Eurozone slips into recession again: Debating the causes on China International Radio

, 30/11/2012

Click below for a China International Radio debate on the Eurozone Crisis, the extent to which austerity has caused the latest slip of the currency union area into recession and what can be done about it.   Panel Discussion involving: -Cui Hongjian, Research Fellow with the China Institute of International Studies. -Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economic […]

Political paralysis and the Eurozone crisis: USI Web Conference

, 16/11/2012

USI (Union Solidarity International) paid me the complement, on the occasion of the Pan-European Trades Union Action against Austerity, of organising a Web Conference to discuss my take on the Eurozone Crisis. To visit their relevant webpage, click here. In the following video, I had a chance to offer an update on where we stand, […]

DESIGN DEFECTS AND POLICY FAILURES: An institutional analysis Of The Eurozone Crisis: Video of the Varoufakis-Auerback presentations, Columbia Law School

, 13/11/2012

Back in October, the Columbia Law School organised a debate on the Eurozone Crisis as part of their series Modern Money & Public Purpose 3: The Eurozone. Click below for the talks by Yanis Varoufakis and Marshall Auerback

Should the completion of the Single Market be Europe’s top priority now? Watch the video of the 90-minute debate

, 17/10/2012

Last week Intelligence Squared, Google and Youtube, with the support of the European Commission, organised a televised debate on the future of Europe using their standard debate format. The statement that was put to the audience was: Europe, wake up! We will only return to growth and prosperity if we complete the Single Market A […]

Audio of talk at Columbia Law School on the Causes and Nature of the Euro Crisis, 5th October 2012

, 11/10/2012

While the Columbia University technicians are preparing a proper podcast of my debate with Marshall Auerback  (held last Friday, 5th October) on the Euro Crisis at the Columbia Law School, readers can have a pre-hearing (as opposed to a preview) of my presentation. The audio is reasonable and can be heard here: YV talk Columbia […]

A 45' interview on the Global and Euro Crisis: Interviewed by Tom O' Brien

, 02/10/2012

Tom O’ Brien runs From Alpha to Omega, an excellent podcast-based blog focusing on political economics. He recently interviewed me on the Global and Euro Crisis. Click here to visit From Alpha to Omega, and listen to the 45′ interview. Or for a podcast uploaded on this site click here: 

On BSkyB commenting on the troika's latest assault on Greek labour

, 05/09/2012

You may have seen the leaked letter (see below for its contents and also read the Guardian’s report on the matter), authored by the troika and sent to the hapless Quisling-like Greek government. In this interview I was given a brief ‘window’ of an opportunity to discuss its contents and general ‘philosophy’.

23 crucial days for Greece

, 28/07/2012

On 20th August, the Greek government will have to borrow 3.2 billion from one arm of the Eurozone (from the EFSF) in order to repay another (the ECB). Yet Greece is insolvent. The very idea of an insolvent entity borrowing more from a community, like the Eurozone, in order to repay that same community is […]

Interviewed by Doug Henwood on my new position as Economist-In-Residence at Valve Software

, 11/07/2012

A discussion with Doug Henwood on why I accepted the position of Economist-In-Residence at Valve Software.  Jump to 33’40” to hear my take on the company’s anarchosyndicalist management structure and the scope for original economic research it provides. (Please forgive the poor sound quality – courtesy of a low quality skype line). See also this […]

A technical failure foretold? My interrupted BBC TV interview on the… BBC's bias

, 20/06/2012

You may recall that on Greek election day I issued a missive to the BBC, suggesting that they recover forthwith the journalistic standards which they seemed to have dropped in the run up to the Greek election. That missive, might I add, came from a long standing friend and contributor to the BBC. Indeed, I […]

Ponzi Austerity: Interviewed on the Keiser Report

, 15/06/2012

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert interviewed me, on the Keiser Report, on my notion of Ponzi Austerity, with particular reference to Spain, Ireland and Greece. Watch the video below and let me know what you think. But before you watch it, allow me to state one disagreement of mine with Max and Stacy’s interpretation. Max […]

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