Being Greek and an Economist While Greece Burns: An intimate account – MGSA Keynote 2013
, 16/11/2013
(Gonda Van Steen introduced the audience to the MGSA 2013 Conference and Artemis Leontis introduced me. The talk begins at around 10′, when the audio becomes loud and clear) The Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) kindly invited me to deliver its 2013 Keynote, at the MGSA biannual Conference held at Indiana University. I grabbed the opportunity […]
Democracy: Its trials and tribulations in the face of financialisation, crisis and technological change
, 15/11/2013
On 15th November the Department of Political Science at Indiana University kindly organised a talk on the theme of Democracy. Here is an audio of my 40 minute talk on the subject.
Does Europe threaten world recovery? Lessons for the US
, 13/11/2013
On 12th November 2013 Economists for Peace and Security convened a workshop in Washington DC to discuss Jobs, Investment and Rebuilding America: An economic and national security agenda. In that forum we heard Jason Furman, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, deliver a passionate speech in defence of social security and welfare provisions against […]
Video: Yves Leterme on the Eurozone Crisis
, 07/11/2013
Eves Leterme was one of two keynote speakers in our “Can the Eurozone be saved?” conference at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. Not only the OECD’s Deputy Secretary General but also a former Prime Minister of Belgium, indeed he was at the helm of the Belgian government at the […]
On ABC Radio National's 'Big Ideas' program: 'The Dirty War for Europe's Integrity & Soul'
, 30/10/2013
ABC Radio National’s ‘Big Ideas’ program has now broadcast my talk entitled The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity & Soul (original broadcast: 30th October, 20.05 Sydney time). [Click here for details of the lecture.] For the complete transcript click here – please note that the ABC (to fit in both the talk and the discussion the […]
On ABC Late Night Live, discussing 'The Dirty War for Europe's Integrity and Soul'
, 22/10/2013
Last night I had the pleasure of sitting in LNL’s studio with Philip Adams discussing some themes from a talk I am about to give tonight at the State Library of New South Wales on ‘The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity and Soul’. Here is the podcast:
Interviewed by Geraldine Dooge (ABC Radio National) on Greece's Wartime 'Loan' to Germany. Plus a simple proposal for killing two birds with one stone
, 15/10/2013
On Saturday 12th October, I was interviewed by Geraldine Dooge for the ABC Radio National’s program ‘Saturday Extra’ on the theme of Greek claims on Germany for wartime reparations and on a strange ‘loan’ that was extracted from the Greek government by the Nazi authorities. You can hear the interview here: Read on for […]
Game Theory: An assessment of the theory that aspires to unify the social sciences
, 10/10/2013
Audio is now available here: . Listen in conjunction with the slides available here. The talk was delvered on Thursday 10th October 2013, 12:15 to 1:30p at the Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs (SRH 3.219/3.216), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Alexis Tsipras at the Kreisky Forum, Vienna (the complete speech/address to Austrian social democrats)
, 24/09/2013
Last week, Alexis Tsipras (SYRIZA’s chair) gave a talk at the Kreisky Forum, in Vienna. In it he addressed Austrian social democrats, in Bruno Kreisky’s old residence. I post Tsipras’ speech here for two reasons: First, because it sends an interesting message to central European social democrats (Austrian and German in particular). Secondly, because this […]
Greece an "island of stability"? On CBC radio
, 14/09/2013
I live in hope that, one of these days, I shall be in a position to say something positive and cheerful upon being asked by a journalist after my views on the latest ‘Greek Success & Recovery’ story as put forward by Greece’s Prime Minister. Unhappily, I am not able to do so presently.
Global Banks as exporters of Permanent Credit Crunches to Peripheral Economies: The case of Mexico
, 05/09/2013
The speech below was delivered on 29th August 2013 at ITAM, Mexico City, in the context on a conference on planned financial sector reforms in Mexico; organised by IMEF (the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives), in collaboration with UNIFIM (a confederation of Mexican owned financial institutions). For an audio of my talk click For the text…
Taking stock of the Euro Crisis on the Keiser Report (video)
, 12/07/2013
I always enjoy being interviewed by Max Keiser, despite our differences on a number of issues (the merits of the Gold Standard, Bitcoin – gold’s e’reincarnation), I beg to differ from him on his hypothesis that Greece fell to a well thought out conspiracy. There was no such thing. Just a badly designed common currency […]
In conversation with Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur (
, 17/06/2013
Dr Stefan Fuchs, of Deutschland Radio Kultur, paid me a great compliment a couple of weeks ago when he visited me in Athens and put to me pertinent, hard, questions on the state of the global political economy, on Europe, on economics etc. That interview has just been published on the site and is […]
James Galbraith on ERT, the Fight for Greek Democracy and the Euro Crisis
, 15/06/2013
On Wednesday 12th June James Galbraith and I addressed a crowd of 2500 in Thessaloniki. After having visited the ERT’s Thessaloniki headquarters, were we had the honour and privilege of talking to ERT employees and the crowd of people that had gathered in support of public media, we walked over to the Vellidio Expo Centre […]
In Perpetual Denial: Papandreou on TVO, interviewed by Steve Paikin (and responding to Varoufakis and Vaxevanis)
, 05/06/2013
George Papandreou, the former Greek PM, had a splendid chance a couple of days ago to come clean on the two fundamental errors that cost him his legacy and pushed Greece down a hideous rabbit hole: (a) Failing to acknowledge that the Greek state and banking sector was bankrupt, making preemptive haircuts essential (instead, his […]
Confessions of an Erratic Marxist: Keynote speech, Subversive Festival, Zagreb, Croatia – 14th May 2013
, 14/05/2013
To listen (as audio only) to my keynote speech at the 6th Subversive Festival (Kino Europa, Zagreb), 14th May 2013, click CONFESSIONS OF AN ERRATIC MARXIST. For the complete program click here. For the abstract as well as full text of my talk…
Taking stock: May Day video discussion with Unite Solidarity International
, 02/05/2013
The video recording of my discussion with Andrew Brady, of USI, below is for ‘true believers’ only. It is a talk from the heart about the Eurozone Crisis on the day when labour around the world heralds the obligation and asserts the right of working people to demand a re-think of the social relations governing […]
On BBC Radio 4, talking Cyprus
, 23/03/2013
Here is the audio that goes with these thoughts on Cyprus:
Gabe Newell on ‘Productivity, Economics, Political Institutions and the Future of Corporations’ – the video link
, 01/02/2013
On 30th January, Gabe Newell gave a talk at the University of Texas, Austin, with the above title. Click here for an abstract and a description of the motivation behind the talk. The video of his talk is now available below:
Video: Debt Crises and the World Economy, Seattle Town Hall
, 28/12/2012
On 20th November, a wonderful crowd came to Seattle Town Hall to hear me talk about Debt Crises and the World Economy, effectively a presentation of the main thesis of The Global Minotaur, suitably updated for 2012 and beyond. It was a rare occasion made possible by a crowd with which I felt a special bond […]
Greek tv interview on the Crisis in Retrospect (only available in Greek)
, 13/12/2012
Skai TV Ευθέως show; a Greek variant of Hard Talk
"We all live under the dark cloud of the same crisis" James Galbraith at Germany’s IG Metall Trades Union Congress, 7th December 2012
, 12/12/2012
There is only one crisis. The various ‘episodes’ of US subprime mortgages, European and American banks, Greek debt, the recession of the Eurozone today, the trials and tribulations of Ireland, etc., all these are part of the very same, deeply interconnected world crisis. Pretending otherwise is fuel that gives this global crisis another lease of life, […]