Finance Ministry slows blogging down but ends it not
, 27/01/2015
The time to put up or shut up has, I have been told, arrived. My plan is to defy such advice. To continue blogging here even though it is normally considered irresponsible for a Finance Minister to indulge in such crass forms of communication. Naturally, my blog posts will become more infrequent and shorter. But […]
Of Loss and Retrieval – latest and last article in WdW Review
, 27/01/2015
Photo of an unknown boy, which we can imagine to have been Kostas, who went missing in 1992 during the evacuation of ethnic Greek refugees from Smyrna. Image courtesy of Red Cross Archive, Greece. This is my eighth and, for the time being, final article for Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary […]
Biblical economics leave everybody blind and toothless – Interviewed by Johanna Jaufer
Am Sonntag wählt Griechenland ein neues Parlament. In den Umfragen liegt das Linksbündnis SYRIZA an erster Stelle. Die Partei rund um Alexis Tsipras wirbt mit der Ankündigung, sich um einen Schuldenerlass für Griechenland zu bemühen. Schon lange informeller Berater der Partei, ist der Ökonom Yanis Varoufakis seit kurzem offizieller Kandidat und wird immer wieder als [...] , 25/01/2015
On the consequences of Mr Draghi’s impending QE announcement – in THE ECONOMIST
, 22/01/2015
Jan 20th 2015, 14:10 BY YANIS VAROUFAKIS | UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Yanis Varoufakis is a professor of economic theory at the University of Athens and Syriza parliamentary candidate in the general election on 25th January. In November he outlined a plan to revive the euro-zone economy. Here he discusses quantitative easing in the euro zone.
«La Grèce peut forcer l’Europe à changer» – La Tribune
, 21/01/2015
INTERVIEWYanis Varoufakis is a candidate for Syriza to the 25 January elections in Greece. (Credit: Reuters) Interview by Romaric Godin, Athens | 01/20/2015, 1:16 p.m. – 2597 words Yanis Varoufakis, economist and author of “Minotaur Planetary” is a candidate for the party of the radical left Syriza in the elections of January 25. He explains […]
Radio interview: Greek austerity before the 25th January General Election
, 20/01/2015
Η ΓΕΝΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΝΗΜΟΝΙΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ – Βίντεο της συζήτησης στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής, 16/1
, 17/01/2015
Παρακολουθείστε την συζήτηση που είχαμε με τον Νίκο Ξυδάκη, τον Μπάμπη Παπαδημητρίου και το κοινό για την ΓΕΝΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΝΗΝΟΝΙΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και, βεβαίως, για την διαπραγμάτευση που έρχεται.
The world economy post-2008 – Interviewed by the Institute of Regulation & Risk
, 14/01/2015
Since the demise of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and ensuing great financial crisis (GFC), it would seem rather obscenely that central bankers and monetary policy has been obsessed with “deflation”, rather than remedying the actual causes of the crisis itself. Is this a fair analysis?
Βαρουφάκης vs Λαζαρίδης στον ΣΚΑΙ (βίντεο)
, 14/01/2015
«Πιο επίσημα δεν μπορεί να χρεωκοπήσει η χώρα από την πυροδότηση των CDS» είπε ο οικονομολόγος και υποψήφιος με τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στη Β’ Αθήνας, Γ. Βαρουφάκης, στον κ. Χρ. Λαζαρίδη που ισχυρίστηκε ότι «η χώρα δεν χρεωκόπησε επίσημα» και πρόσθεσε το εξής παράδειγμα «είναι σαν να έχεις τρακάρει το αυτοκίνητό σου, να σου έχει πληρώσει […]
“Greece will neither want to leave the euro nor threaten to do so” Interview with J. LUIS MARTIN in OpenDemocracy
, 13/01/2015
(Click here for the OpenDemocracy site) YANIS VAROUFAKIS and J. LUIS MARTIN 12 January 2015
Why I am running for a parliamentary seat on SYRIZA’s ticket
, 09/01/2015
Critical engagement is a form of praxis. But there comes a time when, to retain its relevance, critical thinking must transform itself into direct political action.
Stop Greece’s fiscal waterboarding – interviewed by la Repubblica
, 05/01/2015
Interviewed today by la Repubblica. CLICK HERE (Italian version only). Or read on…
SYRIZA intends to infuse a little rationality into Europe’s attitude toward itself – interviewed by PROFIL (Austria)
, 05/01/2015
A fresh interview offered to PROFIL (Austria) on why SYRIZA’ s proposals for Greece and for Europe are radical only to the extent that they are rational and therapeutic for the Eurozone as a whole. CLICK HERE (in German only I fear)
Greek and European prospects for 2015 – Interview in L’Antidiplomatico
, 01/01/2015
Interviewed by Alessandro Bianchi on Greece and Europe in the run up to the Greek general election of 25th January 2015 Click here for the L’Antidiplomatico site or, for the English original,…
Interviewed by Thomas Fazi for ONEURO: Greece, the EUROZONE and the prospects of a SYRIZA government
, 15/12/2014
Thomas Fazi has just interviewed me for ONEURO on Greece and the Eurozone two months before a possible Greek election. To read the interview as published in Italian click here. For the Q&A in its English original…
Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century from a Marxist Perspective – audio
, 14/12/2014
On 6th December, I was kindly invited by the editorial board of Science & Society (the oldest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship worldwide) to deliver a keynote to its Editorial Board’s Annual Meeting. My talk was based on a recent critical review of Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century which can be read here. To listen […]
La Grecia tradita dall’Europa: farà default – interview with F. Simonelli, for MediTelegraph
, 12/12/2014
Atene – Yanis Varoufakis, stimato economista dell’Università di Atene, ha sempre avuto opinioni fuori dal coro. Sin dall’inizio della crisi greca, nel 2010-2011, ha messo in guardia sul fatto che non si trattasse di un problema locale, ma di una crisi sistemica dell’eurozona FEDERICO SIMONELLI – DICEMBRE 12, 2014
Ten questions on Greece & SYRIZA, with ten answers – Q&A with Jorge N. Rodrigues
, 11/12/2014
(For the Portuguese language version of this interview, click here. Otherwise read on…)