
EBS Summit: panel on Structural Reform – 05-05-2015

, 05/05/2015


A New Deal for Greece – a Project Syndicate Op-Ed

, 24/04/2015

For the Project Syndicate page click here. ATHENS – Three months of negotiations between the Greek government and our European and international partners have brought about much convergence on the steps needed to overcome years of economic crisis and to bring about sustained recovery in Greece. But they have not yet produced a deal. Why? […]

Varoufakis and Tsakalotos on the Eurozone institutions and bank bailouts – INET-OECD April 9th 2015

, 13/04/2015

Two SYRIZA ministers for the price of one! Here you can find audio of our talks at the INET-OECD 9th April conference on the subject of ‘Eurozone institutions during the bank bailout negotiations’. Yanis Varoufakis’ talk below Euclid Tsakalotos talk below

Presenting an agenda for Europe at AMBROSETTI (Lake Como, 14th March 2015)

, 15/03/2015

Dear All, Ministerial duties have impeded my blogging of late. I am now breaking the silence since I have just given a talk that combines my previous work with my current endeavours. Here is the text of the talk I gave this morning at the Ambrosetti Conference on the theme of ‘An Agenda for Europe’. Long time […]


, 31/01/2015

As a fan of the BBC, I must say I was appalled by the depths of inaccuracy in the reporting underpinning this interview (not to mention the presenter’s considerable rudeness). Still, and despite the cold wind on that balcony, it was fun!

Talking to Phillip Adams, on the ABC’s LNL

, 29/01/2015

On my first day on the ‘job’, as Greece’s Finance Minister, I took a few minutes off to talk to my favourite voice and intellect on the wireless. 

Finance Ministry slows blogging down but ends it not

, 27/01/2015

The time to put up or shut up has, I have been told, arrived. My plan is to defy such advice. To continue blogging here even though it is normally considered irresponsible for a Finance Minister to indulge in such crass forms of communication. Naturally, my blog posts will become more infrequent and shorter. But […]

Of Loss and Retrieval – latest and last article in WdW Review

, 27/01/2015

Photo of an unknown boy, which we can imagine to have been Kostas, who went missing in 1992 during the evacuation of ethnic Greek refugees from Smyrna. Image courtesy of Red Cross Archive, Greece. This is my eighth and, for the time being, final article for Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary […]

Biblical economics leave everybody blind and toothless – Interviewed by Johanna Jaufer

, 25/01/2015

Am Sonntag wählt Griechenland ein neues Parlament. In den Umfragen liegt das Linksbündnis SYRIZA an erster Stelle. Die Partei rund um Alexis Tsipras wirbt mit der Ankündigung, sich um einen Schuldenerlass für Griechenland zu bemühen. Schon lange informeller Berater der Partei, ist der Ökonom Yanis Varoufakis seit kurzem offizieller Kandidat und wird immer wieder als [...]
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