
An Agenda for a Democratic, Recovering Europe: At the European House of Ambrosetti, 9th April 2016

, 13/04/2016

This panel, organised by the House of Ambrosetti (Cernobbio), included: Martin Wolf (Chair), Jyrki Katainejn (Vice President of the European Commission), Yves Mersch (ECB Executive Board Member), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25), Jens Spahn (State Minister, Finance Ministry, Germany)

Answering a Slovenian journalist's questions on the Athens Spring

, 11/04/2016

When Syriza won the elections in Greece in January 2015, the Slovenian right wing leader, obviously afraid that Slovenia’s New Left could follow its steps, said: Luckily this experiment will fail in Greece and will not be put into practice in Slovenia. Any comment?

Der Spiegel op-ed: Endgame for the IMF-EU Feud over Greece’s Debt

, 11/04/2016

For the Der Spiegel site click here. Otherwise… The feud between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European side of Greece’s troika of creditors is old news. However, Wikileaks’ publication of a dialogue between key IMF players suggests that we are approaching something of a hazardous endgame.

Telegraph profile – by Mick Brown

, 10/04/2016

For The Telegraph site, click here. Otherwise… ‘Europe is too important to be left to its clueless rulers’

On BBC Radio 4’s, Start of the Week, with Andrew Marr and friends

, 05/04/2016


Lectio Magistralis (video) & Ugo Mattei on Varoufakis as economist – University of Torino

, 25/03/2016

Click here to watch the video of the Lectio Magistralis entitled: DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE – The Political Economics of an Epic Struggle. March 17, Torino, Italy. Professor Ugo Mattei’s eulogy follows below. From Abstraction to Phenomenology in Social Theory: Yanis Varoufakis the Economist di UGO MATTEI.* We are here to honor a great economist a very successful academic, […]

QUARTZ Magazine – DiEM25’s plan to save the European Union from itself

, 24/03/2016

[Click here for the Quartz site] After years of economic turmoil, a near-Grexit, a looming Brexit, and a refugee crisis that challenges the very principle of open borders, it’s safe to say that the European Union is struggling. According to Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s unforgettable former minister of finance, the only way to stop the EU’s […]

DiEM25 in Italy – watch video and sign the Transparency Petition

, 23/03/2016

ROME, 23rd March 2016 DiEM25 in Italy was launched, along with DiEM25’s TRANSPARENCY IN EUROPE, NOW! campaign. Watch the video below, join DiEM25 and sign the TRANSPARENCY IN EUROPE, NOW! petition!

La Repubblica: Diem25, un movimento per superare il fallimento dell’Europa

, 20/03/2016

For a copy of the (longer) interview in English, click:  Original answers by Yanis Varoufakis, in English, to La Repubblica, 19 March 2016. Click here the LA REPUBBLICA site (Italian), or…

Professorship Honoris Causa, International University College of Torino – report in La Stampa

, 19/03/2016

Folla all’università di Torino per la lectio magistralis dell’ex ministro che racconta i duelli con Schäuble: «Gli dissi che le sue idee erano ottime per il Partito comunista cinese» SEPPE SALVAGGIULO, TORINO – Click here for La Stampa’s website or…

L’Union européenne est en train de s’écrouler – L’ Echo

, 14/03/2016

L’ancien ministre grec des Finances Yanis Varoufakis est désormais à la tête d’un mouvement paneuropéen qui veut agir pour plus de démocratie et de transparence. Publicité

Salmond’s ‘big mistake’ – in The Sunday Times

, 14/03/2016

The former Greek minister says that the stance on sterling was a serious strategic error in the fight for independence, writes Michael Glackin. Click here.

Guardian Live | Europe, austerity and the threat to global stability with Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas & Tariq Ali

, 08/03/2016

Thursday 7 April 2016, 7pm–8.30pm, Emmanuel Centre, London, SW1P 3DW Has the EU lost sight of its original purpose? Critics argue that agreements such as TTIP illustrate just how undemocratic the EU has become. Are weaker nations paying the debt of a financial crash which they did not cause? Has the EU been reduced to a […]

Why Britain should STAY in the EU – LSE blogs

, 08/03/2016

In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis discusses the launch of his new ‘Democracy in Europe’ movement (DiEM25), the UK’s upcoming referendum on EU membership, and why a surge of democracy is needed to prevent the EU from sliding toward disintegration.

The Irish have rejected 'dead-end', troika-inspired policies – comment in The IRISH TIMES

, 27/02/2016

Old Regime is Dead. But the New Regime is Struggling to Be Born Click here for the Irish Times site. By Damian Mac Con Uladh Ireland has rejected the policies of Fine Gael Minister for Finance.  Ireland has rejected Fine Gael and Labour’s “dead-end policies” and Michael Noonan’s “cynical” pledge to renegotiate cuts to Ireland’s banking […]

DiEM25 and the mission to save Europe – in conversation with euronews’ Isabelle Kumar

, 24/02/2016

To watch the interview on the euronews site, click here : Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis locked horns with the European establishment, and ultimately had to stand down. But now the bad boy of European politics is back with a vengeance – launching DiEM25 a new pan-European movement that he says aims to bring democracy […]

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