
Lecture on the occasion of the award of an Honorary Professorship in Political Economy, University of Sydney

, 25/05/2016

‘Political Economy: The Social Sciences’ Red Pill’ This is the video recording of the event surrounding the appointment of Yanis Varoufakis as an Honorary Professor within the Department of Political Economy at the University of Sydney. Many thanks to all the participants for making it such a special event! Click here for the University of Sydney, Political Economy Department, […]

Has consumerism milked democracy dry? On ABC Radio National

, 21/05/2016

This conversation, on ABC RN’s ‘Minefield’, with Scott Stevens and Waleed Aly, was broadcast on 19th May 2016 – click here for the ABC’s website. Or…

Talking Europe & Greece – VICE interview

, 15/05/2016

The interview with Yohann Koshy (April 21, 2016) can be read on VICE’s site here. Otherwise…

Review of my talk "Basic Income is a Necessity" – examiner.com

, 13/05/2016

Click here for the examiner.com site Yanis Varoufakis’ amazing reframe of Basic income Yanis Varoufakis produced half-hour video presentation and question-and-answer session. It was an address for the Future of Work Conference, in Zurich, Switzerland, 5th May 2016, at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. In this presentation Yanis Varoufakis, totally reframes the concept of how wealth […]

Technical change turns Basic Income into a necessity

, 12/05/2016

Addressing the Future of Work conference, Zurich, 5th May 2016, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute

On Reuters with Rob Cox, global editor of Breakingviews

, 10/05/2016

Yanis Varoufakis joins Rob Cox, global editor of Breakingviews, to talk about his new book, ”And the Weak Suffer What They Must?”, the state of the EU, and the implications of a potential Brexit and Trump presidency. To watch the video click the image above – or just here. For audio only click below

DiEM25's Vienna Assembly on Europe's Duty to Refugees, on Europe's duty to itself

, 09/05/2016

On 5th May 2016, DiEm25 went to Vienna, the scene where the scandalous decisions regarding border closures motivated by a ‘moral panic’ over the refugees, were taken. The people of Vienna embraced our event with splendid warmth, generosity and enthusiasm. You can watch the event in two parts (click above) and you can catch glimpses of […]

On CNN, discussing Greece and its creditors with Fareed Zakaria

, 08/05/2016

How Greece was turned into a permanent debt-deflationary trap through unsustainable extend-and-pretend bailout loans. And how difficult it was to negotiate with creditors who do not really care about getting their money back. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE OR CLICK HERE.

In conversation with Noam Chomsky, at the New York Public Library

, 03/05/2016

 On 26th April 2015, I had the immense privilege of appearing at the New York Public Library with Noam Chomsky. Amongst other topics, we discussed Bernie Sanders, Greece, Europe, capitalism, the state of economic doctrine and, of course, DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement that Noam recently joined. My deepest gratitude to the good people […]

Interview by Nuit Debout's own social media

, 22/04/2016

Published on Apr 16, 2016   Yanis Varoufakis sur TVDebout, interviewé par l’AlterJT ! Lors de la Nuit Debout, L’Alter JT a rencontré Yanis Varoufakis, ex- ministre grec et fondateur du mouvement DIEM 25.

Owen Jones meets Yanis Varoufakis | 'Europe is staring into the abyss'

, 16/04/2016

This interview-discussion was recorded at Union Chapel, Islington, on 7th April 2016

Is Finance Fit To Purpose?

, 14/04/2016

Yanis Varoufakis speaking at John McDonnell’s Economic Lecture Series Event, City of London, 30th March 2016

My statement on the Jan Böhmermann case

, 14/04/2016

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