On homelessness, street papers & Brexit – in The Big Issue
, 20/07/2016
Yanis Varoufakis on the consequences of Brexit – and why homelessness in Greece is set to rapidly escalate Click here for The Big Issue site or…
Who was planning a coup? Tom Strohschneider in Neues Deutschland
, 20/07/2016
This article by Tom Strohschneider was first published in the German newspaper Neues Deutschland. Read the German original here or the English version on the DiEM25 site.
Stefano Fassina’s reply to our la Repubblica article on democratising Europe
, 15/07/2016
Stefano Fassina wrote the following letter to la Repubblica’s editor, in response to the article that I published in the same newspaper with Lorenzo Marsili. Over the next few days, I shall be replying to Stefano here. Meanwhile for the original version in Italian, click here. For the English language version…
Advice to the Australian PM for his next term – from eight of us, courtesy of ABC Radio National
, 13/07/2016
As Malcolm Turnbull prepares to return to Canberra to take the reins of government again, ABC Radio National has compiled eight pieces of advice on how he should approach his next term. The advice comes from: Ian Thorpe, Ursula Yovich, Yanis Varoufakis, Bill Crews, Toni Powell, Guy Warren, Karl Kruszelnicki and Inga Simpson
On the anniversary of the Greeks’ OXI, we say NO to a retreat to leftist nationalism – op-ed in La Repubblica
, 11/07/2016
by Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili. Click here for the la Repubblica site. For the English language version…
ONLY EUROPE’S RADICALS CAN SAVE THE EU – Newsweek op-ed on the Spanish election outcome
, 08/07/2016
Podemos suffered in the Spanish elections because it lacked a defining European agenda. BY YANIS VAROUFAKIS ON 7/8/16 AT 4:19 PM – click here for the Newsweek site or…
On Brexit, the EU’s slide into crisis & the need for a pan-European democratic alternative- on ABC’s LNL with Phillip Adams , 29/06/2016
Full transcript of the Yanis Varoufakis | Noam Chomsky NYPL discussion
, 28/06/2016
The full transcript of my discussion with Noam Chomsky at the New York Public Library (26th April 2016) was just sent to me by Kelly Patrick Gerling. I thank him profusely. Here it is, just below the video window April 26, 2016, LIVE from the New York Public Library,, Celeste Bartos Forum YANIS VAROUFAKIS: Good evening, we don’t have anyone […]
Financialisation, politics & the future of socialism: A conversation in Seattle with Casey Jaywork
, 26/06/2016
In April 2016, in the context of a talk I gave in Seattle’s City Hall, Casey Jaywork (of the Seattle Weekly) and I had this conversation. For Casey’s site click here. Or…
On the human penchant for art & science: Brian Eno & Yanis Varoufakis in conversation
, 26/06/2016
This conversation, moderated by David McWilliams, took place on 17th May 2016, at the Dalkey Book Festival. Its theme? Why humans have a need for art and what is the difference/similarity between art and science. Plus a little politics thrown in for good measure.
Mantener la unidad de la izquierda de manera progresista y eficaz -Pú
, 26/06/2016
Lecciones desde Grecia y España Yanis Varoufakis Economista y exministro de Finanzas de Grecia La experiencia de Syriza pesa en la conciencia colectiva de la izquierda europea. Es importante que aprendamos de esta experiencia y resurjamos más unidos, progresistas y eficaces en la tan apremiante como necesaria consecución de una agenda paneuropea humanista.
Brexit and Spain: Interviewed by El Diario
, 25/06/2016
24/06/2016 – 20:27h Yanis Varufakis en la redacción de en una foto de archivo Yanis Varufakis, exministro de Finanzas de Grecia, nos atiende desde Roma en un día en el que su teléfono no para de sonar con periodistas de todo el mundo recabando su opinión. Su movimiento DiEM25 está enfocado a lograr […]
Brexit won’t shield Britain from the horror of a disintegrating EU
, 25/06/2016
Bringing democrats together across borders is needed now to prevent a slide into a xenophobic, 1930s-like abyss Click here for The Guardian site or… Yanis Varoufakis
A discussion worth revisiting at this historic post-Brexit juncture
, 24/06/2016
Today is a historic day. Post-Brexit the EU is entering a new, furious phase of disintegration. DiEM25’s initial response can be read here. Tomorrow I sum up my reaction in two articles (one in The Guardian and one in Project Syndicate – plus a Greek one in Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών). Till then I think it useful […]
Mr Stournaras’ New Deal: Too late, too cynical
, 14/06/2016
In April 2015 I was vilified for refusing to bow to the troika’s demands for a ridiculously high 3.5% primary surplus and for countering the creditors’ failed ‘program’ with a growth plan dubbed A New Deal for Greece. Not only was I vilified by the troika but I had to deal with a Governor of the […]
Six economists on Brexit – interviews by Vikas Shah
, 13/06/2016
By: Professor Vikas S. Shah, Thought Economics June 11th, 2016 – Download this paper as a PDF here , or click here for the original site at On June 23, 2016 the people of the United Kingdom will be asked the single most important political question in modern history, “Should the United Kingdom remain a member […]
Spanish election campaign begins (and so does the smear campaign)
, 10/06/2016
Yes, the Spanish general election campaign has begun and the forces of regression have chosen to begin their smear campaign by targeting Ada Colau, the Mayor of Barcelona and one of DiEM25 initiators. The charge? That she spent local government money to bring me to Barcelona. Of course, that this is a lie does not concern the […]
Why DiEM25? And why the Spanish election offers hope for Europe , 09/06/2016
Interview in El Confidencial on Europe & the Spanish election
, 07/06/2016
Οn contemporary capitalism’s preposterous reversal of the truth
, 07/06/2016
Thanks to Mark Carrigan for posting this (based on this article in The Guardian). “This isn’t a new idea” writes Mark,”but I’ve rarely encountered it expressed so concisely: The idea that individuals create wealth and that all governments do is come along and tax them is what Varoufakis calls “a preposterous reversal of the truth”. “There […]
Zizek’s & Varoufakis’ ‘Dear Britain’ letters, in DiEM25’s spirit
, 07/06/2016
A few weeks ago, The Guardian asked a number of authors to write an intimate letter to… Britain (Dear Britain,…) explaining why we want ‘her’ to stay in the EU. Here are two of those letters, written by two DiEM25 initiators: Slavoj Žižek and yours truly
The radical case for the UK to stay in the EU – London DiEM25 event, 28th May 2016
, 06/06/2016
On 28th May, a landmark event took place in London – the largest event presenting the radical, progressive case for Britain to stay in the EU. Speakers included Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas MP, John McDonnell (MP and Shadow Chancellor) and many others. At the end of the event, all speakers signed THE LONDON DECLARATION. For full […]