
LE PARISIEN – Varoufakis : «Macron est excellent sur la forme, mais décevant sur le fond»

, 17/02/2018

L’ex-ministre grec des Finances veut lutter contre la pauvreté de façon «concertée» en Europe. L’ancien ministre grec des Finances, Yanis Varoufakis, fait le tour de l’Europe à la recherche d’alliés pour proposer un programme de gauche aux élections européennes de 2019. Vous voulez avoir des listes avec un label commun dans tous les pays pour les élections […]

Did the judge who refused to withdraw Julian Assange’s arrest warrant labour under a gigantic conflict of interest?

, 15/02/2018

“I find arrest is a proportionate response.” That was the judgement delivered in court last Tuesday by Judge Emma Arbuthnot, presiding over the case brought to court by Julian Assange’s lawyers. Their argument had been that the warrant for his arrest ought to be withdrawn because arresting him (after the extradition request from Sweden had […]

And the name of DiEM25’s Greek political party is…

, 14/02/2018

We have white smoke! DiEM25’s members overwhelmingly approved the name of our new Greek electoral wing – the political party with which DiEM25 will contest elections in Greece, returning the spirit of the Greek Spring to the place of its birth. As with all major DiEM25 decisions, members voted from across Europe, confirming once again […]

Support constructive, responsible, realistic disobedience in Greece. Support DiEM25’s new political party in Greece

, 12/02/2018

For two years now, DiEM25 has been preserving the spirit of the Greek Spring of 2015 across Europe. Now, as we are preparing to present our progressive program to Europeans across the Union, via the ballot box, the time has come to found the Greek DiEM25 affiliate political party that will return the spirit of […]

The good and the ugly interpretations of the recent stock exchange route in less than four minutes (audio)

, 10/02/2018

This is an extract from a speech at the ‘Alternative Investment Forum’ on 9th February 2018.

Συνέντευξη εφ’ όλης της ύλης στην Αγλαΐα Κυρίτση & στον Μιχάλη Σιάχο, για το asfalistiko.gr

, 01/02/2018

Ρεβανσισμός με πολλές στοχεύσεις Η συνέντευξη ξεκίνησε με αναφορά στο τελευταίο πολυνομοσχέδιο που ψηφίστηκε από τη Βουλή με τα προαπαιτούμενα της τρίτης αξιολόγησης. «Αυτού του είδους τα νομοσχέδια», σημειώνει ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης, «δεν έχουν καμία σχέση ούτε με τη δυνατότητα της ελληνικής οικονομίας να αποπληρώσει τα χρέη στους δανειστές, ούτε με κάποιας μορφής οικονομικό ορθολογισμό. […]

The Magnificent Oomph: Aiming for Norway Plus to secure a progressive Brexit – transcript of speech

, 31/01/2018

Courtesy of opendemocracy.net, here is the transcript of my speech of 29th January at the House of Commons. The theme? How should Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party secure a progressive Brexit consistent with a socialist agenda for the UK but also with DiEM25’s campaign to democratise Europe. The main reason I am here, I believe – […]

Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process – Audio of speech, Derry, 26th January 2018

, 27/01/2018

In what was a tremendous honour, the Bloody Sunday March organising committee invited me to Derry’s Guildhall to deliver the annual memorial lecture highlighting the legacy of Bloody Sunday and linking it with Brexit and DiEM25’s pan-European campaign for democracy and shared prosperity. An audio of my talk is now available here. Afterwards, I was treated […]

Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process: Public lecture, followed by ‘In conversation with Bernadette McAliskey’ – Derry, 26th January 2018, 7.30pm

, 15/01/2018

Why ‘Bloody Sunday, Brexit & The Democratic Process’ ? Much like many other parts of the world at that time, the North of Ireland was undergoing a process of profound political change in the early 1970’s.  By the time January 1972 came around the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) had already been holding peaceful protests […]

“La crisis se está haciendo más profunda, más tóxica, más permanente” (“The crisis is getting deeper, more toxic, more permanent”) – El Diario interview, 13/1/2018 (including the original English text of the interview)

, 15/01/2018

“Europa es exactamente lo opuesto a democracia”, asegura el ex ministro griego de Finanzas y cofundador de DIEM25, que ajusta cuentas con los protagonistas de la crisis del euro en  “Comportarse como adultos“ “El Gobierno español actuó firmemente en Bruselas contra los intereses de la inmensa mayoría de los españoles” “El bitcoin es una espléndida burbuja […]

Internationalism vs Globalisation – op-ed in The Globe & Mail, published as “Globalization is stuck in a trap. What will it be when it breaks free?” – 12 JAN 2018

, 14/01/2018

Back in 1991, a left-wing friend expressed his frustration that “really existing socialism” was crumbling, with exaltations of how it had propelled the Soviet Union from the plough to Sputnik in a decade. I remember replying, under his pained and disapproving gaze: “So, what? No unsustainable system can be, ultimately, sustained.” Now that globalization is also […]

Varoufakis: “No se engañen, la crisis sigue ahí: el euro corre peligro” – El Pais, 2/1/2018

, 02/01/2018

El exministro de Finanzas griego ha publicado un libro sobre las entretelas de la política europea Yanis Varoufakis, exministro de Finanzas de Grecia. Barcelona, 9 de noviembre de 2017 ALBERT GARCIA Polémico. Atractivo. Brillante. Controvertido. Los seis meses de Yanis Varoufakis(Atenas, 1961) al frente del Ministerio de Finanzas de Grecia lo convirtieron en una celebridad global, en una suerte […]

Bitcoin, Blockchain and the Future of Europe – Interviewed by Tom Upchurch for WIRED

, 25/12/2017

In an exclusive interview with WIRED, Yanis Varoufakis discusses Bitcoin’s bubble, the fantasy of apolitical money and the opportunities for the blockchain to reform Europe. By TOM UPCHURCH Saturday 23 December 2017 When I first met Yanis Varoufakis in the summer of 2014, he was a highly respected but relatively obscure economist. Back then, the price […]

Calling for an immediate end to investments in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure

, 14/12/2017

DECLARATION We the undersigned, call for an immediate end to investments in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure, and encourage a dramatic increase in investments in renewable energy. We are issuing this call to action in the lead up to the climate summit hosted by President Macron in Paris this December. President Macron and other world […]

A Life in the Day – Sunday Times, 26th November 2017

, 07/12/2017

On the occasion of the publication of ‘Talking To My Daughter about the Economy: A brief history of capitalism‘, the Sunday Times published this interview, in the context of their series ‘A Day in the Life of…’ Apologies for the lifestyle-like style and content… Interview by Gabriel Pogrund Best advice I was given A statistics professor […]

Carry On Brexit: Is the long haul just beginning? – The Spectator podcast (audio)

, 07/12/2017

Yanis Varoufakis on EU negotiations, Sam Leith on Brexit language  and Harry Mount andSophia Money-Coutts on the Glamocracy. Click here

BBC1 Question Time, debating Trump, Brexit bill, UK regional development & Yemen, 30th November 2017

, 05/12/2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Scarborough, with a panel including Conservative MP and prisons minister Sam Gyimah, Labour’s Chuka Umunna, Ukip’s new leader Henry Bolton, deputy editor of The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter and the economist and Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder & former finance minister of Greece. For the whole program watch below:

A Tale of Two Faltering Unions (UK and EU); and what DiEM25 proposes in response – Address at the Oxford Guild, Oxford University, 28/11/2017 (Audio + Full Transcript)

, 04/12/2017

Yanis Varoufakis, co-founder of DiEM25, former Minister of Finance for Greece and high profile economist, academic and writer, addressed The Oxford Guild  on Tuesday 28th November in the Said Business School Amphitheatre. He discussed the state of the European Union, of the United Kingdom, the political landscape globally and the political/economic/social agenda of DiEM25 across the […]

Keynote on ‘Europe and its Neighbours’, Chatham House event at the Royal Society of the Arts, London – 20th November 2017 (audio), followed by conversation with Quentin Peele

, 02/12/2017

“Britain is a great democracy imperilled by the delusion that it is a great power. The EU is a great power imperilled by the delusion that it is a great democracy. To stabilise our common neighbourhood, in the East, the Middle-East and Africa, both Europe and the UK must overcome their delusions and work toward simulating […]

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