
Κορωνοϊός: Η οικονομική κρίση | Συζήτηση στο BBC μεταξύ του Γ. Βαρουφάκη, της S. Flanders (Bloomberg), της L.Yueh & της Veronique de Rugy (George Mason University)

, 27/03/2020

Κορωνοϊός: Η οικονομική κρίση – Πόσο άσχημη θα είναι και τι μπορεί να γίνει για να αμβλυνθεί; Συζητούν: Η Stephanie Flanders – επικεφαλής του Bloomberg Economics. Ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης – γραμματέας του ΜέΡΑ25 . Η Linda Yueh – οικονομολόγος και συγγραφέας του βιβλίου “The Great Economists”. Η Veronique de Rugy – ανώτερος ερευνητής στο Κέντρο […]

How deep will the Depression occasioned by Covid-19 be? Debate on BBC World Service’s THE REAL STORY

, 20/03/2020

Coronavirus: The economic crisis – Just how bad will the downturn be and can anything be done to soften the blow? Contributors Stephanie Flanders – head of Bloomberg Economics Yanis Varoufakis – Greek economist, politician, secretary-general of DiEM25 who also served as Greek finance minister during 2015Linda Yueh – economist and author of the book: ‘The Great Economists’ […]

Yanis Varoufakis and Brian Eno on Money, Power and a Call for Radical Change – video

, 17/02/2020

In November 2019, Intelligence Squared brought to its stage Brian and myself to discuss money, power and the prospects of a form of radical change that makes the world a better place for the many. Quick reminder: Brian and I are amongst the co-founders of DiEM25 – the Democracy in Europe Movement whose campaigns and […]

Should liberal capitalism be saved? Martin Wolf & Yanis Varoufakis debating live

, 09/01/2020

Is capitalism past its due date? Can we even imagine a world without it? On 14th November 2019 Martin Wolf and Yanis Varoufakis debated the question ‘Should liberal capitalism be saved?’. Hosted on November 14, 2019 by the Financial Times to celebrate the Wincott Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, this special live event took the place of […]

Is capitalism past its expiry date? Munk Debate (K, Vanden Heuvel & Y. Varoufakis vs A. Brooks & D. Brooks)

, 08/12/2019

The capitalist system is broken. It’s time to try something different. For my 3 minute conclusion of this debate, jump to 1 hour 59 minutes There is a growing belief in western societies that the current capitalist system no longer works for average people. Economic inequality is rampant. Life expectancy is falling. The environment is […]

“Should liberal capitalism be saved?”A debate between Martin Wolf & Yanis Varoufakis, Today, London, Wincott Foundation

, 14/11/2019

On November 14, 2019, The Wincott Foundation will host an evening debate at the Financial Times to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. This special event takes the place of the usual annual Harold Wincott Memorial Lecture. The Foundation was set up in honour of Harold Wincott, who was widely regarded as the finest economic journalist of […]

Caroline Lucas & Yanis Varoufakis search for what went wrong with democracy – THE BIG ISSUE

, 21/10/2019

The Green Party MP and the MeRA25 leader journey from democracy’s inception through the tumultuous Brexit period and through to the year 2035 There’s chaos on the streets of Westminster as the activists of Extinction Rebellion bring traffic to a standstill to highlight the urgency of action on the climate crisis. If the old democracy […]

On how DiEM25’s Green New Deal differs from the agenda of the European Greens – a debate with Sven Giegold

, 11/06/2019

To read DiEM25’s Green New Deal and join the many, including 18 parties from 13 countries, that have ‘taken the pledge’, click here.

BBC Question Time, Sheffield 27th March 2019

, 31/03/2019

“Britain needs a People’s Debate on its business model and its Constitution independently of how Brexit pans out… The most sensible way would be for the UK to exit the EU but stay in both a Custom’s Union and the Single Market for an indefinite period (though not forever). After the People’s Debate is complete, […]

Der Grieche erklärt Europa – Der Spiegel

, 14/03/2019

In der Nachspielzeit, die “Tagesthemen” warten schon, darf Christian Lindner noch einmal seinen Tweet zu den “Profis” erläutern, denen die Sache mit dem Klimawandel überlassen werden müsste. Wer schlechte Zähne habe, der gehe ja auch zum Zahnarzt. [VIDEO LINK] Schon freut sich Lindner über seinen späten Punkt, da umdribbelt plötzlich Yanis Varoufakis eine bereits auf glühenden Kohlen sitzende Anne Will und taucht […]

Debate with Manfred Weber (EPP) and Christian Lindner (ALDE) on Anne Will’s ARD show – 10 MAR 2019

, 10/03/2019

Here is a selection of what the press had to say about this debate: Berliner Zeitung: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/rnd/-anne-will–zu-europa-beatrix-von-storch-haelt-emmanuel-macron-fuer-einen–loser–32199838 BILD: https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/anne-will-in-der-ard-afd-frau-beatrix-von-storch-beschimpft-macron-als-verlierer-60594026.bild.html Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung: https://www.ejz.de/blick-in-die-welt/politik/das-establishment-in-deutschland-hat-macrons-ideen-von-europa-ldquoabgestochenrdquo_241_111679328-122-.html FAZ: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/tv-kritik-zu-anne-will-die-europawahl-und-praesident-macron-16082328.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_0 Focus: https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/bei-anne-will-als-es-um-eu-parlament-geht-argumentiert-sich-beatrix-von-storch-selbst-ins-abseits_id_10436219.html Huffpost: https://www.huffingtonpost.de/entry/anne-will-varoufakis-entlarvt-mit-einer-einfachen-frage-die-ideenlose-debatte_de_5c8602c5e4b0d93616299711 Merkur: https://www.merkur.de/politik/anne-will-lindner-erntet-shitstorm-und-rechtfertigt-sich-in-ard-sendung-zr-11841663.html NRZ: https://www.nrz.de/politik/anne-will-beatrix-von-storch-fordert-nach-brexit-dexit-lindner-und-varoufakis-zerlegen-sie-id216634089.html NTV: https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Wie-europaeisch-wollen-wir-regiert-werden-article20898891.html RTL: https://www.rtl.de/cms/beatrix-von-storch-giftet-bei-anne-will-macron-ist-ein-loser-4305832.html Spiegel: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/anne-will-europa-talk-mit-yanis-varoufakis-christian-lindner-manfred-weber-a-1257162.html Stern: https://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/-anne-will—nur-beatrix-von-storch-haelt-macron-fuer-einen–loser–8615508.html Tagesspiegel: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/medien/tv-talk-anne-will-zur-europawahl-frau-von-storch-will-sowieso-lieber-den-dexit/24087140.html T-Online: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/id_85384164/tv-kritik-anne-will-dann-ist-orban-nicht-mehr-zu-halten-.html Web.de: https://web.de/magazine/politik/politische-talkshows/anne-europa-wahl-eu-nationalstaat-33602506 Der Westen: https://www.derwesten.de/panorama/anne-will-ard-christian-lindner-attackiert-beatrix-von-storch-id216634537.html

Two replies to Piketty’s critique of our New Deal for Europe

, 07/03/2019

Thomas Piketty recently criticised DiEM25’s New Deal for Europe for relying on new debt, rather than new taxes, to fund green investment. James K. Galbraith and Stuart Holland (my long time collaborators on the New Deal for Europe and the earlier Modest Proposal on which it was founded) have now replied to Piketty’s critique (see […]

At the Edinburgh Festival, in conversation with Jeremy Corbyn on reviving socialism, with Maria Alyokhina (Pussy Riot) on despotism, and with Shami Chakrabarti on liberty

, 08/01/2019

In 2018, the good people behind the Edinburgh Festival kindly invited me to host a series of discussions under the title KILLING DEMOCRACY? My remit was: Further to explore the question of whether the current form of financialised capitalism is devouring democracy, reflecting on my work with the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25). In a series […]

The euro and Steve Bannon’s Fascist International – Oxford Union address, video & audio 16th November 2018

, 16/11/2018

On 17th October 2018, Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President of the European Commission, addressed the Oxford Union in support of the motion that “the euro has never been stronger“. Today, Friday 16th November 2018, Steve Bannon is addressing the Oxford Union also. In between, on Wednesday 14th November 2018, I had the opportunity to also address […]

BBC1 Question Time, debating Trump, Brexit bill, UK regional development & Yemen, 30th November 2017

, 05/12/2017

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Scarborough, with a panel including Conservative MP and prisons minister Sam Gyimah, Labour’s Chuka Umunna, Ukip’s new leader Henry Bolton, deputy editor of The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter and the economist and Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder & former finance minister of Greece. For the whole program watch below:

Austerity doesn’t work, in <4 mins - from the Cambridge Union

, 02/12/2016

Click here for an 8 minute version, recorded at a later Cambridge Union event

Austerity in 8 minutes: Why it does not work. Why it is still practised

, 23/11/2016

This speech was part of a Cambridge Union debate on ‘This House Has Lost Confidence in Austerity’. See below for the video of the whole debate.

On the need to face the facts about big business before democracy gets a chance – NYT Athens Democracy Forum Debate

, 16/09/2016

Paul Krugman, Ross LaJeunesse (Google), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25) and Yasheng Huang, economist, M.I.T.

Democratising Europe – a transnational project? A debate with openDemocracy

, 13/09/2016

YANIS VAROUFAKIS, ROSEMARY BECHLER, ALEX SAKALIS, and ANTHONY BARNETT 13 September 2016 (Click here for the openDemocracy site) What role does national self-determination and ‘self-government’ play in European and human emancipation today? Yanis Varoufakis replies for DiEM25. Yanis Varoufakis has recently been engaged in debating this key question for our times with the left. (See more.) […]

Markets vs States in today’s Europe: An Alpbach Keynote Debate

, 03/09/2016

In October 2015, I had the opportunity to debate, in Munich, Professor Hans Werner Sinn on the European Monetary Union and, more broadly, Europe’s economy . On 30 August 2016, at the Alpbach European Forum, I debated Professor Sinn’s successor as President of IFO, Professor Clemens Fuest. [Click here, or the image above, for video of […]

What to do about Europe? – At the Volksbühne Theatre, Berlin, 6th October 2015

, 08/10/2015

At the legendary Volksbühne Berlin theatre in discussion with Franco „Bifo“ Berardi, Srećko Horvat and Guillaume Paoli

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