
Lies, Damn Lies, and European Growth Statistics

, 15/03/2016

ATHENS – “Greece has at last returned to economic growth.” That was the official European Union storyline at the end of 2014. Alas, Greek voters, unimpressed by this rejoicing, ousted the incumbent government and, in January 2015, voted for a new administration in which I served as finance minister. Last week, similarly celebratory reports emanated […]

Real vs Money Incomes – the one thing we need to understand during deflationary times (with an illustration from Greece and Cyprus)

, 13/03/2016

In inflationary times, real income growth is always good news. However, in deflationary times, real income growth may well reflect a deepening recession (or even a depression). This is important to know lest deepening recession is presented as… economic recovery (as has been the EU’s wont in recent times). How can real income growth reflect […]

Democracy or Bust in Europe -Project Syndicate Op-Ed

, 24/02/2016

BERLIN – “Europe will be democratized or it will disintegrate!” That maxim is more than a catchphrase from the manifesto of the Democracy in Europe Movement – DiEM25, the group I just helped to launch in Berlin. It is a simple, if under-acknowledged fact. Read more at my Project Syndicate page  

How the ‘Troika Effect’ was dubbed the ‘Varoufakis Effect’ – Project Syndicate Op-Ed and beyond

, 28/01/2016

As part of an impressive campaign to discredit the Athens Spring, and those of us who continue to honour and propagate its spirit, a cabal of journalists and ‘analysts’ have joined forces to depict me as the “destroyer of the Greek economy.” The purpose? To demonise the Greek people’s audacity to elect us with a […]

Schäuble’s Gathering Storm – my Project Syndicate op-ed

, 24/10/2015

ATHENS – Europe’s crisis is poised to enter its most dangerous phase. After forcing Greece to accept another “extend-and-pretend” bailout agreement, fresh battle lines are being drawn. And, with the refugee influx exposing the damage caused by divergent economic prospects and sky-high youth unemployment in Europe’s periphery, the ramifications are ominous, as recent statements by […]

Greece without illusions – op-ed in Project Syndicate

, 05/10/2015

ATHENS – “The costliest minor government reshuffle in Greece’s history.” That is at least one way to describe the result of the Greek general election on September 20. Indeed, with few exceptions, the same ministers have returned to the same offices as part of an administration backed by the same odd pair of parties (the […]

Democratizing the Eurozone – a Project-Syndicate op-ed

, 02/09/2015

ATHENS – Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the […]

A New Approach to Eurozone Sovereign Debt – op-ed in Project Syndicate

, 17/08/2015

My latest column for Project Syndicate is now out. Click here for the Project Syndicate page or read on:

In… my defence – by Mohamed El Erian

, 30/07/2015

In Defense of Varoufakis by  MOHAMED A. EL-ERIAN Click here for the Project Syndicate site. Or…

A Speech of Hope for Greece – a Project Syndicate Op-Ed

, 07/06/2015

ATHENS – On September 6, 1946 US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes traveled to Stuttgart to deliver his historic “Speech of Hope.” Byrnes’ address marked America’s post-war change of heart vis-à-vis Germany and gave a fallen nation a chance to imagine recovery, growth, and a return to normalcy. Seven decades later, it is my […]

A New Deal for Greece – a Project Syndicate Op-Ed

, 24/04/2015

For the Project Syndicate page click here. ATHENS – Three months of negotiations between the Greek government and our European and international partners have brought about much convergence on the steps needed to overcome years of economic crisis and to bring about sustained recovery in Greece. But they have not yet produced a deal. Why? […]

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