
Entretien exclusif – YANIS VAROUFAKIS sur ECORAMA

, 01/10/2015

Yanis Varoufakis était l’invité de Boursorama mercredi 30 septembre dans l’émission Ecoramaanimée par David Jacquot. L’ancien ministre des Finances grec est revenu sur les coulisses des négociations de cet été, tout en livrant ses opinions sur l’économie française.

Europe revisited – 2hr interview on Mediapart, 25 SEP 2015

, 30/09/2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRH39j3Kmh0#action=share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-B6PoHgqZU

BBC One's Question Time, 24th September 2015 – full program

, 24/09/2015

  Yanis Varoufakis, Conservative former Chancellor Ken Clarke, Shadow Leader of the House Chris Bryant (Labour), UKIP’s Suzanne Evans and columnist/commentator Julia Hartley Brewer. See here for a review of the program by The Guardian.

POLITICO: Interview

, 23/09/2015

VAROUFAKIS TOLD YOU SO By DAVID PATRIKARAKOS  ATHENS — Yanis Varoufakis lives in understated elegance. His apartment is spacious and pleasing to the eye. Shelves bulge with books on politics and economics, unsurprising for a university professor who was, until July, Greece’s finance minister. TO READ THE INTERVIEW ON POLITICO’s SITE, CLICK HERE. Or…

Back-to-back speeches by Yanis Varoufakis & John McDonnell (audio)

, 16/09/2015

This audio was recorded (apologies for the iffy quality) at the PCS fringe meeting at this year’s TUC Conference in Brighton – Saturday 12th September 2015. A few hours later it was announced that John McDonnell was selected, by Jeremy Corbin, as Shadow Chancellor

On German Moral Leadership – English version of op-ed in Sunday's FAZ

, 14/09/2015

For the published version in Sunday’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung click here. For my original English text read on…

There is an alternative to austerity – Brighton, Sunday 13/9, organised by PCS

, 11/09/2015

Former Greece finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is one of four powerful speakers against austerity at a PCS public meeting in Brighton on 13 September.

European countries must support the United Nations’ proposals for sovereign debt restructuring! – Open letter to the UN by 19 economists

, 08/09/2015

On September 10, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on nine principles concerning the restructuring of sovereign debts. Abiding by such principles would have avoided the pitfalls of the Greek crisis, in which political representatives gave in to creditor demands despite their lack of economic sense and their disastrous social impact. This public interest […]

Democratizing the Eurozone – a Project-Syndicate op-ed

, 02/09/2015

ATHENS – Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the […]

Varoufakis and Lamont interviewed on Radio 4 on their peculiar political friendship

, 17/08/2015

Further to this piece on my unlikely friendship with Lord Lamont, the BBC’s Radio 4 interviewed us, together. To hear the interview, on World At One, click on the play button below.

Greece’s Third MoU (Memorandum of Understading) annotated by Yanis Varoufakis

, 17/08/2015

The Third Greek MoU is now enshrined in Greek Law. Written in troika-speak it is almost impossible to decypher by those not speaking this unappetising language. Click here for the complete MoU text annotated liberally by yours truly – in pdf form. It is best read in conjunction with my annotated version of the EuroSummit Agreement […]

In favour of Varoufakis’ Plan B – by Paul Tyson

, 01/08/2015

In a recently released recording of a teleconference between Yanis Varoufakis and a group of hedge fund managers, Mr Varoufakis spoke frankly about the contingency plans he had developed when he was the Finance Minister.

Romantiker gegen Pragmatiker – Die Zeit

, 25/07/2015

Yanis Varoufakis erklärt in einem neuen Buch seinem Kind, warum die Griechen nichts für ihre Situation können. VON ADAM SOBOCZYNSKI (Die Zeit site) DIE ZEIT Nº 28/201524. Juli 2015  15:11 Uhr 139 Kommentare Der ehemalige griechische Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis  |  © dpa

A new kind of politics? By Paul Tyson, in opendemocracy.net

, 25/07/2015

Varoufakis is an exception to the norm precisely because he really believes in representative democracy. (Click here for the opendemocracy.net site)

In conversation with John Nash Jnr on Ideal Money

, 02/06/2015

A conversation I was privileged to have with John Nash in June 2000 is posted below as a small tribute to a great man. (The conversation was motivated by a talk John Nash Jr gave in Athens in 2000 entitled IDEAL MONEY. The text of the conversation below was published in 2001 as a chapter in […]

Talking to my daughter about the economy – Preface to the German edition

, 23/04/2015

Last summer (an aeon it seems before my recent sojourn into politics&government) I spent ten days writing a short book in Greek on economics. The idea was to write it as if it were addressed to my young daughter, so as to keep complex ideas simple and to test my capacity to home in on […]

A question of respect (or lack thereof)… – the Greek veto over Russia that never was

, 29/01/2015

On the first day in our ministries, the power of the media to distort hit me again. The world’s press was full of reports on how the SYRIZA government’s first foreign policy ‘move’ was to veto fresh sanctions on Russia. Now, I am not qualified to speak on foreign affairs but, nonetheless, I must share […]

Finance Ministry slows blogging down but ends it not

, 27/01/2015

The time to put up or shut up has, I have been told, arrived. My plan is to defy such advice. To continue blogging here even though it is normally considered irresponsible for a Finance Minister to indulge in such crass forms of communication. Naturally, my blog posts will become more infrequent and shorter. But […]

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