
Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου “Η αρπαγή της Ευρώπης” των εκδόσεων Πατάκη- Δευτέρα 12 Δεκεμβρίου

, 09/12/2016

The book will be launched at 19.00 on 12th December 2016 at Parnassos Hall, Plateia Karitsi 8. Speakers include Nicholas Theocarakis (University of Athens), Thanos Mikroutsikos (Composer) and Kostas Vaxevanis (Journalist and publisher). Video messages by Noam Chomsky, James K. Galbraith, Jeff Sachs and Slavoj Zizek. (Please note that this event will be conducted in […]

Reflections on the nature & causes of global financial uncertainty – Amsterdam 4th DEC 2016

, 07/12/2016

On 4th December 2016 I delivered the keynote at the RiskMinds International risk management conference in Amsterdam. A summary of my talk, compiled by the organisers, follows.

Austerity doesn’t work, in <4 mins - from the Cambridge Union

, 02/12/2016

Click here for an 8 minute version, recorded at a later Cambridge Union event

Help DiEM25 save Shabbir. Help Europe save its soul. Stop the EU-Turkey Deal!

, 01/12/2016

DiEM25 is helping to take the shameful EU-Turkey refugee deal to Europe’s courts in a bid to save the life of one man, Shabbir Iqbal, and improve the lives of millions. #StopTheDeal What is this campaign?

Trump, the Dragon, and the Minotaur – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 28/11/2016

  ATHENS – If Donald Trump understands anything, it is the value of bankruptcy and financial recycling. He knows all about success via strategic defaults, followed by massive debt write-offs and the creation of assets from liabilities. But does he grasp the profound difference between a developer’s debt and the debt of a large economy? […]

Austerity in 8 minutes: Why it does not work. Why it is still practised

, 23/11/2016

This speech was part of a Cambridge Union debate on ‘This House Has Lost Confidence in Austerity’. See below for the video of the whole debate.

How to mobilise under & against President Trump – on WBUR Open Source Radio

, 18/11/2016

Yanis Varoufakis, Ralph Nader, Tim Barker, Donna Murch and Simon Schama, interviewed by Christopher Lydon.


, 17/11/2016

The chances of Trump pursuing an economic stimulus that will benefit the lives of those he promised to help are slim.

New Statesman interview: The Left’s duty after Trump’s awful victory

, 15/11/2016

I had no doubt Donald Trump would win, just like I had no doubt Brexit would happen, so maybe I’m not as shell-shocked as you,” says Yanis Varoufakis. The former Greek finance minister is speaking to me several days after the Republican candidate’s historic victory. He doesn’t sound smug about being so prescient, more resigned, deflated, […]

Trump, our post-modern 1930s and DiEM25’s moment

, 11/11/2016

[Originally published here] The election of Donald Trump symbolises the demise of a remarkable era. It was a time when we saw the curious spectacle of a superpower, the US, growing stronger because of – rather than despite – its burgeoning deficits. It was also remarkable because of the sudden influx of two billion workers […]

Why America still matters

, 10/11/2016

Why is America still important? Below I copy the answer I gave in 2011 in the last chapter of The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the Future of the World Economy. (For those not familiar with the economic meaning of my Minotaur allegory, read this.) Today, as the Trump Presidency looms, I fear that that conclusion […]

Resisting Resentment Politics Down Under – guest post by Paul Tyson

, 10/11/2016

How owning our Resentment can save Australian Politics In this piece, Paul Tyson, honourary Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, outlines his take on the rise of rightwing populist resentment, as a powerful political force, from an Australian perspective.

Trump is a wake up call. I am glad DiEM25 is awake – Brian Eno

, 09/11/2016

I had a bet with my American friend Stewart Brand that Trump would win. He wrote to me this morning: “You called it right. And I called it wrong. Groan. Now the weirdness!” I wrote back to him:

Trump’s Triumph: DiEM25 on how progressives must react

, 09/11/2016

Donald Trump’s victory marks the end of an era when a self-confident Establishment preached the end of history, the end of passion and the supremacy of a technocracy working on behalf of the 1%. But the era it ushers in is not new. It is a new variant of the 1930s, featuring deflationary economics, xenophobia […]

A Call to American Friends on the day of the US Presidential Election

, 08/11/2016

By Thomas Seibert and Yanis Varoufakis, members of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective As in the case of Brexit, we refuse to respond in a binary manner (remain or leave, Clinton or Trump) to the question facing voters.

PSOE’s Penchant for Repeating PASOK’s Disappearing Act – El Diario (English & Spanish texts)

, 02/11/2016

  el PASOK mordió el polvo por participar en el derrocamiento de su líder y, curiosamente, el PSOE ha tomado el mismo camino. EFE [For the El Diario site click here] History may repeat itself but never as quickly or as mindlessly as it does within Europe’s social democratic family. Spain’s socialists jettisoned Pedro Sánchez […]

The Universal Right to Capital Income – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 31/10/2016

  ATHENS – The right to laziness has traditionally been only for the propertied rich, whereas the poor have had to struggle for decent wages and working conditions, unemployment and disability insurance, universal health care, and other accoutrements of a dignified life. The idea that the poor should be granted an unconditional income sufficient to […]

On BBC Question Time from Hartlepool – 20th October 2016

, 22/10/2016

On the panel are Conservative former chancellor Ken Clarke MP, Labour’s shadow education secretary Angela Rayner MP, runner up in the UKIP leadership election Lisa Duffy, DiEM25 initiator and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis and the previous owner of the Daily Telegraph Conrad Black.

What the United States needs: Investment & Progressive Internationalism – CNN op-ed

, 15/10/2016

Click here for the CNN site. (Note that the title was chosen by CNN’s editor.) Arthur Miller once said that “an era can be considered over when its basic illusions have been exhausted.”

To prevent Brexit from turning nasty, progressive internationalists must come close to winning 10 Downing Street

, 11/10/2016

Addressing a DiEM25-Another Europe event held at the LSE on Saturday 8th October 2016 For the complete transcript of the speech…

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