
The six Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – Guardian op-ed 3 May 2017

, 03/05/2017

“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with European powerbrokers – […]

How does the triggering of article 50 look from Europe? Op-ed, The Guardian

, 02/04/2017

How do I feel now that article 50 has been triggered? I feel sad that so many good people in Britain will feel so disappointed when they realise that Brexit has not helped them “take back their country”. I feel alarmed that, driven by Brexit, EU leaders chose its 60th anniversary, last Saturday, to embrace […]

We need an alternative to Trump’s nationalism. It isn’t the status quo – The Guardian, op-ed

, 22/01/2017

The answer to neoliberalism’s Waterloo cannot be the retreat to a barricaded nation-state and the pitting of ‘our’ people against ‘others’ fenced off by tall walls Click here for The Guardian – or…

Brexit won’t shield Britain from the horror of a disintegrating EU

, 25/06/2016

Bringing democrats together across borders is needed now to prevent a slide into a xenophobic, 1930s-like abyss Click here for The Guardian site or… Yanis Varoufakis

Are we heading for a crash? The Guardian

, 29/01/2016

Click here for The Guardian site or if you want to read the longer version of my entry…

Tsipras' triumph vs the impossible task of implementing a program designed to fail – in The Guardian

, 22/09/2015

Alexis Tsipras has snatched resounding victory from the jaws of July’s humiliating surrender to the troika of Greece’s lenders. Defying opposition parties, opinion pollsters and critics within his ranks (including this writer), he held on to government with a reduced, albeit workable, majority. The question is whether he can combine remaining in office with being […]

Behind Germany's refusal to grant Greece debt relief – Op-Ed in The Guardian

, 11/07/2015

Tomorrow’s EU Summit will seal Greece’s fate in the Eurozone. As these lines are being written, Euclid Tsakalotos, my great friend, comrade and successor as Greece’s Finance Ministry is heading for a Eurogroup meeting that will determine whether a last ditch agreement between Greece and our creditors is reached and whether this agreement contains the degree […]

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