
FT Alphachat 28 MAR 2019: On Democracy, Europe, the UK and Greece

, 05/04/2019

Alphaville’s Jemima Kelly and Izabella Kaminska sat down with Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and current organiser of a trans-European group, DiEM25, of what he calls “radical Europeanists” — in favour of union, without deflation or austerity. Mr Varoufakis answers criticism from the left, pointing out that even if the euro or the […]

Brexit: On May’s mistakes and the best road ahead – Financial Times video

, 31/03/2019

Sharing a taxi with the FT to give my view on how Prime Minister Theresa May undermined herself – and on the steps that must be taken next.   https://www.ft.com/video/01aef2cb-81b9-4dbb-9f8b-85a0c9559097

Why Norway plus gives Britain the time it needs to get out of its Brexit mess – op-ed in The Telegraph

, 27/03/2019

Brexit is, undeniably, important. The Prime Minister’s faulty negotiations have now turned what the majority of the British people considered an opportunity into a national crisis. However, now is perhaps the moment to reflect that, in an era of trade wars, geopolitical realignment and existential threats to our nations’ democracies, Brexit is not as important as we […]

Why the Deutsche Bank merger with Commerzbank must be stopped – HANDELSBLATT (English & German)

, 27/03/2019

The official story is one of creating a national champion, a German bank large enough to compete with American investment banks. The truth is far less heroic and a lot more sordid than that. Here is why Demokratie in Europa is campaigning against this merger. Both banks are zombies. Commerzbank has gone through eight years […]

A Speech of Hope for Britain – The NewStatesman, 20 MAR 2019

, 24/03/2019

The memory of past greatness can be debilitating for a people who feel they have failed to rise to a historic occasion.  We Greeks have been burdened by this sensation at various moments in our postwar history: in 1967, when we failed to prevent a military coup; or more recently in 2015, when we allowed […]

Stagnant Capitalism – Financial News & Project Syndicate

, 21/03/2019

When the Great Depression followed the 1929 stock-market crash, almost everyone acknowledged that capitalism was unstable, unreliable, and prone to stagnation. In the decades that followed, however, that perception changed. Capitalism’s post-war revival, and especially the post-Cold War rush to financialised globalisation, resurrected faith in markets’ self-regulating abilities. Today, a long decade after the 2008 […]

Der Grieche erklärt Europa – Der Spiegel

, 14/03/2019

In der Nachspielzeit, die “Tagesthemen” warten schon, darf Christian Lindner noch einmal seinen Tweet zu den “Profis” erläutern, denen die Sache mit dem Klimawandel überlassen werden müsste. Wer schlechte Zähne habe, der gehe ja auch zum Zahnarzt. [VIDEO LINK] Schon freut sich Lindner über seinen späten Punkt, da umdribbelt plötzlich Yanis Varoufakis eine bereits auf glühenden Kohlen sitzende Anne Will und taucht […]

Pour un New Deal européen – Liberation

, 14/03/2019

A l’approche des élections européennes, le Printemps européen, coalition transnationale de partis de gauche, présente un programme social et écologique pour dépasser le clivage entre populistes et libéraux. Avec des propositions concrètes : plan de transition écologique de 500 milliards d’euros annuels, Assemblée constituante, fonds citoyen financé par les Gafa…  Yánis Varoufákis pour un New Deal européen Tribune. L’Union européenne se fracture au moment précis où les Européens ont le plus besoin d’elle. […]

A European Spring is possible – The Nation

, 14/03/2019

The 2008 global financial crisis—the modern 1929 crash—set off a vicious chain reaction across Europe. By 2010 it had irreparably damaged the foundations of the eurozone, causing the establishment to bend its own rules and commit crimes against logic in order to bail out its banker friends. By 2013 the neoliberal ideology that had legitimized […]

The European Spring holds the answer to the fragmenting EU’s plight – The Guardian, 11 MAR 2019

, 11/03/2019

The European Union is fragmenting at a time when Europeans need it the most. Emmanuel Macron is right to point this out. But he is wrong to push another top-down agenda that lacks credibility, fails to speak to European’s concerns, and entrenches the democratic deficit at the heart of the EU. By entrusting Europe’s renewal to its […]

Our Plan for a European Spring | DiEM25

, 07/03/2019

The 2008 global financial crisis — the modern 1929 crash — set off a vicious chain reaction across Europe. By 2010 it had irreparably damaged the foundations of the eurozone, causing the establishment to bend its own rules and commit crimes against logic in order to bail out its banker friends. By 2013 the neoliberal ideology […]

Europe’s Leaders Are Aiding Italy’s Populists – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 03/03/2019

The fact that Italy’s public debt has a lower credit rating than private debt is a reflection not of public debt’s intrinsic inferiority but of a political choice made by European leaders. And, by bolstering an authoritarian politician, that choice is now blowing back on them. ATHENS – Italy is now the frontline in the […]

Britain needs to choose its dominant Brexit strategy – The Telegraph

, 28/02/2019

Imagine that we knew the day of our death. Our lives would change drastically. Though we know we shall surely die, not knowing precisely when the mortal coil will be shuffled off makes all the difference, allowing us to live life productively on a day-by-day basis. For exactly the same reason, the fixed deadline embedded […]

Our moment in history, and what must be done. Théâtre du Rond-Point, Paris, Monday 18/2, 20.00

, 11/02/2019

Monday 18 February, 20.00, live from Théâtre du Rond-Point. A discussion between Aude Lancelin and Yanis Varoufakis on politics and philosophy. Follow on @LeMediaTV.

THE ECONOMIST on DiEM25 & the European Spring: “Varoufakis Sans Frontières”

, 05/02/2019

In a warm office in Berlin’s trendy Kreuzberg district, Charlemagne is trying to persuade Yanis Varoufakis that he is a politician. “It’s a necessity. I really dislike running and asking people for votes,” protests the Greek economist when asked about European Spring, his new transnational political party. Does he think of himself as a politician? “No. […]

David Adler explaining our radical vision for a New Bretton Woods on CNN

, 05/02/2019

The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, just stepped down  in search of greener pastures. His readiness to resign  prompted David Adler (DiEM25’s Policy Coordinator) to I to write this op-ed in The Guardian arguing for a New Bretton Woods. In this CNN interview David explains what we mean.

A radical new vision for the World Bank and the IMF – op-ed with David Adler, in The Guardian

, 31/01/2019

The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, will step down on 1 February – three and a half years before the end of his term – in search of greener pastures. His readiness to resign from the leadership of one the two most powerful international institutions is a worrying omen. But it is also an […]

Jeremy Corbyn’s necessary next step: A Speech of Hope for Britain – The Independent

, 31/01/2019

Britain’s prime minister has been remarkable in resolutely following a ruinous path that she keeps insisting remains the least perilous road to Brexit. Theresa May’s first crime against logic was to trigger Article 50 without a plan of what to do on 29 March 2019 if no deal had been struck with Brussels. Her second was to forfeit […]

“Ich bin stolz auf die Dämonisierung” – Deutsche Welle

, 29/01/2019

In der Finanzkrise zog er den Zorn europäischer Sparpolitiker und heimischer Eliten auf sich. Jetzt will Yanis Varoufakis selbst nach Brüssel. Im Interview mit der Deutschen Welle spricht er über seine Vision für die EU. Als Finanzminister Griechenlands verhandelte Yanis Varoufakis während der Finankrise 2015 – ohne Erfolg. Nach seinem Rücktritt gründete der Ökonom die paneuropäische […]

Britain needs a People’s Debate, not a second Brexit referendum

, 24/01/2019

Britain is teetering on a knife’s edge: about to crash out of, or back into, the European Union. Either outcome would represent a defeat for democracy in the UK and in the EU. Crashing out would inflict substantial economic hardship on the weakest in Britain. It would boost jingoism and parochialism, drive England further apart […]

Turning Brexit Into a Celebration of Democracy – Project Syndicate op-ed, 26 DEC 2018

, 14/01/2019

Paradoxically, while the current Brexit impasse is pregnant with risk, the British should welcome it. Their discontent with the choices before them is an opportunity, not a curse, and more democracy is the antidote, not the disease. ATHENS – Discontent without end looms over Britain. Leavers and Remainers are equally despondent. Her Majesty’s Government and […]

On our efforts to unite progressives in Europe and internationally: A Buzzfeed News Long Read

, 22/12/2018

OXFORD, England — A police van smuggled Steve Bannon past protesters in Oxford last month, a stop on a promotional tour for his new project to boost “populist nationalism” across Europe. Bannon’s speech at the Oxford Union, a grand debate hall that has hosted the likes of Albert Einstein and Mother Teresa, made headlines across […]

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