North America
On Catalonia, the Muslim Ban and a Sustainable World Order
, 03/11/2017
We continue our conversation with economist and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. His new book is entitled Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment.
On Nazi Resurgence in Europe & Why ISIS Loves Donald Trump – On Democracy Now tv
, 03/11/2017
We speak with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis about the rise of the far-right Golden Dawn party in his country and how their policies “have infiltrated the mainstream” in European politics, including anti-immigrant measures similar to those proposed by Trump. Varoufakis says Trump’s vow to crack down on immigration after the attack in New […]
On Global Capitalism & How Trump’s Tax Plan is Class War Against the Poor – On Democracy Now tv
, 03/11/2017
President Trump and House Republicans have unveiled their long-promised proposal to reform America’s tax code, with Trump calling it a “big, beautiful Christmas present” for the American people. Critics say the gift is a tax cut for the richest Americans. We discuss the proposal with economist and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who argues, […]
Puerto Ricans Deserve an Escape from “Permanent Debt Prison” – on Democracy Now tv
, 03/11/2017
As the White House finally agrees to release FEMAdisaster aid with more flexibility to try to help rebuild Puerto Rico’s devastated power grid and other infrastructure, we speak with economist Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, about the history of the island’s debt crisis and what to do as it recovers from Hurricane Maria.
We need an alternative to Trump’s nationalism. It isn’t the status quo – The Guardian, op-ed
, 22/01/2017
The answer to neoliberalism’s Waterloo cannot be the retreat to a barricaded nation-state and the pitting of ‘our’ people against ‘others’ fenced off by tall walls Click here for The Guardian – or…
Becoming popular by opposing populism: A progressive’s task – The Guardian
, 20/12/2016
A few days ago I received an email from the Guardian: “We’re putting a panel together of writers and thinkers following the announcement that Jeremy Corbyn is planning to relaunch his image and policies as a leftwing populist. We are asking for 300 words in response to the question, “What should Corbyn’s leftwing populism look […]
Reflections on the nature & causes of global financial uncertainty – Amsterdam 4th DEC 2016
, 07/12/2016
On 4th December 2016 I delivered the keynote at the RiskMinds International risk management conference in Amsterdam. A summary of my talk, compiled by the organisers, follows.
Trump, the Dragon, and the Minotaur – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 28/11/2016
ATHENS – If Donald Trump understands anything, it is the value of bankruptcy and financial recycling. He knows all about success via strategic defaults, followed by massive debt write-offs and the creation of assets from liabilities. But does he grasp the profound difference between a developer’s debt and the debt of a large economy? […]
How to mobilise under & against President Trump – on WBUR Open Source Radio
, 18/11/2016
Yanis Varoufakis, Ralph Nader, Tim Barker, Donna Murch and Simon Schama, interviewed by Christopher Lydon.
, 17/11/2016
The chances of Trump pursuing an economic stimulus that will benefit the lives of those he promised to help are slim.
New Statesman interview: The Left’s duty after Trump’s awful victory
, 15/11/2016
I had no doubt Donald Trump would win, just like I had no doubt Brexit would happen, so maybe I’m not as shell-shocked as you,” says Yanis Varoufakis. The former Greek finance minister is speaking to me several days after the Republican candidate’s historic victory. He doesn’t sound smug about being so prescient, more resigned, deflated, […]
Trump, our post-modern 1930s and DiEM25’s moment
, 11/11/2016
[Originally published here] The election of Donald Trump symbolises the demise of a remarkable era. It was a time when we saw the curious spectacle of a superpower, the US, growing stronger because of – rather than despite – its burgeoning deficits. It was also remarkable because of the sudden influx of two billion workers […]
Why America still matters
, 10/11/2016
Why is America still important? Below I copy the answer I gave in 2011 in the last chapter of The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the Future of the World Economy. (For those not familiar with the economic meaning of my Minotaur allegory, read this.) Today, as the Trump Presidency looms, I fear that that conclusion […]
Trump is a wake up call. I am glad DiEM25 is awake – Brian Eno
, 09/11/2016
I had a bet with my American friend Stewart Brand that Trump would win. He wrote to me this morning: “You called it right. And I called it wrong. Groan. Now the weirdness!” I wrote back to him:
Trump’s Triumph: DiEM25 on how progressives must react
, 09/11/2016
Donald Trump’s victory marks the end of an era when a self-confident Establishment preached the end of history, the end of passion and the supremacy of a technocracy working on behalf of the 1%. But the era it ushers in is not new. It is a new variant of the 1930s, featuring deflationary economics, xenophobia […]
A Call to American Friends on the day of the US Presidential Election
, 08/11/2016
By Thomas Seibert and Yanis Varoufakis, members of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective As in the case of Brexit, we refuse to respond in a binary manner (remain or leave, Clinton or Trump) to the question facing voters.
What the United States needs: Investment & Progressive Internationalism – CNN op-ed
, 15/10/2016
Click here for the CNN site. (Note that the title was chosen by CNN’s editor.) Arthur Miller once said that “an era can be considered over when its basic illusions have been exhausted.”
Does it matter to Europe who is elected US President? Interviewed by Monocle
, 03/10/2016
[Click here or the image above]
Democratising Europe – a transnational project? A debate with openDemocracy
, 13/09/2016
YANIS VAROUFAKIS, ROSEMARY BECHLER, ALEX SAKALIS, and ANTHONY BARNETT 13 September 2016 (Click here for the openDemocracy site) What role does national self-determination and ‘self-government’ play in European and human emancipation today? Yanis Varoufakis replies for DiEM25. Yanis Varoufakis has recently been engaged in debating this key question for our times with the left. (See more.) […]
Building a Progressive International – op-ed Project Syndicate
, 31/07/2016
ATHENS – Politics in the advanced economies of the West is in the throes of a political shakeup unseen since the 1930s. The Great Deflation now gripping both sides of the Atlantic is reviving political forces that had lain dormant since the end of World War II. Passion is returning to politics, but not in […]
Full transcript of the Yanis Varoufakis | Noam Chomsky NYPL discussion
, 28/06/2016
The full transcript of my discussion with Noam Chomsky at the New York Public Library (26th April 2016) was just sent to me by Kelly Patrick Gerling. I thank him profusely. Here it is, just below the video window April 26, 2016, LIVE from the New York Public Library,, Celeste Bartos Forum YANIS VAROUFAKIS: Good evening, we don’t have anyone […]