Debt, Europe, Greece and the World Economy: Addressing the Kreisky Forum, Vienna, Wednesday 5th December 2012
, 02/12/2012
Anyone in Vienna this coming Wednesday (5/12/2012)? If so, perhaps you may pop in at the Kreisky Forum to hear me address: THE GREEK CRISIS AND THE EUROPEAN TRAGEDY THE DEBT CRISIS AND THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD ECONOMY For the official announcement…
The Eurozone after the November Eurogroup ‘Greek Deal’: On the current state of play
, 01/12/2012
On November 27th, 2012, the Eurogroup (comprising the Eurozone’s finance ministers) reached a decision on Greece. Its essence is a guarantee that Greece will remain in the Eurozone (and therefore off the Northern European agenda) for another ten to twelve months; at the very least until the German federal political cycle has seen through the […]
Eurozone slips into recession again: Debating the causes on China International Radio
, 30/11/2012
Click below for a China International Radio debate on the Eurozone Crisis, the extent to which austerity has caused the latest slip of the currency union area into recession and what can be done about it. Panel Discussion involving: -Cui Hongjian, Research Fellow with the China Institute of International Studies. -Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economic […]
China after the Global Minotaur
, 27/11/2012
This post follows up from earlier ones entitled Europe after the Global Minotaur and America after the Global Minotaur. These posts are extracts from the forthcoming new edition of The Global Minotaur.
Europe after the Global Minotaur
, 21/11/2012
This post follows up from an earlier one entitled America after the Global Minotaur. Both posts are extracts from the forthcoming new edition of The Global Minotaur. Bankruptocracy, as I have argued in Chapter 8 of my Global Minotaur, is as much of a European predicament as it is an American ‘invention’. The difference between […]
Debt Crises and the Future of the World Economy: Public Lecture at Seattle's Town Hall, 20th November 2012, 19.30
, 19/11/2012
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 7:30 – 9:00pm Where: Downstairs at Town Hall; enter on Seneca Street. $5 Click here for Seattle Town Hall’s webpage Financialization, ineffectual bank regulation, greed, and globalization were not the root causes of the global economic crisis, says economist Yanis Varoufakis; rather, they are symptoms of a much deeper malaise that can […]
The Global Minotaur in Spanish; plus a review in El Pais
, 18/11/2012
It is with great pleasure that I received the news that the Spanish translation of The Global Minotaur is out. The published text is that of the second edition, which will not be appearing in English, until February of 2013. Many thanks to my Spanish publisher, Capitán Swing (click here for their webpage). For an immediate […]
Political paralysis and the Eurozone crisis: USI Web Conference
, 16/11/2012
USI (Union Solidarity International) paid me the complement, on the occasion of the Pan-European Trades Union Action against Austerity, of organising a Web Conference to discuss my take on the Eurozone Crisis. To visit their relevant webpage, click here. In the following video, I had a chance to offer an update on where we stand, […]
America after the Global Minotaur
, 15/11/2012
In an earlier post, I explained that the global economy is in dire straits because the United States is no longer able to recycle the Rest of the World’s surpluses. Today I turn the spotlight on the US economy per se, in the aftermath of the Global Minotaur’s demise. (For readers not familiar with this […]
On BBC Radio 4's 'Today', discussing Greece's latest descent into the abyss
, 13/11/2012
Click here for the audio: BBC Radio 4, TODAY, 13th Nov 2012
Greece Debt Crisis Continues to Unravel, Offers Strong Lessons for the US: Radio interview
, 13/11/2012
Click here for an interview with Los Angeles area radio station uprisingradio.org in which we discuss the Greek debt crisis and the lessons to be drawn from it for the United States.
Dial Greece for Swindle: How disunity within the troika is straining their denial of Greece’s bankruptcy
, 13/11/2012
You may have heard that Greece is facing official bankruptcy as a result of Europe’s failure to deliver the funds that would allow the Greek government to carry on pretending that it is not insolvent – by redeeming a bond which is about to mature while in the possession of the European Central Bank. The truth […]
DESIGN DEFECTS AND POLICY FAILURES: An institutional analysis Of The Eurozone Crisis: Video of the Varoufakis-Auerback presentations, Columbia Law School
, 13/11/2012
Back in October, the Columbia Law School organised a debate on the Eurozone Crisis as part of their series Modern Money & Public Purpose 3: The Eurozone. Click below for the talks by Yanis Varoufakis and Marshall Auerback
Hanging in quiet desperation is (becoming) the Greek way
, 12/11/2012
This blog has a tendency to worship the large picture and to focus on the great issues of the day, with the Euro Crisis as its usual focus. There are times, however, when the small, miniscule picture, some snapshot of one person’s world, offers a stupendously large perspective from which to gather the greater scheme […]
A world without the Global Minotaur: Why is the world economy failing to recover?
, 10/11/2012
Almost two years have passed since the first edition of The Global Minotaur was written. Its prognosis for our tormented beast was not good. Have events since confirmed that the Global Minotaur’s wounds were too deep to allow it to continue to perform its miraculous global surplus recycling? Is this still the best explanation available […]
Which Second Haircut for Greece? By Kunibert Raffer
, 09/11/2012
Cross-posted from FSB Watch “Europe Pushed by IMF’s Lagarde to Consider Greek Debt Write-Off” Bloomberg reported recently. More cautious, the Wall Street Journal remarked that Lagarde had not expressly said so, although “some” saw a “public, albeit oblique, acknowledgment” of this necessity, and “some economists say” her request “would necessarily require restructuring Greek debt held […]
An emergency program for Greece
, 05/11/2012
The Greek government, under intense pressure from the troika of its lenders (IMF-EU-ECB), is about to give the wheel of depression another, powerful turn. At a time when national income is shrinking at a rate not seen since the Great Depression in any post-feudal society, in an economy where the circuits of credit (not just […]
A small victory for press freedom in Greece’s struggle against its cleptocracy
, 02/11/2012
A couple of hours ago, Kostas Vaxevanis, editor of HOT DOC, was acquitted by an Athenian court for having published the so-called Lagarde List. The charge was that he violated data protection legislation by publishing a list of more than two thousand names who had held a bank account with HSBC in Geneva. The not-guilty […]
My message to British Eurosceptic parliamentarians: "Those who despise the euro the most have the highest moral duty to help fix it!"
, 31/10/2012
Last Monday (29th October) evening, I had the opportunity to address a meeting convened by the European-Atlantic Group in the British Parliament. Later on that night, I was also honoured with an opportunity to deliver the after-dinner speech at the Caledonian Club. The topic of both events was “Global and European Recovery: What will it […]
Monday 29th October, in the House of Parliament, London, debating "European and Global Recovery – What Will It Take?"
, 25/10/2012
Next Monday, the European-Atlantic Group is organising a debate in the Grand Committee of the House of Commons, on what it will take for Europe and the world to return to growth and end the Crisis which began in 2008. In the Chair: The Rt Hon The Lord Hamilton of Epsom Speakers: Professor Marcus Miller, (Professor of […]
Discussing Greece and Europe on Business Spectator; interviewed by Robert Gottliebsen
, 25/10/2012
Robert Gottliebsen, one of Australia’s leading business and economics journalist, interviewed me recently in Melbourne for Business Spectator. Like many anglosaxon business commentators, Robert clearly thinks that Greece is facing an impossible future within the Eurozone and that it would be better off leaving the currency union. In this interview, he began by asking me […]
On ABC Radio National: The Euro Crisis and how to resolve it
, 25/10/2012
Following my Sydney CPA address on the Euro Crisis, ABC Radio National (RN Drive) interviewed me on (what else?) the Euro Crisis and how it should be resolved. Click here for the interview or visit the ABC’s webpage here.
The worst enemies of European unity are those who profess to serve it: Address at the CPA Sydney Conference, 2012
, 25/10/2012
Last week, Norman Lamont and I addressed the CPA 2012 Conference in Melbourne. Yesterday we repeated that ‘gig’ in Sydney. Unwilling to deliver the same speech as in Melbourne (which was posted here), I chose to discuss the Euro Crisis from a slightly different angle (with very few overlapping paragraphs). As this was a closed-to-the-public […]
The Euro Crisis as a spectacular political failure. MELBOURNE ADDRESS – CPA, Tuesday 16th October 2012
, 18/10/2012
Last Tuesday, at the CPA Annual Conference in Melbourne, I was invited to debate Norman Lamont, the UK’s former Chancellor of the Exchequer (under John Major’s government), on the Euro Crisis. The event was closed to the public (invitation only) and thus it was not possible offer a video link. But now here is the […]