
On ABC Late Night Live, discussing 'The Dirty War for Europe's Integrity and Soul'

, 22/10/2013

Last night I had the pleasure of sitting in LNL’s studio with Philip Adams discussing some themes from a talk I am about to give tonight at the State Library of New South Wales on ‘The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity and Soul’. Here is the podcast: 

Off to Oz to talk Europe

, 18/10/2013

Next Wednesday evening, the 23rd of October, I shall be delivering The Inaugural Europe Lecture of the University of Western Sydney at the State Library of New South Wales. (Please note that till then postings will be rudimentary.) The talk itself will be entitled “The Dirty War for Europe’s Integrity and Soul” (For details click […]

The US Debt Ceiling Strife from a European perspective

, 17/10/2013

Cooled down in the proverbial 11th hour, at least until it is brought back on the boil next January, the US debt ceiling clash puzzles Europeans and gives them an opportunity to re-asses their own leaders’ shenanigans.

Interviewed by Geraldine Dooge (ABC Radio National) on Greece's Wartime 'Loan' to Germany. Plus a simple proposal for killing two birds with one stone

, 15/10/2013

On Saturday 12th October, I was interviewed by Geraldine Dooge for the ABC Radio National’s program ‘Saturday Extra’ on the theme of Greek claims on Germany for wartime reparations and on a strange ‘loan’ that was extracted from the Greek government by the Nazi authorities. You can hear the interview here:   Read on for […]

Professor Fama's 'Nobel' Prize toxic theory explained

, 15/10/2013

Readers have requested a summary of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which is in the news again as a result of the ‘Nobel’ Prize award to Professor Eugene Fama – see this instant reaction on the matter). In what follows the reader can peruse very brief presentations of the triad of toxic theories that undermined macroeconomic […]

Economics 'Nobel' 2013: An instinctive reaction

, 14/10/2013

The moment I heard that Fama and Shiller (together with Hansen) were awarded the latest pseudo-Nobel in Economics, my initial thought was: What next? A Darwin Prize to some Arch Creationist? The Award for Top Seamanship to the Titanic’s captain? But then I quickly changed my mind. Awarding this ‘Nobel’ to both Fama and Shiller was […]

Under re-construction

, 14/10/2013

Just a quick warning, to loyal readers, that I am in the process of re-constructring the site. Over the next few days you may find new headings without the proper links and other such signs of digital chaos. By the end of the week, the ‘new’ version of the site should be complete.  Thank you […]

The flow of trade, the flow of capital and the Eurozone: Guest post by Klaus Kastner

, 12/10/2013

A few weeks ago, I began doing something which I hadn’t done since my College days – I did some reading of and about John Maynard Keynes. Among others, I am just finishing the book “The Battle of Bretton Woods” by Benn Steil. And I am amazed! Two principal issues dominated the negotiations lead by […]

Euro Crisis, Modest Proposal, Social Democracy's Waterloo, and the threat of Fascism: Interview

, 11/10/2013

An interview with Alessandro Bianchi, editor-in-chief of the Italian political news website, www.lantidiplomatico.it 

Game Theory: An assessment of the theory that aspires to unify the social sciences

, 10/10/2013

Audio is now available here: . Listen in conjunction with the slides available here. The talk was delvered on Thursday 10th October 2013, 12:15 to 1:30p at the Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs (SRH 3.219/3.216), University of Texas at Austin, Austin

Johnny (Paulson) Got His Gun (and is aiming at some grim, Greek pickings)

, 07/10/2013

“Did anybody ever come back from the dead?”… “Put the guns into our hands and we will use them. Give us the slogans and we will turn them into reality.” Dalton Trumbo, Johnny Got His Gun “We think Piraeus and Alpha, two banks we have a position in, are now very well capitalised and poised to recover… They have […]

Europe in 25 years – my 'futuristic' piece in Europe's World

, 02/10/2013

Europe’s World commissioned me to write the article below on where Europe may be in twenty five years from now. Hope that it proves anything other than prophetic… (Click here for Europe’s World site.) Six years have passed since the Shanghai Crash of 2032, and Europe’s architecture is incapable of responding to its challenges in a way that […]

What Merkel’s Third Term Means for Europe

, 28/09/2013

(This article was commissioned by The New Left Project – click here for the NLP’s site) A few days before the German federal election, the American commentator Bob Kuttner called upon German Chancellor Angela Merkel to use the election victory that was clearly in the making to change tack regarding the European Periphery. Focusing on […]

No signal: an intimate, personal history of ERT

, 25/09/2013

Regular readers will recall my pieces on the closure of the Greek public broadcaster. A longer and more comprehensive version, in which I took the time and the space to unfold my memories of ERT’s presence in our collective Greek experience, became our third contribution to Witte de With’s Review. For the WdW Review site, click […]

Alexis Tsipras at the Kreisky Forum, Vienna (the complete speech/address to Austrian social democrats)

, 24/09/2013

Last week, Alexis Tsipras (SYRIZA’s chair) gave a talk at the Kreisky Forum, in Vienna. In it he addressed Austrian social democrats, in Bruno Kreisky’s old residence. I post Tsipras’ speech here for two reasons: First, because it sends an interesting message to central European social democrats (Austrian and German in particular). Secondly, because this […]

THE INAUGURAL EUROPE LECTURE, Sydney 23rd October 2013

, 22/09/2013

The History Group in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney is pleased to present: THE INAUGURAL EUROPE LECTURE Europe: The Dirty War for its Integrity and its Soul Professor Yanis Varoufakis Wednesday 23 October 2013, 6-8pm Dixon Room, State Library of NSW  For the flyer containing more information please click [...]

Hollande and Merkel: Where Left is Right – guest post by Stuart Holland

, 22/09/2013

Rather than the claim of German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble that the rest of Europe needs austerity to be able to compete (The Guardian, July 19th), François Hollande was right to say in an interview with Le Monde (September 3rd) that Europe should stop apologising for the Eurozone crisis and its failure to recover growth and […]

Nazi Murders – and what to do about them (radio interview plus a short article)

, 20/09/2013

When anti-racist rapper Pavlos Physsas was stabbed to death by Nazi thugs in the streets of working class Keratsini, near Athens, Greek society was forced to acknowledge that the serpent’s egg had not only hatched but that it had produced a venomous snake intent on taking a terrible toll. No longer content to bash migrants […]

The Modest Proposal as a Trojan Horse for the dreaded transfer union: Guest post by Hubert Marcks

, 17/09/2013

To all those who can’t help but feeling that an external surplus recycling mechanism as described in the modest proposal would just be an appeasing technical term for the dreaded transfer-union and that it would condemn the deficit countries into eternal servitude, I would like to point to an example within the mother of all […]

A modest objection to the Modest Proposal: Debt write offs instead of the Modest Proposal

, 17/09/2013

Jordi Angusto sent me the following missive regarding our Modest Proposal. To which both Stuart Holland and I respond below. 

Why asymmetrical monetary unions are bound to fail (unless they feature an effective, extra-market surplus recycling mechanism)

, 15/09/2013

Asymmetrical monetary unions, wherever and whenever tried in combination with free trade and deregulated capital movements, ended up in tears and retribution. The Gold Standard, the various pegs between domestic currencies and the US dollar (S.E. Asia, Argentina, Mexico etc.), the ERM (European Exchange Rate Mechanism), the Eurozone that followed the latter’s collapse etc. they […]

Greece an "island of stability"? On CBC radio

, 14/09/2013

I live in hope that, one of these days, I shall be in a position to say something positive and cheerful upon being asked by a journalist after my views on the latest ‘Greek Success & Recovery’ story as put forward by Greece’s Prime Minister. Unhappily, I am not able to do so presently.

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