Interview with Der Standard: "Noch nie war Athen so bankrott wie heute"
, 25/04/2014
INTERVIEW with ANDREAS SATOR, April 25, 2014. Click here for THE STANDARD’s website or read on …
Greek statistics are back: Primary deficit presented as surplus, with Eurostat’s seal of approval
, 24/04/2014
Have you heard the one about Greece’s Eurostat-approved 2013 primary surplus? Well, you should not believe it. Here is why:
Easter wishes to all
, 20/04/2014
Who said that Easter has no significance in our cynical age, even to atheists like myself? Suffering, the sacrifice of the innocents, persecution of prophets of truth – it is all going on with a vengeance. On this note, Happy Easter to all. (The photo above was taken by Danae Stratou on the US-Mexican border […]
More on the Grand Greek De-coupling – Interviewed on RT tv
, 16/04/2014
Interviewed on RT’s Boom-Bust show on themes already covered in posts here and here.
Inequality: Should we care? A debate between Y. Brook (Ayn Rand Institute) and J. Galbraith & Y. Varoufakis (UT); 17th April at UT Austin
, 16/04/2014
Witness a dramatic battle of ideas between two internationally known speakers over the question of whether or not we should be concerned about economic inequality.
Greece’s Grand Decoupling, the Nuclear Option and an Alternative Strategy: A comment on Münchau
, 14/04/2014
In his latest Financial Times column Wolfgang Münchau concurs with much of what I have written here (on the Greek social economy’s deep coma) and here (on the reasons why investors are piling in) but goes on to suggest that Greece should seriously consider exiting the Eurozone. In today’s post I offer an evaluation of his argument. In brief, […]
The Grand Greek Paradox: Bankrupt but embraced by the money markets – On the BBC World Service
, 09/04/2014
(listen to the first story; first 15′) Greece is about to issue 5 year bonds again. Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt and Athens are celebrating Greece’s recovery. For my part, I think (and tell the BBC World Service) that this is a sad day for Greece and it is a sad day for Europe. Why do I refuse […]
Vicious Disequilibrium, in the Los Angeles Review of Books
, 09/04/2014
Are we witnessing a new global balance? Or a new incongruity pregnant with the crisis’ next phase?
Das Kapital for the Twenty-First Century? A review of T. Piketty’s new book by James K. Galbraith
, 03/04/2014
Thomas Piketty has a new book out: Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It is an ambitious volume that sets out to explain the sources of inequality and social tensions in the context of his own anatomy of… Das Kapital. As this book is receiving a great deal of attention, a proper review is in order. Thankfully, James K. Galbraith […]
Europe’s latest policy on Irish and Greek banking losses: A tale of two swindles too similar for comfort
, 01/04/2014
The Irish and the Greeks are, in many ways, very different people. And yet, caught up in the Euro Crisis, our fortunes have become too close for comfort. Recently, European authorities have devised a creative new method for damaging the people of Ireland and of Greece further. The new method involved imposed changes on the public […]
Reaching For Our Revolvers: How a United Europe defused its culture and divided its people
, 31/03/2014
This is an article that appeared in Brooklyn Rail, a NYC-based art magazine. My brief was to write a piece on the effects of European unification on European culture. Click here for the BR website version. Or…
AUSTERITY – a televised debate (by the Institute of World Affairs) on its logic and discontents featuring J.K. Galbraith, Jeff Sommers and Yanis Varoufakis
, 27/03/2014
James Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government, University of Texas – Austin Yanis Varoufakis, Visiting Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas – Austin, and Jeffrey Sommers, Senior Fellow, Institute of World Affairs Moderator: Doug Savage, Institute of World Affairs
Bengt-Ake Lundvall: "The Portuguese Manifesto could become a trigger for change"
, 27/03/2014
Bengt-Ake Lundvall is a co-signatory of the petition by 74 of us in favour of an immediate restructuring of Portugal’s public debt. Here are his reasons for signing the petition. (And, for readers who missed them, here are the reasons I gave for signing the same petition.)
Think Big, Think Bold
, 25/03/2014
Why the Left in Britain and in the Eurozone must aim for a radical Pan-European Green New Deal The Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) kindly invited me to draft a possible Manifesto for the European Left, in view of the May 2014 European Parliament election. Here is the final document I produced entitled […]
How do the powerful get the idea that they ‘deserve’ more? Lessons from the… laboratory
, 21/03/2014
The ‘haves’ of the world are always convinced that they deserve their wealth. That their gargantuan income reflects their ingenuity, ‘human capital’, the risks they (or their parents) took, their work ethic, their acumen, their application, their good luck even. The economists (especially members of the so-called Chicago School. e.g. Gary Becker) aid and abet […]
Why I signed the petition for a Portuguese debt restructure
, 21/03/2014
Jorge Rodrigues, of Portuguese daily Expresso, asked me to explain why it is that I signed the petition of 74 economists calling for an immediate debt restructuring of Portugal’s public debt, how this ‘call’ squares up with our Modest Proposal and what type of debt restructuring I had in mind. Click here for the interview as […]
70 economists petition for an immediate Portuguese debt restructure
, 20/03/2014
While Frankfurt-Berlin-Brussels are in full spin mode on Portugal, pretending that the fiscal consolidation program was successful and the country is about to exit its bailout (a little like exiting the frying pan to land in the fire itself), the bitter reality is that Portugal’s public debt is out of control, its labour market in […]
Why has the Eurozone Bond Market stabilised?
, 18/03/2014
In June 2012, at a time when central banks had pushed interest rates to almost zero, Italy had to borrow at 8% to re-finance its gargantuan $3 trillion debt. Spain was in even direr straits. With national income falling by 2% annually, these interest rates meant that the national debt mountain was rising by 10% […]
Is this an alien landing site, ancient monument, or something else?
, 15/03/2014
Readers of this blog are familiar with Danae Stratou‘s photographic works (her photos adorn the header above). In this post I copy a story from CNN.COM about Desert Breath: one the largest and (in my eyes) most significant land art projects on the planet’s face. It is the creation of Danae Stratou, Alexandra Stratou and […]
Tony Benn – in memoriam
, 14/03/2014
Tony Benn’s passing saddened and concentrated my mind. His was the voice that resonated with (a much younger version of) me most powerfully immediately after I moved to England in 1978. I was attracted instantly to the combination of: his commitment to the progressive history and potential of British Parliamentarianism, his passionate anti-imperialist pacifism, his relentless […]
On Bitcoin’s potential: Q&A on what Bitcoin can and cannot offer a troubled world
, 13/03/2014
Following my debate with Andreas Antonopoulos on ABC Late Night Live, graduate students of mine (at the University of Texas) were kind enough to piece together a related Q&A reflecting my views on BTC. Read on…
Debating Bitcoin on ABC Late Night Live, with Phillip Adams and Andreas Antonopoulos
, 13/03/2014
In this lively debate, on ABC Radio National’s excellent Late Night Live (with Phillip Adams in the chair), we discuss what makes Bitcoin a fascinating technology, whether it is a genuine currency, its parallels with the Gold Standard and what I have called previously the dangerous fantasy of apolitical money.
Five lessons from the Greek PSI
, 12/03/2014
Jorge Rodrigues, of Portuguese daily Expresso, wrote to me with a question: “What lessons can countries like Portugal learn from the Greek PSI of 2012, now that their post-bailout debts have also become unsustainable?” My answers were published in Expresso on 17th March 2014. My original answers in English follow:
Of Masks and Shadows: The curious case of actors arrested on stage in Athens’ theater of the absurd
, 11/03/2014
The curious tale of two actors’s arrest on the stage of a derelict, occupied, Athenian theatre offers a window into life in Athens in the shadow of its wholesale economic collapse. This is our sixth article for the Witte de With Review (an initiative of Rotterdam-based Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art of which we, vitalspace.org and I, are party to, […]