This Friday, in London: Toward a New Politics for Europe – with Paul Mason
Ever since the financial crash, the left has struggled to articulate a future for Europe that takes into account the needs of all its citizens. But this year, two anti-austerity movements with very different styles shot to prominence and to popularity - Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain. The UK is witnessing the surge [...] , 19/10/2015
Democratising Europe and Academic Freedom – University of Coimbra, 17th October 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQNN9U65-HI&feature=youtu.be , 19/10/2015
Barcelona 15th October 2015 – in conversation with Monica Terribas
, 17/10/2015
FOREX NEWS kindly took notes of the main points of my conversation with Monica Terribas at the El Born Cultural Centre in Barcelona. I used their notes as a template for notes that I superimposed – see below. To watch the video of the discussion, click here.
Ada Colau meets Yanis Varoufakis to proclaim that "another Europe is possible"
, 15/10/2015
EUROPA PRESS Barcelona Mayor met Wednesday with former Minister Greek Finance to discuss democracy in Europe. Τhe meeting was attended by First Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Gerardo Pisarello and Varoufakis’ wife, artist Danae Stratou.
Discussing European Democracy in Barcelona – 15th October 2015, 19.00
, 12/10/2015
At Barcelona’s Born Cultural Centre. at the invitation of Mayor Ada Colau, ion conversation with Monica Terribas. Live streaming here.
Fighting for our Future: Public meeting in London on 14th September 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Gd3bluAHo , 09/10/2015
Démocratiser l’euro! – L'OBS, 8 October 2015
, 08/10/2015
Click here or on the adjacent icon for a pdf of my interview with L’OBS
What to do about Europe? – At the Volksbühne Theatre, Berlin, 6th October 2015
, 08/10/2015
At the legendary Volksbühne Berlin theatre in discussion with Franco „Bifo“ Berardi, Srećko Horvat and Guillaume Paoli
Greece without illusions – op-ed in Project Syndicate
, 05/10/2015
ATHENS – “The costliest minor government reshuffle in Greece’s history.” That is at least one way to describe the result of the Greek general election on September 20. Indeed, with few exceptions, the same ministers have returned to the same offices as part of an administration backed by the same odd pair of parties (the […]
Artists should be feared by the powerful – Keynote closing the 6th Moscow Biennale, 1st October 2015 (audio)
, 04/10/2015
Click above for an audio of my Moscow talk – which RT-tv was broadcasting live until I began to criticise the Putin government…
Entretien exclusif – YANIS VAROUFAKIS sur ECORAMA
, 01/10/2015
Yanis Varoufakis était l’invité de Boursorama mercredi 30 septembre dans l’émission Ecoramaanimée par David Jacquot. L’ancien ministre des Finances grec est revenu sur les coulisses des négociations de cet été, tout en livrant ses opinions sur l’économie française.
Europe revisited – 2hr interview on Mediapart, 25 SEP 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRH39j3Kmh0#action=share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-B6PoHgqZU , 30/09/2015
BBC One's Question Time, 24th September 2015 – full program
, 24/09/2015
Yanis Varoufakis, Conservative former Chancellor Ken Clarke, Shadow Leader of the House Chris Bryant (Labour), UKIP’s Suzanne Evans and columnist/commentator Julia Hartley Brewer. See here for a review of the program by The Guardian.
Il Fatto Quotidiano interview on M. Renzi's 'comment' & my reply
, 23/09/2015
Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano just published an interview with me regarding PN Renzi’s recent comments on my “removal” and my reply to him. Here are is the original Q&A in English.
POLITICO: Interview
, 23/09/2015
VAROUFAKIS TOLD YOU SO By DAVID PATRIKARAKOS ATHENS — Yanis Varoufakis lives in understated elegance. His apartment is spacious and pleasing to the eye. Shelves bulge with books on politics and economics, unsurprising for a university professor who was, until July, Greece’s finance minister. TO READ THE INTERVIEW ON POLITICO’s SITE, CLICK HERE. Or…
A message for Mr Renzi
, 22/09/2015
Italian PM M. Renzi (click here for his speech) rejoiced at having “got rid of me” – citing my ‘removal’ from the ‘scene’ as a sign that ‘apostates’ (i.e. those who divide their parties) are jettisoned. His is a motivated illusion. Last July ‘they’ ‘got rid’ of something much more important than me. Here is my […]
Tsipras' triumph vs the impossible task of implementing a program designed to fail – in The Guardian
, 22/09/2015
Alexis Tsipras has snatched resounding victory from the jaws of July’s humiliating surrender to the troika of Greece’s lenders. Defying opposition parties, opinion pollsters and critics within his ranks (including this writer), he held on to government with a reduced, albeit workable, majority. The question is whether he can combine remaining in office with being […]
Paul Krugman on Greece's 3rd MoU: An agreement designed to fail
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=aZY-5wp_6IQ , 19/09/2015
Addressing the striking staff of London's National Gallery – 14th SEP 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY_-Z0HQxYU , 19/09/2015
Back-to-back speeches by Yanis Varoufakis & John McDonnell (audio)
, 16/09/2015
This audio was recorded (apologies for the iffy quality) at the PCS fringe meeting at this year’s TUC Conference in Brighton – Saturday 12th September 2015. A few hours later it was announced that John McDonnell was selected, by Jeremy Corbin, as Shadow Chancellor
On Corbyn, Greece and the UN – Interviewed for RT-tv's UNDERGROUND
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=_giZbaZPm94 , 16/09/2015
Interview in Corriere Della Sera – 16 SEP 2015
, 16/09/2015
L’ex ministro greco delle Finanze: «Presto ci sarà il lancio ufficiale e una sinistra pan europea capace di offrire una politica alternativa all’austerità» For the Italian version as published in CDS, click here. But beware: The Italian text there is a summary of my answers and, in my view, offers a distorted version of my […]
Britain, Greece & the Struggle for a Decent Future – Emmanuel Centre, London, 14th September 2015
, 15/09/2015
Jump to 1:04:50 for my address