DiEM's Berlin Launch, 9th February 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd4Owt05-ZM&feature=youtu.be&t=2h32m37s , 11/02/2016
DiEM is needed to stop the slide into a new 1930s – The Independent
, 11/02/2016
Click here for The Independent site. Or…
Sanders' victory from DiEM's perspective – on Channel 4 News
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKqySLaxK4U , 11/02/2016
DiEM25 – the video, with Eno's original score
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJyju_tHS8k , 10/02/2016
DiEM and the road ahead for Europe’s progressive politics – live conversation with Marisa Matias et al
, 08/02/2016
For the live stream click
Before the Launch -DiEM in the making
, 06/02/2016
Few days, indeed hours, before DiEM’s 9th February Berlin launch, diem25.org is slowly getting off the ground. For the time being, it offers readers the opportunity to join the movement and to read the Manifesto in English – and soon in many more languages. (For convenience, and for now, click here for the English version and here […]
The crucial Third Option: DiEM’s raison d’ etre – Op-ed in The Guardian
, 05/02/2016
Click here for the Guardian site. Or…
The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis – on acTVism Munich
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x9APkNeqe4&feature=iv&src_vid=ZcXZVPhjV8E&annotation_id=annotation_4056056273 , 03/02/2016
Do they really want your money back? op-ed in Bild Zeitung
, 02/02/2016
Click here for the Bild website. Or…
Se respiran aires del DiEM25: algunas claves sobre el movimiento
, 02/02/2016
Ya se pueden respirar aires del DiEM25. Nuestra página web (http://diem25.org/) ya ha hecho su primera aparición, y nuestras cuentas en Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/diem25.official.page/) y en Twitter (https://twitter.com/DiEM25_ES) ya se encuentran activas. El manifiesto del DiEM será publicado en los próximos días, y nuestra presencia online estará a punto para la fecha de nuestro lanzamiento, el […]
A tu per tu con Varoufakis, senza peli sulla lingua (sull’Europa e non solo) -Marcello Foa, Il Giornale
, 01/02/2016
Origina source: http://blog.ilgiornale.it/foa/2016/02/01/a-tu-per-tu-con-varoufakis/ Visto da vicino, Yanis Varoufakis convince. Ho avuto il privilegio di intervistarlo pubblicamente a Lugano e poi di trascorrere alcune ore assieme a lui. E mi ha fatto un’eccellente impressione. Mi verrebbe dire che è un greco tutto d’un pezzo, uno spirito libero, capace di rompere gli schemi e di andare oltre le […]
DiEM25 is in the air – a preliminary Q&A
, 31/01/2016
DiEM25 is, indeed, in the air. Our website (www.diem25.org) has made its first appearance on the airwaves, as have our Facebook and Twitter (@diem_25) pages. DiEM’s Manifesto will appear in the next few days and our webpages will ‘mature’ into a fully fledged website by our launch date – the 9th of February. While waiting for the Volksbuehne […]
Why a pan-European democracy movement? Interviewed by Nick Buxton
, 29/01/2016
Yanis Varoufakis speaks to Nick Buxton, and Red Pepper, about why a pan-European movement for democracy is necessary
Are we heading for a crash? The Guardian
, 29/01/2016
Click here for The Guardian site or if you want to read the longer version of my entry…
How the ‘Troika Effect’ was dubbed the ‘Varoufakis Effect’ – Project Syndicate Op-Ed and beyond
, 28/01/2016
As part of an impressive campaign to discredit the Athens Spring, and those of us who continue to honour and propagate its spirit, a cabal of journalists and ‘analysts’ have joined forces to depict me as the “destroyer of the Greek economy.” The purpose? To demonise the Greek people’s audacity to elect us with a […]
‘Capitalism will eat democracy – unless we speak up’ – TED, December 2015
, 15/12/2015
Have you wondered why politicians aren’t what they used to be, why governments seem unable to solve real problems? Economist Yanis Varoufakis, the former Minister of Finance for Greece, says that it’s because you can be in politics today but not be in power — because real power now belongs to those who control the […]
Transparency Everywhere! My fees and the troika’s latest vilification drive
, 28/10/2015
Since my resignation from the finance ministry, in protest at our government’s capitulation to the troika, I have been spending my time and energy to transfer the spirit of the Athens Spring to the heart of Europe – to promote the urgent need to shine the light of transparency on Europe’s decision making as a […]
Cambridge Union address, 26th October 2015 – Audio
, 27/10/2015
Until the Cambridge Union releases the youtube video of my address, here is an audio of my presentation on the theme: THE EURO CRISIS THROUGH THE LENS OF THE CAMBRIDGE TRADITION.
"One very simple, but radical, idea: to democratise Europe." OpenDemocracy interview
, 25/10/2015
For the OpenDemocracy site click picture above. Or read on…
In conversation with Aaron Bastani on Greece and Europe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03rdRWqZgb0 , 25/10/2015
In conversation with Aaron Bastani on Europe, UKIP and Post-Capitalism
, 25/10/2015
In conversation with Aaron Bastani discussing everything from Nigel Farage and the rise of xenophobia in the Eurozone to the intricacies of Marxism and the future after capitalism.
Schäuble’s Gathering Storm – my Project Syndicate op-ed
, 24/10/2015
ATHENS – Europe’s crisis is poised to enter its most dangerous phase. After forcing Greece to accept another “extend-and-pretend” bailout agreement, fresh battle lines are being drawn. And, with the refugee influx exposing the damage caused by divergent economic prospects and sky-high youth unemployment in Europe’s periphery, the ramifications are ominous, as recent statements by […]
Our nations and the EU – in conversation with Lord Howard of Lympne 25 OCT 2015
, 24/10/2015
On our nations and the EU With Yanis Varoufakis and Michael Howard, Lord Howard of Lympne. Sunday Morning Live (12.15pm), The Tabernacle, 35 Powis Square, off Portobello Road London W11 2AY