The Irish have rejected 'dead-end', troika-inspired policies – comment in The IRISH TIMES
, 27/02/2016
Old Regime is Dead. But the New Regime is Struggling to Be Born Click here for the Irish Times site. By Damian Mac Con Uladh Ireland has rejected the policies of Fine Gael Minister for Finance. Ireland has rejected Fine Gael and Labour’s “dead-end policies” and Michael Noonan’s “cynical” pledge to renegotiate cuts to Ireland’s banking […]
Reply to Open Letter by Federation of Young European Greens to DiEM25
, 26/02/2016
Following the Berlin Launch of DiEM25, eleven representatives of the FEDERATION OF YOUNG EUROPEAN GREENS (including two Members of European Parliament) sent DiEM25 an Open Letter welcoming its ‘birth’ and urging us to unite in the fight for a Democratic, Sustainable, Humanist, Open Europe. Here is my reply to their Open Letter (which you can download here […]
DiEM25 and the mission to save Europe – in conversation with euronews’ Isabelle Kumar
, 24/02/2016
To watch the interview on the euronews site, click here : Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis locked horns with the European establishment, and ultimately had to stand down. But now the bad boy of European politics is back with a vengeance – launching DiEM25 a new pan-European movement that he says aims to bring democracy […]
Democracy or Bust in Europe -Project Syndicate Op-Ed
, 24/02/2016
BERLIN – “Europe will be democratized or it will disintegrate!” That maxim is more than a catchphrase from the manifesto of the Democracy in Europe Movement – DiEM25, the group I just helped to launch in Berlin. It is a simple, if under-acknowledged fact. Read more at my Project Syndicate page
The 3rd Option Needed in the UK Referendum Debate – in Newsweek
, 23/02/2016
We need a third way Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, speaking at the launch of the DiEM25– Good Europe campaign. “David Cameron came back with the mother of all euro-fudges to address…an electorate that is sick and tired of euro-fudges. So there is a delicious irony there… The Euroskeptics have a legitimate case. Those who…come to the conclusion […]
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Economics: With Ann Pettifor – Tuesday 23/2, London
, 18/02/2016
How did we get here? And how can we get out of this mess? Hitch a ride with us through the topsy-turvy world of contemporary economics – no prior knowledge required! Yanis Varoufakis (Former Greek Finance Minister), Ann Pettifor (Director, Policy Research in Macroeconomics), Mufti Abdur Rahman Mangera (Former Imam, Casenove Road Mosque, Hackney and Director of Zamzam […]
Britain should stand up to EU ‘farce’ – The Telegraph
By Elizabeth Anderson 4:00PM GMT 15 Feb 2016 Yanis Varoufakis, Greece's outspoken former finance minister, has warned it would be damaging for Britain to leave the European Union, and insists the country should remain in the bloc to confront the "bureaucratic and unappetising" establishment. "Our only collective escape from the current disintegration of the EU, [...] , 18/02/2016
On Trump and Europe -Business Insider
, 16/02/2016
Reuters/Jonathan Ernst/Jean-Paul Pelissier/Business InsiderDonald Trump, left, and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.
Bernie Sanders’ backers aren’t voting for socialism
, 16/02/2016
WRITTEN BY Tim Fernholz The last socialist to freak out the establishment with a radical plan, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, said Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is earning votes for his common sense, not his political theory, in a recent Quora post:
Q&A Quora Session: DiEM, Europe, Sanders, Trump and more…
, 16/02/2016
Click here for my Quora session
Report on DiEM's Berlin Launch – by AcTVism Munich
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_74VJFOiPoc , 15/02/2016
Varoufakis tells Irish people to ‘send Michael Noonan packing’ – The Irish Times
, 14/02/2016
Former Greek finance minister accuses government of pandering to oligarchs about 4 hours ago Ronan McGreevy (For the Irish Times site, please click here) At a Right2Change meeting in Dublin’s Mansion House, the former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis accused the Irish government of pandering to oligarchs. Video: Ronan McGreevy Ireland faces a “stark choice” at […]
DiEM appeals for democratic awakening – Il Manifesto
, 13/02/2016
by Marco Bascetta, Sandro Mezzadra (Click here for the Il Manifesto site) Certainly there was no lack of media attention here for Yanis Varoufakis, the ex-finance minister of Greece. With a packed hall and journalists queuing, the press conference opened for the meeting organized at Volksbühne Berlin for the presentation of the DiEM 2025 manifesto […]
DiEM's first Press Conference – Berlin 9/2/2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcptJkd87uQ , 11/02/2016
DiEM's Berlin Launch, 9th February 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd4Owt05-ZM&feature=youtu.be&t=2h32m37s , 11/02/2016
DiEM is needed to stop the slide into a new 1930s – The Independent
, 11/02/2016
Click here for The Independent site. Or…
Sanders' victory from DiEM's perspective – on Channel 4 News
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKqySLaxK4U , 11/02/2016
DiEM25 – the video, with Eno's original score
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJyju_tHS8k , 10/02/2016
DiEM and the road ahead for Europe’s progressive politics – live conversation with Marisa Matias et al
, 08/02/2016
For the live stream click
Before the Launch -DiEM in the making
, 06/02/2016
Few days, indeed hours, before DiEM’s 9th February Berlin launch, diem25.org is slowly getting off the ground. For the time being, it offers readers the opportunity to join the movement and to read the Manifesto in English – and soon in many more languages. (For convenience, and for now, click here for the English version and here […]
The crucial Third Option: DiEM’s raison d’ etre – Op-ed in The Guardian
, 05/02/2016
Click here for the Guardian site. Or…
The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis – on acTVism Munich
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x9APkNeqe4&feature=iv&src_vid=ZcXZVPhjV8E&annotation_id=annotation_4056056273 , 03/02/2016
Do they really want your money back? op-ed in Bild Zeitung
, 02/02/2016
Click here for the Bild website. Or…