Political Economy: The Social Sciences’ Red Pill – U of Sydney, 13th May
, 13/05/2016
To mark his appointment as an Honorary Professor within the Department of Political Economy at the University of Sydney, we are delighted to announce the hosting of Professor Yanis Varoufakis.
Technical change turns Basic Income into a necessity
, 12/05/2016
Addressing the Future of Work conference, Zurich, 5th May 2016, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
On Spain’s general election & Podemos’ prospects – op-ed in Newsweek
, 12/05/2016
Click here for the Newsweek site. Or…
The Reform & Fiscal Policy Proposals of my ministry a year to this day – compare & contrast
, 11/05/2016
A year to this day (11th May 2015), my team of international advisers (*) and I submitted this proposal for reforming the Greek economy, including a particular proposal for a debt reschedule. It is interesting to compare and to contrast it with the agreement that the troika is about to impose on the Athens government. […]
On Reuters with Rob Cox, global editor of Breakingviews
, 10/05/2016
Yanis Varoufakis joins Rob Cox, global editor of Breakingviews, to talk about his new book, ”And the Weak Suffer What They Must?”, the state of the EU, and the implications of a potential Brexit and Trump presidency. To watch the video click the image above – or just here. For audio only click below
On Greece & Brexit – BBC2 tv Newsnight, 9th May 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydY_1yRtzM , 10/05/2016
DiEM25's Vienna Assembly on Europe's Duty to Refugees, on Europe's duty to itself
, 09/05/2016
On 5th May 2016, DiEm25 went to Vienna, the scene where the scandalous decisions regarding border closures motivated by a ‘moral panic’ over the refugees, were taken. The people of Vienna embraced our event with splendid warmth, generosity and enthusiasm. You can watch the event in two parts (click above) and you can catch glimpses of […]
Imagining a New Bretton Woods – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 08/05/2016
The financial meltdown of 2008 prompted calls for a global financial system that curtails trade imbalances, moderates speculative capital flows, and prevents systemic contagion. That, of course, was the goal of the original Bretton Woods system. But such a system today would be both untenable and undesirable. So, what might an alternative look like?
On CNN, discussing Greece and its creditors with Fareed Zakaria
, 08/05/2016
How Greece was turned into a permanent debt-deflationary trap through unsustainable extend-and-pretend bailout loans. And how difficult it was to negotiate with creditors who do not really care about getting their money back. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE OR CLICK HERE.
On the Future of Capitalism | New School, New York
, 07/05/2016
This talk on the future of capitalism and democracy was delivered on 26th April 2016
In conversation with Noam Chomsky, at the New York Public Library
, 03/05/2016
On 26th April 2015, I had the immense privilege of appearing at the New York Public Library with Noam Chomsky. Amongst other topics, we discussed Bernie Sanders, Greece, Europe, capitalism, the state of economic doctrine and, of course, DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement that Noam recently joined. My deepest gratitude to the good people […]
Europe and the Austerity Fallacy – at the The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
, 03/05/2016
The European Union is a house of cards threatening regional stability and global prosperity, argues Yanis Varoufakis.
On CBC Radio: Former Greek finance minister says Greece was fiscally waterboarded by creditors
, 03/05/2016
Click here or on the image above to listen to the interview.
Council of Foreign Relations, NYC: The Future of Greece and the Eurozone – in conversation with Standard & Poor’s Chief Economist
, 03/05/2016
On 25th April 2015 I had the pleasure to engage in an open discussion with Paul Sheard, Chief Economist with Standard and Poor’s, at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. Watch the video of our discussion and/or read the transcript below.
Addressing Google staff on digital money & politics
, 03/05/2016
On 22nd April I had the pleasure of addressing Google staff on money, money’s digital future but also on the dangerous fantasy of apolitical money.
U.S. Foreign Policy Got In The Way Of Helping Greece, Varoufakis Says – The Huffington Post
, 03/05/2016
By Daniel Marans. Click here for the HP site or read on… WASHINGTON — The United States did not pressure Germany more heavily to give Greece debt relief because it needed Germany’s cooperation in higher-priority foreign policy matters, according to a former Greek finance minister.
Is a More Democratic Alternative to the EU Possible? James Carden in The Nation
, 03/05/2016
Yanis Varoufakis—the leftist former finance minister of Greece who experienced the crushing power of eurozone austerity firsthand—thinks so. By James Carden For The Nation website click here. Otherwise…
Europe, Greece and the US – a retrospective tv interview on Democracy Now!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDKECbP422I , 03/05/2016
Trichet’s ultimatum to Ireland was like an idle suicide threat – Interview in the Irish Independent
, 24/04/2016
Click here for the Independent’s site or…
Europe's crisis & what to do with the refugees – Speaking in Hannover, 12/4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h54sVMXwJEs , 22/04/2016
5 questions answered in 90'' – at the RSA, London
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR1AMHUxOq0 , 22/04/2016
Interview by Nuit Debout's own social media
, 22/04/2016
Published on Apr 16, 2016 Yanis Varoufakis sur TVDebout, interviewé par l’AlterJT ! Lors de la Nuit Debout, L’Alter JT a rencontré Yanis Varoufakis, ex- ministre grec et fondateur du mouvement DIEM 25.
Yanis Varoufakis et Alain Badiou: la rencontre – Ce soir (ou jamais !) – 15/04/16
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfZ2FUCYHwc , 19/04/2016
Owen Jones meets Yanis Varoufakis | 'Europe is staring into the abyss'
, 16/04/2016
This interview-discussion was recorded at Union Chapel, Islington, on 7th April 2016