Galbraith’s letter to Kathimerini: Let’s talk about academic-journalistic ethics, shall we?
, 06/08/2016
Athens daily Kathimerini published a letter signed by 23 ‘US-educated Greeks’ sent to the University of Texas’ President denouncing James K. Galbraith (a long-standing professor there) for having helped me design a “monetary cum military coup d’etat”. At least that was their description of my Plan X – a preliminary contingency plan to counter the European […]
On Counterpunch Radio: Progressive politics, the US election and Europe
/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/counterpunchradio1aug2016.mp3 This week Eric Draitsler sits down with economist, and former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis to discuss the shifts in the political landscape of both Europe and the US, and what they mean for political activism and progressive politics. Eric and Yanis discuss the nature of the EU and whether it can be reformed [...] , 03/08/2016
Building a Progressive International – op-ed Project Syndicate
, 31/07/2016
ATHENS – Politics in the advanced economies of the West is in the throes of a political shakeup unseen since the 1930s. The Great Deflation now gripping both sides of the Atlantic is reviving political forces that had lain dormant since the end of World War II. Passion is returning to politics, but not in […]
IMF: Confessing to the sin in order to repeat it
, 31/07/2016
You have read about the most recent IMF confession over its immolation of Greece. The question is: Does it signal a change in policies? Do not hold your breath! Recent history is pointing to a repetition of the crime-against-logic first committed in 2012 – an IMF tactic of confessing to the sin in order to repeat […]
The IMF confesses it immolated Greece on behalf of the Eurogroup
, 29/07/2016
EU ECONOMICS MEETS DEMOCRACY – interviewed by the Green European Journal
, 22/07/2016
The architecture of the European Union institutions is flawed. Its leaders seem to deny the ineffectiveness of the response given to the financial and economic crisis as we see inequality and extremism on the rise. The European Union will be unprepared for the next crisis unless it profoundly reforms its governance and enhances democracy. Today […]
"Artists should be feared by the powerful" – complete pdf transcript of my Keynote at the Moscow Biennale, October 2015
, 20/07/2016
The complete pdf of the Keynote with which I closed the 6th Moscow Biennale on 1st October 2015 is now available:. Click here (And for an audio file, click here)
The Eurozone After Brexit – Die Zeit (in English and German)
, 20/07/2016
For the German language version, as published in Die Zeit on 18 July 2016, click here. For the English version (as I wrote it originally)…
On homelessness, street papers & Brexit – in The Big Issue
, 20/07/2016
Yanis Varoufakis on the consequences of Brexit – and why homelessness in Greece is set to rapidly escalate Click here for The Big Issue site or…
Who was planning a coup? Tom Strohschneider in Neues Deutschland
, 20/07/2016
This article by Tom Strohschneider was first published in the German newspaper Neues Deutschland. Read the German original here or the English version on the DiEM25 site.
Stefano Fassina’s reply to our la Repubblica article on democratising Europe
, 15/07/2016
Stefano Fassina wrote the following letter to la Repubblica’s editor, in response to the article that I published in the same newspaper with Lorenzo Marsili. Over the next few days, I shall be replying to Stefano here. Meanwhile for the original version in Italian, click here. For the English language version…
Advice to the Australian PM for his next term – from eight of us, courtesy of ABC Radio National
, 13/07/2016
As Malcolm Turnbull prepares to return to Canberra to take the reins of government again, ABC Radio National has compiled eight pieces of advice on how he should approach his next term. The advice comes from: Ian Thorpe, Ursula Yovich, Yanis Varoufakis, Bill Crews, Toni Powell, Guy Warren, Karl Kruszelnicki and Inga Simpson
On the anniversary of the Greeks’ OXI, we say NO to a retreat to leftist nationalism – op-ed in La Repubblica
, 11/07/2016
by Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili. Click here for the la Repubblica site. For the English language version…
ONLY EUROPE’S RADICALS CAN SAVE THE EU – Newsweek op-ed on the Spanish election outcome
, 08/07/2016
Podemos suffered in the Spanish elections because it lacked a defining European agenda. BY YANIS VAROUFAKIS ON 7/8/16 AT 4:19 PM – click here for the Newsweek site or…
Galbraith, writing for DiEM25 on OXI’s anniversary, on our Plan X
, 06/07/2016
James K. Galbraith, a founding DiEM25 member, writes exclusively on DiEM25’s site about his latest book and his contribution to the first SYRIZA government’s Plan X – a defensive plan to be activated if Greece’s creditors made good of their threat to throw Greece out of the euro in response to the new government’s determination […]
One Year Since the ‘OXI’ Referendum, One Year Since DiEM25 Was Conceived
, 05/07/2016
DiEM25 Jul 5, 2016, Articles, Press releases Today DiEM25 marks the anniversary of the brave Greeks’ OXI (No!) referendum vote but also of its own beginnings. “Our NO is a majestic, big YES to a democratic Europe!”, wrote Varoufakis at the time, heralding the gist of DiEM25 – namely that, a Yes to a sustainable, democratic […]
In memoriam: Michel Rocard & the Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis
, 03/07/2016
It was with great sorrow that I learned of Michel Rocard’s passing. Since 2013, when he wrote the Preface to our Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis, Michel has been a valued interlocutor and supporter. Only a few weeks ago, we were planning to meet up in Paris in the Fall to discuss his […]
The anniversary of the troika-imposed capital controls on Greece and the struggle to save Europe
, 30/06/2016
On the anniversary of the troika imposed capital controls on Greece, the struggle of the Greek people has become the struggle to save Europe – from the DiEM25 site A year has passed since the troika and the ECB closed the Greek banks and imposed capital controls. During the same time, the same culprits are trying […]
On Brexit, the EU’s slide into crisis & the need for a pan-European democratic alternative- on ABC’s LNL with Phillip Adams
http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2016/06/lnl_20160627_2205.mp3 , 29/06/2016
The fake & the actual choice Europeans face – by Slavoj Žižek
, 29/06/2016
Slavoj Žižek, philosopher, friend and DiEM25 early signatory, writes on the DiEM25 site that Europeans face one fake and one actual choice. The fake choice is between :(1) a globalised, financialised version of capitalism that is run by a transnational technocracy, tolerates minorities and turns parliamentary democracy into an empty shell, and (2) a xenophobic, […]
Full transcript of the Yanis Varoufakis | Noam Chomsky NYPL discussion
, 28/06/2016
The full transcript of my discussion with Noam Chomsky at the New York Public Library (26th April 2016) was just sent to me by Kelly Patrick Gerling. I thank him profusely. Here it is, just below the video window April 26, 2016, LIVE from the New York Public Library, www.nypl.org/live, Celeste Bartos Forum YANIS VAROUFAKIS: Good evening, we don’t have anyone […]
Financialisation, politics & the future of socialism: A conversation in Seattle with Casey Jaywork
, 26/06/2016
In April 2016, in the context of a talk I gave in Seattle’s City Hall, Casey Jaywork (of the Seattle Weekly) and I had this conversation. For Casey’s site click here. Or…