
Insolvent Greece goes to market 2.0

, 24/07/2017

Why do I refuse to be impressed by the news of Greece’s return to the markets? “It is because the Greek state and the Greek banks remain deeply insolvent. And, their return to the money markets is a harbinger of the next terrible phase of Greece’s crisis, rather than a cause for celebration”. The above was […]

Mr Tsipras’ insightful incoherence – my reply in The Guardian, 24th July 20176

, 24/07/2017

In a Guardian interview (24 July), the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, having admitted to “big mistakes”, was asked if appointing me as his first finance minister was one of them. According to the interviewer, Mr Tsipras said “Varoufakis … was the right choice for an initial strategy of ‘collision politics’, but he dismisses the […]

Help separate truth from motivated error: My acceptance speech at Sussex University on the occasion of an honourary doctorate conferment

, 23/07/2017

On 20th July 2017, the University of Sussex conferred upon me the degree of Doctor of the University Honoris Causa. Professor Andrea Cornwall, who kindly presented me to the Chancellor and the Congregation, explained the rationale of the award: “[F]or his contribution to our understanding of the global economy, for his advocacy of an authentic internationalism, […]

“I was right about the debt, and you know it!” – My reply to Kathimerini’s latest tirade

, 20/07/2017

  In a recent article entitled “Varoufakis and the 2015 debt talks – behind closed doors”, published on the English language site of Kathimerini, Yannis Paleologos is putting forward an innovative new criticism of my 2015 negotiating stance regarding Greece’s public debt. His criticism’s first leg is standard troika-speak, insisting that by pressing for a […]

De Thucydide à Varoufakis : leçons grecques sur l’Euro – Examen de ‘Et les faibles subissent ce qu’ils doivent?’

, 16/07/2017

De Thucydide à Varoufakis: leçons grecques sur l’Euro PAR JULIEN MILANESI · PUBLICATION 15/06/2017 · MIS À JOUR 16/06/2017 Et les faibles subissent ce qu’ils doivent ?, de Yanis Varoufakis, est un des meilleurs livres d’économie, dans ce genre particulier qu’est l’analyse de l’actualité, que j’ai lu ces dernières années. Economiste grec formé en Angleterre, enseignant dans plusieurs universités anglo-saxonnes, Varoufakis fut […]

Bifo: “I am no longer a European given Europe’s daily crimes” & “thus I resign from DiEM25”. And my response

, 08/07/2017

A few days ago, I received a letter from Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi that works like a punch-in-the-stomach type of wake up call addressed to all Europeans. To crown its tough message, Bifo concludes that his conscience cannot fathom being a European any longer, given Europe’s daily crimes against logic and humanity. Thus, Bifo concludes, he […]

A New Deal for the 21st Century – op-ed in the New York Times 6th July 2017

, 07/07/2017

ATHENS — The recent elections in France and Britain have confirmed the political establishment’s simultaneous vulnerability and vigor in the face of a nationalist insurgency. This contradiction is the motif of the moment — personified by the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, whose résumé made him a darling of the elites but who rode a wave of anti-establishment enthusiasm […]

2nd anniversary of the OXI vote & our parallel payments system: Its importance confirmed by the oligarchic press’ continuing, ritualistic distortions

, 05/07/2017

Today, on the anniversary of the stupendous NO with which 62% of Greek voters responded to a third predatory loan ultimatum from Greece’s ‘official’ lenders (the troika: IMF, ECB, EU), Greece’s oligarchic press – in cahoots with the troika itself – is hard at work in its attempt to demonise the people of Greece for having dared […]

Adults in the Room – reviewed by Adam Tooze (Columbia University)

, 02/07/2017

Reading Varoufakis: Frustrated Strategist of Greek Financial Deterrence (click here for the original site) by Adam Tooze  Adam Tooze holds the Shelby Cullom Davis chair of History at Columbia University and serves as Director of the European Institute. He is currently at work on a history of the global financial crisis 2008-2018, which will appear […]

Why Europe is failing – video

, 30/06/2017


Europe’s Gradualist Fallacy – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 28/06/2017

ATHENS – Europe is at the mercy of a common currency that not only was unnecessary for European integration, but that is actually undermining the European Union itself. So what should be done about a currency without a state to back it – or about the 19 European states without a currency that they control? […]

On Snowden, Putin & NATO

, 27/06/2017

Extracts from an event that took place on 3rd December 2016 in Zagreb’s National Theatre.

Martin Wolf, in The Financial Times, on ‘Adults in the Room’: “A tragedy because Varoufakis was – and is – right. The bulk of Greek debt should indeed be cancelled outright.”

, 24/06/2017

This is a superbly written account of the struggle to alleviate the austerity imposed upon the Greek people by the eurozone. Greece, argues Varoufakis, has been put in a debtors’ prison and robbed of autonomy and dignity for the indefinite future. Critics would argue that he failed as finance minister in 2015 because he was […]

Interviewed by Chris Newlands for the Financial News – 19 June 2017

, 21/06/2017

It is no surprise that Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, turns up to our interview without a tie. The 56-year-old famously arrived at Downing Street in 2015 for a meeting with the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, with his shirt untucked. More surprising is that the left-wing economist, who led negotiations […]

The markets will not fix themselves – interviewed by Emma Walden for FundForum

, 19/06/2017

“We have a major imbalance between savings and investment. We have the highest savings rates in the history of capitalism and lowest level of investment. You only have to state that to realise what the source of our troubles are.” Speaking at FundForum International 2017, Former Greek Finance Minister and DiEM25 Co-Founder Yanis Varoufakis sat […]

Looking back in anger – review of Adults in the Room, The Hindu Times

, 19/06/2017

A former minister’s account of how Greece handled a financial meltdown is a tell-all political memoir like no other   G. Sampath Whether it is agricultural policies that hurt farmers’ interests or labour ‘reforms’ that erode workers’ rights, or welfare cuts that hurt the poor, it has been seen time and again in democracies around the […]

A 90 minute exchange with Russell Brand on everything: politics, aesthetics, religion, dialectics

, 16/06/2017


DiEM25’s New Deal for Greece

, 16/06/2017

Yesterday, the Eurogroup came up with another fudge, another extend-and-pretend loan tranche, for Greece. It is, as this annotated version of the Eurogroup statement explains, a further boost to Greece’s never-ending crisis. Greece’s creditors, the EU and the IMF, are refusing even to discuss Greece’s recovery, Greece’s escape from debtor’s prison. So, what should be done? DiEM25 […]

The Annotated 15th June 2017 Eurogroup statement on Greece

, 16/06/2017

Extending (again) the extending-and-pretending Eurogroup policy on Greece’s never-ending crisis Back in August 2015, while sitting gloomily in the Greek Parliament during the sad, long night leading to the voting in of the 3rd MoU, I found solace in annotating the MoU’s text. Last night, I felt the need to repeat that wretched ritual once […]

LIBERATION: Bruno Le Maire dans les pas de Yánis Varoufákis?

, 14/06/2017

  Le ministre de l’Economie va proposer une indexation du remboursement de la dette grecque en fonction de la croissance du pays. Neuf thérapies en forme d’austérité budgétaire, trois plans d’aides, un changement de gouvernement et, au bout du compte, un énorme fiasco. Malgré l’obstination de la «troïka» (BCE, FMI et Commission européenne), qui n’a cessé d’imposer (le pistolet […]

der Freitag: Eine neue Partei für Europa

, 14/06/2017

Eine neue Partei für Europa DiEM 25 Ein radikales und zugleich seriöses Programm, gute Leute, ökonomische Expertise: Wird Yanis Varoufakis’ Bewegung zur Konkurrenz für die Linke in Deutschland? „Ein anderes Europa ist möglich“: Dafür kämpfen viele, aber bisher noch keine transnationale Partei Löscht eure Paypal-Konten und helft, das Monopol privater Finanzkonzerne über Europas Zahlungsverkehr zu […]

What lies behind the euro crisis, Brexit & Trump: Keynote at the FundForum International, Berlin & a discussion with Megan Greene

, 12/06/2017

Keynote at the FundForum International conference in Berlin, 12th June 2017. Followed by a discussion with Megan Greene.

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