
Doug Henwood’s review of ‘Adults in the Room’ (Baffler) & a radio discussion between us

, 28/10/2017

Doug Henwood’s long review of my Adults in the Room follows. Plus a radio interview with Doug for BEHIND THE NEWS. FINANCE MINISTERS RARELY BECOME CELEBRITIES. Sure, there was a moment in the 1990s when Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary Robert Rubin came close. But that was because so many people thought they were getting rich off the […]

Highlights from DiEM25’s STATE OF THE (European) UNION event in Brussels (9/9/2017)

, 28/10/2017


Book review of ‘Adults in the Room’ in the Los Angeles Review of Books

, 28/10/2017

The Ins and Outs of Europe’s Deep Establishment By Stan Persky I. ONE EVENING in spring 2015, a finance minister walks into a bar in Washington, DC, looking for some insider advice. No, this is not one of those man-walks-into-a-bar-type jokes. On this occasion, the man walking into a bar is Yanis Varoufakis, the then-newly-minted finance […]

Liberation: «En Europe, les chiffres prospèrent, les gens désespèrent»

, 28/10/2017

L’ancien ministre des Finances de Tsípras, qui a lutté bec et ongles contre l’austérité et vient de publier un livre au vitriol, dénonce les «mensonges» de la crise grecque. Et regarde d’un œil plus que sceptique la politique de Macron. Il l’avait promis, il a osé le faire : peu après sa démission du poste de ministre […]

Q&A in the New Statesman, on the occasion on the publication of ‘Talking to My Daughter About the Economy’

, 28/10/2017

Yanis Varoufakis Q&A: “My despondencies have become a source of energy” The economist talks “Stairway to Heaven”, game theory, and how to make good predictions. What’s your earliest memory? The first time I flew in a passenger plane. I must have been about four and I was very impressed and very scared by it. Who […]

‘Talking to my daughter about the economy’ – Book review in The Guardian by Anna Minton

, 28/10/2017

Not many authors write a book in nine days, and fewer still are likely to announce it in the prologue. Yanis Varoufakis has no qualms about doing so in this brief history of capitalism, structured around the device of talking to his daughter, Xenia, not long a teenager. It was first published a few years ago, when she […]

TALKING TO MY DAUGHTER ABOUT THE ECONOMY: A brief history of capitalism

, 28/10/2017

“Utterly accessible, deeply humane and startlingly original – a potent democratic tool at the perfect time” Naomi Klein, author of NO IS NOT ENOUGH and THE SHOCK DOCTRINE Yanis Varoufakis, the bestselling author of Adults in the Room, uses personal stories and famous myths to explain what economics is and why it has the power to […]

On China as a patient investor – Project Syndicate Video

, 27/10/2017

With President Xi Jinping’s signature ‘Belt and Road’ initiative gaining momentum, more countries will be negotiating with China for inward investment in infrastructure. Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, says that his own experience was highly encouraging. Greece and China, two ancient civilizations, two countries whose peoples have had a long experience and quite […]

Eine Nachricht für Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble

, 25/10/2017

Lieber Wolfgang, Ich habe deine jüngsten Antworten auf Fragen von Journalisten sehr genau unter die Lupe genommen. Diese bezogen sich auf mein neuestes Buch “Die ganze Geschichte” und unsere Unterhaltungen im ersten Halbjahr 2015. Ich habe einen Vorschlag für dich. Anstatt vager Aussagen und herabsetzender Bemerkungen möchte ich dich einladen und herausfordern, konkrete Seiten und […]

Message to Mr Wolfgang Schäuble

, 24/10/2017

  Dear Wolfgang, I read carefully and listened your recent statements in response to journalistic questions emanating from my recent book “Adults in the Room” relating to our conversations during the first half of 2015. I have a proposal for you. Instead of vague statements and personal put down lines, I invite you to point […]

Interview for VOX with Sean Illing, occasioned by ‘Adults in the Room’

, 24/10/2017

“The alternative is a gigantic dystopia, because the way we are moving today is creating nothing but hopelessness and despair and a shrinking middle class.” Those aren’t the words of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. They’re from someone who watched his nation get hammered first by a financial crisis not solely of its own making […]

Did the Greek crisis contribute to Brexit & Trump? Interviewed at Radio WhoWhatWhy

, 20/10/2017

After the world financial crisis of 2007/2008, Greece became the world’s Lehman Brothers. In 2010, France, Germany and all other major European economic forces tried to impose loans upon Greece that it could never pay back and, some Greeks claim, were really a way to bail out French and German banks. According to former Greek […]

Le cinéma est politique: conversation Costa Gavras-Yanis Varoufakis – Mediapart

, 18/10/2017

Rencontre entre l’ancien ministre et celui qui s’apprête à le transformer en héros de cinéma. Costa-Gavras envisage en effet de tourner un film autour de ce bras de fer de 2015. « Je veux parler de l’émotion que j’ai eue en lisant ce livre, par son personnage principal – c’est quand même un personnage de […]

Capitalism is making itself obsolete – The Independent (reporting on a talk at UCL)

, 18/10/2017

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has claimed capitalism is coming to an end because it is making itself obsolete. The former economics professor told an audience at University College London that the rise of giant technology corporations and artificial intelligence will cause the current economic system to undermine itself. Mr Varoufakis, who took on EU institutions over Greek debt […]

‘I would like to live in a world where we’re all privileged’ – Interviewed by The Guardian, on the occasion of the publication of ‘Talking to My Daughter About the Economy’

, 16/10/2017

The economist Yanis Varoufakis was the finance minister in Greece for six tumultuous months in 2015, before resigning from the Syriza government. Last year he launched the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). He is also the author of several books. His latest is Talking to My Daughter About the Economy. Your new book, explaining the history […]

Le Monde – Yanis  Varoufakis: « Macron a déjà échoué face à l’Allemagne »

, 13/10/2017

L’ex-ministre grec des finances de gauche radicale soutient le projet européen du président, mais désapprouve sa stratégie. LE MONDE ECONOMIE | 13.10.2017 à 10h56 • Mis à jour le 13.10.2017 à 14h47 | Propos recueillis par Marie Charrel Si elle ne change pas de logiciel, la zone euro court à sa perte, estime Yanis Varoufakis. Economiste anticonformiste, ministre des finances du gouvernement […]

Costa Gavras: I will make a film based on Adults in the Room

, 10/10/2017

Costa Gavras, whose films shaped the conscience of the internationalist  struggle for democracy everywhere, yesterday issued the following statement – in the context of the launch of the Greek edition of my Adults in the Room. Needless to say I am chuffed and deeply grateful. When the crisis began, the tragedy that the Greek people are […]

DiEM25’s tour of Italy forges alliances & a plan for 2019

, 09/10/2017

Last week, DiEM25’s Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili toured Italy, meeting activists, movements, municipal coalitions and political figures across the Eurozone’s third largest economy to put forward our proposals for tackling Europe’s common problems, and to introduce our ongoing debate on DiEM25’s role in the 2019 European elections. Over five days our team visited six cities, […]

Why Europe Needs a New Deal, Not Breakup – op-ed in The Nation, with James K. Galbraith

, 07/10/2017

The American New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt’s first two terms combined the goals of financial stabilization, reconstruction, conservation, and employment—jobs for the jobless; public works; power systems and new industries, especially in the South; soil conservation and reforestation to battle the Dust Bowl; and a potent mix of regulations and insurance to assert public power […]

DiEM25’s European New Deal explained – video

, 07/10/2017


Spain’s Crisis is Europe’s Opportunity – Project Syndicate op-ed, 6 OCT 2017

, 06/10/2017

The Catalonia crisis is a strong hint from history that Europe needs to develop a new type of sovereignty, one that strengthens cities and regions, dissolves national particularism, and upholds democratic norms. Imagining a pan-European democracy is the prerequisite for imagining a Europe worth saving. ATHENS – To revive the ailing European project, the ugly […]

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