
Discussing movies in the age of lockdown with Valeria Golino on DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’ – VIDEO

, 19/05/2020

Honoured that Valeria Golino was my guest in the latest episode of DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’. With the extraordinary actor we talked films, films, films, plus a little on some common biographical details involving Greece, Egypt, scoliosis, not to mention that she played my… wife in ADULTS IN THE ROOM For previous episodes with Johann Hari, […]

Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Durbin and 300 other lawmakers call for a cancellation of developing world’s’ debt – Washington Post

, 13/05/2020

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in a Wednesday letter addressed to Georgieva and David Malpass, president of the World Bank, called on international financial organizations to consider “extensive debt forgiveness” for more than 70 of the world’s poorest countries. The letter, which also called for significant fiscal stimulus to help stabilize […]

Covid-19 has “turbocharged” the EU’s failures – Interviewed by the NEW STATESMAN’s George Eaton

, 12/05/2020

For Yanis Varoufakis, lockdown has not been a time of contemplation. “I have more work now than I ever did. As you know, everything has shifted to Zoom meetings, which means zero separation between the private and the public,” he explained when we spoke recently, during one such video call. The 59-year-old economist, former Greek […]

Progressive International: Today we began organising the world’s progressives. Join us!

, 11/05/2020

  In December 2018, the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and the Sanders Institute issued an open call to all progressive forces to form a common front.”It is time for progressives of the world to unite. The Progressive International takes up that call. We unite, organise, and mobilise progressive forces behind a shared vision of […]

In conversation with David McWilliams on the future after Covid-19 – The Guardian

, 08/05/2020

David McWilliams and I have had many conversations, often in front of large audiences in Ireland, on the economics and politics of Europe, Brexit, Ireland, Greece, the world. In this latest conversation we are discussing the impact of Covid-19 on capitalism. The extract below, published by The Guardian, comes from the last chapter of an […]

In conversation with Stephanie Kelton on Money and Progressive Politics, on DiEM-TV’s ANOTHER NOW – Ep.3, 27 APR 2020

, 28/04/2020

A week or so ago, Arundhati Roy wrote in, of all places the Financial Times, the following beautiful lines. I can think of no better way to explain why envisioning ANOTHER NOW is ever so important:  “Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch our future […]

DiEM25’s Vision of Europe for the post-Pandemic Era: Some personal thoughts

, 23/04/2020

DiEM25 was created in February 2016 because Europe was disintegrating as a result of a pseudo-technocratic takeover of the EU that was imposing austerity everywhere in response to the financial crisis caused by the EU pseudo-technocracy’s controllers. Today, now that a mindless virus has placed European capitalism in suspended animation, it is time to re-assess […]

DiEM25 on tonight’s European Union Council decision (Yes, we know what, & how terrible, it will be!)

, 22/04/2020

Later today, Thursday 23rd April, the EU Council will meet to discuss the common European response to the Great New Recession caused by the pandemic. Their agenda should comprise one, and only one, item: How to ensure that the necessary increase in public deficits will not show up in the fiscally stressed member-states’ national budgets, […]

What Comes After Capitalism? (VIDEO by Sustainable Human)

, 22/04/2020

Free market capitalism died over a 100 years ago and gave way to monopoly capitalism. Monopoly capitalism is now not even able to reproduce itself, let alone sustain the planet, common decency etc. But what comes next? Thanks to the good people at PATREON for putting imagery to my words. Support the creation of more […]

In conversation with Roger Waters, on DiEM-TV’s ANOTHER NOW – Ep.2, 20 APR 2020

, 21/04/2020

Welcome to DiEM-TV’s ANOTHER NOW. The program that owes its existence to a mindless virus that placed capitalism in suspended animation, something not even WW2 managed to do. The one-hour discussion every Monday where, together with a weird and wonderful guest, we rant and rave with one ambition in our souls: To prevent a return […]

On Dutch FinMin, the Eurogroup, its President, the euro, DiEM25 and MeRA25 – Interviewed by TSF Radio Noticias

, 17/04/2020

  The Eurogroup approved a 500 billion package to fight the crisis. You recently wrote in the Guardian that The EU’s coronavirus relief deal is a gift to Europe’s enemies. Explain. To begin with, the 500 billion euros is almost entirely loans. It’s exactly what Europe doesn’t need, especially like the countries that were hit […]

On Italy & the EU after the Eurogroup of 9th April – fanpage.it (English version)

, 16/04/2020

The debate about the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic has already begun: what do you think is easier to happen? Will it be a momentary crisis or a crisis destined to change our economic system forever? Neither. The consequences will be harsh and will not disappear any time soon. But, it will not, on […]

A message to all on the occasion of Greek Easter

, 16/04/2020

Today, on the Thursday symbolising the Last Supper, it is hard for Greeks to take their minds off last Thursday, 9th of April 2020 – the day that the Eurogroup shamelessly condemned our long-suffering people, along with millions of Italians and millions of other Europeans, to huge new austerity precisely at the time they will […]

DiEM-TV’s ‘ANOTHER NOW’ with Yanis Varoufakis, Mondays at 20.00 CET | Ep.1 – Introduction to ‘Another Now’ & special guest Johann Hari

, 14/04/2020

Covid-19 has turned our lives inside-out, upside-down. It has put capitalism in suspended animation. It destroyed lives. It caused a new tsunami of poverty, demonstrated the deep class and race divides as some of us are privileged enough to be in isolation while an army of people out there labour for a pittance and at […]

On the toxic impact of the Eurogroup agreement of 9th April 2020 – With CNN’s Richard Quest (AUDIO)

, 13/04/2020

Discussing the toxic impact of the Eurogroup agreement of 9th April 2020 on Italy and Europe at large. Interviewed by Richard Quest on CNN’s Quest’s World

The EU’s new coronavirus relief deal is a gift to Europe’s enemies – THE GUARDIAN

, 13/04/2020

Europe suffered a historic defeat on Thursday night. After weeks of impasse, the Eurogroup gathering of finance ministers, whose countries share the euro, reached a decision on their collective response to the coronavirus pandemic’s economic impact. Besides constituting an epic dereliction of duty, the Eurogroup’s decision dealt a decisive blow to the foundations of the European […]

“The European Union Is Determined to Continue Making the Same Errors It Made After 2008” – JACOBIN interview

, 12/04/2020

The lack of EU help for the states hardest hit by COVID-19 is the latest sign of the hollowness of “European solidarity.” As Yanis Varoufakis tells Jacobin, the European Union’s institutions are hardwired to ignore the needs of the social majority — preferring to allow mass suffering than to change their own rules. Yanis Varoufakis is used […]

The Brown University Journal of PPE interviews Krugman, Pinker & Varoufakis on Inequality, Financialisation, and Populism

, 11/04/2020

JPPE: Many economists have their explanations about where inequality comes from, such as financialization, credit, globalization, technology, and bad policy. When thinking about the causes of inequality in the last thirty years, are there specific areas you think we ought to devote our attention to?  Yanis Varoufakis: Well, there’s one word that answers your question: […]

For a global movement with a radical agenda – long interview in THE HINDU (its FRONTLINE magazine)

, 08/04/2020

In this interview, the first to Indian media, Yanis speaks elaborately on the 2019 British election, Brexit, the E.U. crisis, the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the global financial crisis, rising ultra-national forces, the need for a progressive international movement, the DiEM25, rising inequality and the Greek crisis. How important is this year’s U.S. presidential election […]

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