
The Eurozone’s grappling with crisis, class war & the North-South divide – Berliner Verlag interview

, 16/07/2020

What did you think when the Euro-group elected its new leader last week? At least this was not the outcome Frau Merkel had wished? My first thought was that it spelled the end of any possibility of harmonizing corporate tax rates across the Eurozone, an issue that I am on Mrs Merkel’s side. The second […]

MeRA25: One year in Parliament

, 09/07/2020

In less than a year, MeRA25’s our parliamentary group has proven “your voice in parliament” They have attended all parliamentary proceedings and articulated profound, substantive and creative opposition! MeRA25’s parliamentary group has notably: Tabled more than 850 questions in the context of Parliamentary Control of the Government Submitted concrete proposals on a number of articles […]

The COVID Class War – THE IRISH EXAMINER & Project Syndicate

, 02/07/2020

“Strengthening the solidarity of Europe’s oligarchs is not a good strategy for empowering Europe’s majority. Quite the contrary. Any “recovery” based on such a formula will short-change almost all Europeans and push the majority into deeper despair.” ATHENS – The euro crisis that erupted a decade ago has long been portrayed as a clash between […]

AL-AKHBAR: Long interview with Léa El Azzi on capitalism after the pandemic, Europe, Greece, Lebanon & the IMF

, 30/06/2020

The pandemic is not the first crisis (if we can say so) that hit capitalism all over the world. what is the difference between this one and the previous crisis?  The obvious one is that Covid-19 dealt capitalism an external shock, like an earthquake or a meteor that strikes at both production lines and consumption […]

Europe’s Recovery Fund: An instrument of class war against weaker Europeans everywhere

, 29/06/2020

Europe never was the battlefield on which the frugal North clashed with the profligate South. Instead, every European country has been the battlefield where a vicious class war is fought by a transnational oligarchy-without-frontiers training its armour against the weaker residents of every country, every region, every community. Covid-19, and the European Union’s response to […]

Anish Kapoor on India, Israel, life in the UK and, of course, art, art and art. On DiEM-TV’s ANOTHER NOW, 15th June 2020

, 16/06/2020

I spent Monday night, 15th of June, chatting with Anish Kapoor for an hour. I began by asking him about life in 1950s India as the child of a Punjabi Hindu Admiral and a Bagdadi Jewish mother. Our conversation moved on to a Kibbutz in Israel before landing in Blighty and in particular Hornsby Art […]

Julian Assange just called. To talk about the pandemic’s effect on capitalism & politics!

, 13/06/2020

Julian called me a little earlier on, at 14.22 London time to be precise. From Belmarsh High Security Prison of course. This is not the first time but, as you can imagine, every time I hear his voice I feel honoured and moved that he should dial my number when he has such few and […]

The Extradition of Julian Assange – Video by Novara Media

, 13/06/2020

Subscribe to Novara Media ⇛ https://novara.media/youtube

Our internal radical democracy deepens as DiEM25 takes on the illiberal, anti-democratic European ruling oligarchy

, 10/06/2020

Transnational paneuropean democracy is not just possible, not just a dream. It is here, alive and kicking – within our transnational paneuropean movement, DiEM25. Over the past week, our members from Finland to Portugal and from Iceland to Turkey and Cyprus have been voting in what we call all member votes. Several votes that re-fashioned […]

The Past, Present & Post-Pandemic Future of DEBT – El Pais

, 10/06/2020

Before capitalism, debt appeared at the very end of the economic cycle; a mere reflection of the power to accumulate already produced surpluses. Under feudalism, production came first with the peasants working the land to plant and harvest crops. Distribution followed the harvest, as the sheriff collected the lord’s share. Part of this share was […]

DiEM25’s internal democracy in action – our latest all-member-vote

, 09/06/2020

Being part of a genuinely democratic movement, that decides everything that matters by all member votes, is a rare respite from living in pseudo-democracies. DiEM25 was created with the lofty task of democratising Europe through a head-on confrontation with its ruling classes. How else could we hope to do this unless our internal processes are […]

One small step toward postcapitalism: A universal basic dividend to change the game’s rules – VIDEO by Sustainable Human

, 01/06/2020

Socialising part of capital’s returns is one small step toward a postcapitalism worth fighting for. A small step, yes. But a crucial one. You may also want to watch WHAT COMES AFTER CAPITALISM

A Chronicle of a Lost Decade Foretold – FilmsForAction & Project Syndicate

, 01/06/2020

ATHENS – To exorcise my worst fears about the coming decade, I chose to write a bleak chronicle of it. If, by December 2030, developments have invalidated it, I hope such dreary prognoses will have played a part by spurring us to appropriate action. Before our pandemic-induced lockdowns, politics seemed to be a game. Political […]

A chronicle of our BLEAK TWENTIES – Cambridge Union Online

, 24/05/2020

The good folk at Cambridge Union invited me to deliver a talk over the internet during our lockdown days. I chose to deliver a speech, or text, reciting what I fear might prove an accurate assessment of our BLEAK TWENTIES from the perspective of, say, December 2030. My great hope is that it is proven […]

Have Merkel & Macron just announced a eurobond-funded godsend for the EU? DiEM25’s view

, 19/05/2020

On Monday 19th May 2020, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron announced a joint proposal for a 500 billion euro common fund, to be financed by allowing the European Commission to borrow from the money markets. The fund will, according to the Merkel-Macron proposal, finance directly businesses across the EU – by means mainly of transfers. […]

Discussing movies in the age of lockdown with Valeria Golino on DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’ – VIDEO

, 19/05/2020

Honoured that Valeria Golino was my guest in the latest episode of DiEM-TV’s ‘Another Now’. With the extraordinary actor we talked films, films, films, plus a little on some common biographical details involving Greece, Egypt, scoliosis, not to mention that she played my… wife in ADULTS IN THE ROOM For previous episodes with Johann Hari, […]

Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Durbin and 300 other lawmakers call for a cancellation of developing world’s’ debt – Washington Post

, 13/05/2020

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in a Wednesday letter addressed to Georgieva and David Malpass, president of the World Bank, called on international financial organizations to consider “extensive debt forgiveness” for more than 70 of the world’s poorest countries. The letter, which also called for significant fiscal stimulus to help stabilize […]

Covid-19 has “turbocharged” the EU’s failures – Interviewed by the NEW STATESMAN’s George Eaton

, 12/05/2020

For Yanis Varoufakis, lockdown has not been a time of contemplation. “I have more work now than I ever did. As you know, everything has shifted to Zoom meetings, which means zero separation between the private and the public,” he explained when we spoke recently, during one such video call. The 59-year-old economist, former Greek […]

Progressive International: Today we began organising the world’s progressives. Join us!

, 11/05/2020

  In December 2018, the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and the Sanders Institute issued an open call to all progressive forces to form a common front.”It is time for progressives of the world to unite. The Progressive International takes up that call. We unite, organise, and mobilise progressive forces behind a shared vision of […]

In conversation with David McWilliams on the future after Covid-19 – The Guardian

, 08/05/2020

David McWilliams and I have had many conversations, often in front of large audiences in Ireland, on the economics and politics of Europe, Brexit, Ireland, Greece, the world. In this latest conversation we are discussing the impact of Covid-19 on capitalism. The extract below, published by The Guardian, comes from the last chapter of an […]

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