From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism – Tübingen University talk
, 28/01/2021
A lecture organised by University of Tübingen economics students, delivered on Monday February 3, 2020, on the theme “From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism”. Mainstream economic models lack some important features of really-existing capitalism, including money, time and space. Its models offer ideological cover for a capitalist system that has usurped competitive, […]
Greece’s slide to parliamentary dictatorship – video
, 28/01/2021
My statement in the Greek parliament after MeRA25 MP Aggeliki Adamopolou was shockingly stripped of her Parliamentary immunity for daring to criticise the police in a speech she gave in Parliament. Greece is now a dictatorship under parliamentary cloak.
Identity, solidarity and DiEM25
, 25/01/2021
If I were a transgender person and a bunch of Lefties dared lecture me that the exploitation of factory workers by capitalists is more important than my daily struggle tο function as a transgender person, I would tell them to get lost. No one has the right to tell those who are hurt, terrified, exploited […]
Is it sensible to fret about public debt’s rise during the pandemic? A debate with Todd G. Buchholz on Pairagraph
, 23/01/2021
Is public debt a bomb about to explode taking us down? Or is fretting about public debt a tactic for preparing public opinion for a new austerity drive that will cause debt to grow even faster? Read my debate with Todd G. Buchholz organised by pairagraph.com (see here for the original publication) Todd G. Buchholz’s […]
What is at stake is the independence of Ecuador, not of its central bank. This is why the oligarchy is attacking Andrés Arauz- video
, 20/01/2021
It is with considerable amusement that I follow the international oligarchy’s anxiety to prevent Andrés Arauz from winning the presidential election. I say amusement because they have chosen to damage his standing by painting him as a threat to the independence of Ecuador’s central bank – of which Andres was the youngest governor. Let’s get […]
“The EU after Brexit” Keynote followed by a conversation with Norman Lamont – 27th January 2021
, 20/01/2021
In this keynote, organised by the Economics Research Council, I shall discuss, and re-assess, the deeper forces leading to Brexit. Moving beyond the myth of it as the manifestation of some British idiosyncrasy, I shall trace its causes in a fundamental incompatibility between British and Continental capitalism which the financial crisis of 2008 brought to […]
Why I oppose vaccination passports – On BBC World Service’s NEWSDAY
, 18/01/2021
Greece says there's a case for a Covid vaccine passport which would allow people to travel freely within the EU. But @yanisvaroufakis is concerned it could encourage governments – and businesses – to demand more of our personal informationhttps://t.co/WCHBTof5Ev — BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) January 18, 2021 LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW HERE
DiEM25’s consultations toward not only an updated pan-European manifesto but also for national manifestos – read the questionnaire for YOUR country and participate!
, 18/01/2021
As we approach our fifth anniversary, DiEM25 will mark the milestone with an updated Manifesto, reflecting upon the lessons learned and the new facts on the ground. In addition, we are working to put together, for the first time, DiEM25’s vision for each of our countries. You can download now the questionnaires that DiEMers are […]
Debt is never the problem, just the symptom of a deeper drama – Interviewed by L’Humanité (French)
, 17/01/2021
L’économiste et ancien ministre grec des Finances analyse les ressorts profonds de la crise actuelle, et invite à réfléchir aux moyens de transformer l’Union européenne. ENTRETIEN. À 59 ans, il a déjà vécu plusieurs vies. Universitaire né en Grèce et formé en Grande-Bretagne, enseignant dans plusieurs pays, Yanis Varoufakis fut conseiller économique du gouvernement grec, puis accepta le poste […]
Launching the Project for Peace and Justice: Jeremy Corbyn, Zarah Sultana, Ronnie Kasrils, Yanis Varoufakis, Scarlett Westbrook | Sunday 17/1 at 15.00 GMT
, 16/01/2021
To register and be part of this launch, click here.
Watch Brian Eno, Ken Loach, Roger Waters, Frank Barat, Stefania Maurizi & Yanis Varoufakis discuss the Julian Assange case
, 07/01/2021
Two days after a UK judge blocked the US request to extradite Julian Assange, we discussed this decision and what it means for the future of journalism and freedom of speech. The discussion took place at 5pm GMT on 6th January 2020
To rid ourselves of GDP we need to move beyond capitalism, to ANOTHER NOW – Response to Timothée Parrique’s response
, 05/01/2021
In a reaction to a throwaway line of mine in this interview relating to my new book ANOTHER NOW, Timothée Parrique wrote this piece. I find it hard to disagree with anything of substance he wrote. I was not even upset that Timothée (who clearly has not read my book) misrepresented my position, making me sound […]
A Festive Message on behalf of DiEM25 for 2021: “Because things are the way they are, things will not remain the way they are.” B. Brecht
, 30/12/2020
I am Yanis Varoufakis with a message for the New Year from DiEM25. 2020 leaves behind much debris – pain, fear, broken lives, smashed dreams. But, we also owe a debt of gratitude to 2020: It has helped expose seven fundamental secrets. We used to think of governments as powerless. But since Covid-19 struck we […]
“What New Institutions Do We Need For An International Green New Deal To Be Feasible?” Geneva Lecture Series, video & a review by Marie-Christine Ghreichi
, 30/12/2020
Organised by Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic as part of the University of Geneva Lecture Series on ‘Contemporary World of Geo-economics’, I was honoured with an invitation to deliver a long lecture on the pressing need for new international financial institutions to address crushing global imbalances and inequalities. Watch the video and also read a review […]
“Global Trade & Capital Imbalances imperil Global Stability” – Redaction Politics reviews my Holberg 2020 debate with John Bolton
, 30/12/2020
Redaction Politics published a review of my Holberg 2o2o debate with John Bolton on Global Stability. Their review is reproduced below. To watch the debate click here. Yanis Varoufakis lamented economic equality and pushed for global co-operation while John Bolton urged diplomatic confrontation as the pair battled over the question of “global stability” last week. […]
Christmas Day message to Julian: A hard day to mark while you are locked up in Britain’s Guantanamo
, 25/12/2020
I am Yanis Varoufakis with a message for my dear friend Julian Assange, for his father John Shipton, his partner Stella Morris, for their two young kids, for everyone who, on this day, Christmas Day 2020, cannot celebrate while Julian is locked up in Britain’s Guantanamo while US operatives convicted for war crimes by US […]
In conversation on the postcapitalist vision in my ANOTHER NOW – JACOBIN interview & DISSENS podcast
, 17/12/2020
State socialism has failed because of its authoritarian excesses, but the idea of socialism still offers the only alternative for a viable future – says Yanis Varoufakis. In 2015, in the midst of the Greek sovereign debt crisis, he became finance minister under Alexis Tsipras until he resigned after the referendum. In the meantime, he has […]
On CHANGE MAKERS discussing personal drive, happiness, capitalism, socialism and… Star Trek
, 11/12/2020
Our guest today on Change Makers is former finance minister of Greece, economist and author, Yanis Varoufakis. His view on the current world order may be critical, but this is as much a story of romance as it is reproach. Yanis believes happiness, like love, can only truly be found when you are not seeking […]
‘The Jimmy Dore Show’ goes to town with my take on the US Presidential election…
, 11/12/2020
For my complete assessment of the US Presidential 2020 election results see below: