Imagining a world without capitalism – Financial News
, 09/01/2020
Anti-capitalists had a miserable year. But so did capitalism. While the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party in the UK this month threatened the radical left’s momentum, particularly in the US, where the presidential primaries loom, capitalism found itself under fire from some unexpected quarters. Billionaires, CEOs, and even the financial press have joined intellectuals […]
Should liberal capitalism be saved? Martin Wolf & Yanis Varoufakis debating live
, 09/01/2020
Is capitalism past its due date? Can we even imagine a world without it? On 14th November 2019 Martin Wolf and Yanis Varoufakis debated the question ‘Should liberal capitalism be saved?’. Hosted on November 14, 2019 by the Financial Times to celebrate the Wincott Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, this special live event took the place of […]
Reflections on 2019 – my foreword in THE GUARDIAN BEDSIDE 2019
, 25/12/2019
Every year for nearly 70 years, the Guardian has collected the best of its journalism into a book – the BEDSIDE GUARDIAN. This year, Bedside Guardian 2019 is edited by Aditya Chakrabortty with Paul Johnson, deputy editor, alongside Jonathan Freedland, Zoe Williams Emma Graham-Harrison. The editors were kind enough to ask me to write the Foreword. As it reflects my […]
Paul Laverty’s & Ken Loach’s haunting & elegiac film: Why Labour must win this Thursday
, 10/12/2019
There is a fork in the road. A mighty choice is coming. We can have a plan. An imperfect plan maybe. But one for the planet, not the corporations. For the many, not the few. A plan for the ‘we’, not the ‘I’.
DiEM25 2.0 – Prague Address
, 10/12/2019
On the next phase of Europe’s transnational progressive movement PRAGUE ADDRESS, 22nd November 2019 We come from all over Europe. From across borders, party lines and with different views of the good society. We are united by these differences. Europe will be democratised. Or it will disintegrate. This is not a scare tactic. It is […]
EVERYTHING’S ON THE UP WITH THE TORIES – Brian Eno’s new song for this Thursday’s general election
, 09/12/2019
Everything’s on the UP with the Tories the gap between the richies and the poories the porky pies and fabricated storiesYes – everything’s on the up with the Tories Everything’s up the creek with the Blue Boys They’re selling off the NHS to cowboys They’re cutting back on nurses (but investing it in hearses) the nitwits […]
Labour’s Manifesto is fit for purpose. So, why are the middle classes so hostile to it? THE NEW STATESMAN
, 08/12/2019
What are we to make of a political class that proclaims its ethical commitments but that cannot bring itself to endorse the only concrete actions that would honour them? This general election is unique in ways that transcend Brexit. Over the decades that I have been observing British politics, never before have I witnessed a […]
Labour’s 2019 Manifesto: My assessment on BBC Radio 5, 21 NOV 2019
, 22/11/2019
As an economist, Labour’s 2019 Manifesto strikes me as a sensible, moderate and well-targeted program in view of Britain’s needs and capacities. Independently of what one thinks of Corbyn and McDonnell (Nb. my friendship and comradeship with both is well known), most people agree that: Exceptional investment in the green transition and technologies, possibly of a […]
Why is economics not a force for good and what must we do to make it so? Cambridge 8th NOV 2019
, 22/11/2019
On 8th November, at the invitation of Professor Antara Haldar of Cambridge University, I presented this talk in the context of a fascinating group of academics who gathered in the Cambridge Union’s upstairs seminar room to revive Keynes’ original idea of the Cambridge Circus – a radical circle of economists seeking the kind of economics that […]
“Brexit, for all its ills, has reinvigorated British democracy” – Cambridge Union address, 8 NOV 2019
, 11/11/2019
Last Friday (8th November 2019), I delivered a Cambridge Union address on (what else?) Brexit. My opening message was: “Instead of moaning about the state of British institutions, rejoice! For all its many ills, Brexit has reinvigorated British democracy.” Unlike most continental European parliaments, the House of Commons remains at the heart of decision making and, […]
Capitalism, Democracy and Europe – Interviewed for the Great Transition Initiative
, 04/11/2019
As harsh austerity and xenophobic nationalism fester in Europe, Yanis Varoufakis discusses his antidote with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White. What inspired your career trajectory from academic economist to prominent supranational activist? I went into politics because of the financial crisis of 2008. Had financial capitalism not imploded, I would have happily continued my quite […]
Caroline Lucas & Yanis Varoufakis search for what went wrong with democracy – THE BIG ISSUE
, 21/10/2019
The Green Party MP and the MeRA25 leader journey from democracy’s inception through the tumultuous Brexit period and through to the year 2035 There’s chaos on the streets of Westminster as the activists of Extinction Rebellion bring traffic to a standstill to highlight the urgency of action on the climate crisis. If the old democracy […]
Progressive Internationalism & why a Corbyn government is the only cure for a terrible Brexit – openDemocracy video interview
, 21/10/2019
At this year’s The World Transformed, we caught up with some of the key figures in the movement for a new economy and politics. In the grand finale of our exclusive series, Yanis Varoufakis speaks to ourEconomy about Brexit, the coming UK general election, a constitutional assembly for Britain, and his agenda of a new Bretton Woods, public […]
With a recession on its way, it is time we demanded an International Green New Deal
, 15/10/2019
Last April, again in The Guardian, David Adler and I called for a particular Green New Deal to be implemented internationally. Now that a new recession is ante portas, we are renewing this call, suggesting that we cannot afford yet another ‘good’ economic crisis to go to waste. Our latest piece in The Guardian follows: […]
I just pulled out of a conference in Turkey in protest at the invasion of Northern Syria’s Kurdish region
, 11/10/2019
It is with profound regret, and after much reflection, that I am pulling out as a speaker at an interesting and worthy international conference organised by TRT World in Istanbul on 21st October. I do so in protest of the Turkish armed forces’ invasion of Northern Syria. The ongoing invasion is not only an assault […]
Naomi Klein supports MeRA25-DiEM25’s campaign against oil & gas extraction in Greece
, 02/10/2019
This morning, in Greece’s Parliament, MeRA25’s parliamentarians are staging an all-out struggle against the ratification of disastrous contracts between the previous (SYRIZA) government and multinational oil companies. The contracts to be ratified give the companies (including Exxon-Mobil and Total) full licence to drill, extract and exploit gas & oil reserves across Greece’s beautiful seas (Ionian, […]
Time for ECB bonds! (Yes , things are this bad) – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 26/09/2019
ATHENS – During his tenure as President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi forged a variety of weapons that he deployed to shield the eurozone from menacing deflationary forces. Without them, the euro would have been history. However, the deflationary specter haunting Europe was never truly defeated and is now back with considerable vengeance. In the […]
Boris is doing a troika, not a Varoufakis – IRISH EXAMINER
, 27/08/2019
ATHENS – Ever since Boris Johnson moved into 10 Downing Street vowing to re-negotiate the United Kingdom’s withdrawal agreement with the European Union, the conventional wisdom among many Brexit opponents has been that the UK’s new prime minister is “doing a Varoufakis” and will be crushed in similar fashion. The BBC’s Katya Adler reported from […]
Για την οργανωτική δομή και τις καθολικές ψηφοφορίες του ΜέΡΑ25 – σκέψεις στο δρόμο για το 1ο Διαβουλευτικό Συνέδριο
, 23/08/2019
Καθώς το ΜέΡΑ25 ανοίγει τις πόρτες του σε όλο και πιο πολλούς νέους συνοδοιπόρους, έχει σημασία να εμπεδώνουμε ξανά και ξανά το δημοκρατικό πνεύμα και τις συμμετοχικές πρακτικές του DiEM25, του οποίου αναπόσπαστο μέρος είναι το ΜέΡΑ25. Για παράδειγμα, είναι εύλογο ότι κάποια από τα νέα μέλη αναρωτιούνται πως είναι δυνατόν για τις θέσεις του […]
Η εσωτερική δημοκρατία του DiEM25-ΜέΡΑ25 στην πράξη
, 23/08/2019
Η κορυφαία καθολική ψηφοφορία των μελών DiEM25-ΜέΡΑ25 για την εκλογή της νέας Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής είναι σε εξέλιξη. Μην ξεχάσεις να ψηφίσεις έως την 28η Αυγούστου Όταν λέμε ότι το κίνημά μας είναι το πρώτο ενιαίο πανευρωπαϊκό δημοκρατικό κίνημα, το εννοούμε. Ζούμε και βιώνουμε την δημοκρατία στην πράξη. Κάθε εβδομάδα τα μέλη απ΄ όλη την Ευρώπη […]
IQ Squared presents Yanis Varoufakis and Brian Eno on Money, Power and a Call for Radical Change – London, 4th November
, 09/08/2019
The liberal order is under threat. Increasing inequality, the rise of far-right nationalism and the climate emergency pose unprecedented challenges. It’s time for some radical thinking. On November 4th Intelligence Squared is bringing to its stage two of the world’s great radicals – Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek finance minister known for his trademark leather jacket, motorbike and […]
My first speech as MeRA25 leader in Parliament – with English subtitles
, 06/08/2019
MeRA25’s entry into Greece’s Parliament marks the return of anti-austerity, anti-troika, radical europeanism. In this first speech I outlined our campaign to oppose the new parasitic oligarchy that New Democracy will be building on the 4th Bailout deal with the troika that SYRIZA left behind