
On Dutch FinMin, the Eurogroup, its President, the euro, DiEM25 and MeRA25 – Interviewed by TSF Radio Noticias

, 17/04/2020

  The Eurogroup approved a 500 billion package to fight the crisis. You recently wrote in the Guardian that The EU’s coronavirus relief deal is a gift to Europe’s enemies. Explain. To begin with, the 500 billion euros is almost entirely loans. It’s exactly what Europe doesn’t need, especially like the countries that were hit […]

On Italy & the EU after the Eurogroup of 9th April – fanpage.it (English version)

, 16/04/2020

The debate about the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic has already begun: what do you think is easier to happen? Will it be a momentary crisis or a crisis destined to change our economic system forever? Neither. The consequences will be harsh and will not disappear any time soon. But, it will not, on […]

A message to all on the occasion of Greek Easter

, 16/04/2020

Today, on the Thursday symbolising the Last Supper, it is hard for Greeks to take their minds off last Thursday, 9th of April 2020 – the day that the Eurogroup shamelessly condemned our long-suffering people, along with millions of Italians and millions of other Europeans, to huge new austerity precisely at the time they will […]

On the toxic impact of the Eurogroup agreement of 9th April 2020 – With CNN’s Richard Quest (AUDIO)

, 13/04/2020

Discussing the toxic impact of the Eurogroup agreement of 9th April 2020 on Italy and Europe at large. Interviewed by Richard Quest on CNN’s Quest’s World

The EU’s new coronavirus relief deal is a gift to Europe’s enemies – THE GUARDIAN

, 13/04/2020

Europe suffered a historic defeat on Thursday night. After weeks of impasse, the Eurogroup gathering of finance ministers, whose countries share the euro, reached a decision on their collective response to the coronavirus pandemic’s economic impact. Besides constituting an epic dereliction of duty, the Eurogroup’s decision dealt a decisive blow to the foundations of the European […]

“The European Union Is Determined to Continue Making the Same Errors It Made After 2008” – JACOBIN interview

, 12/04/2020

The lack of EU help for the states hardest hit by COVID-19 is the latest sign of the hollowness of “European solidarity.” As Yanis Varoufakis tells Jacobin, the European Union’s institutions are hardwired to ignore the needs of the social majority — preferring to allow mass suffering than to change their own rules. Yanis Varoufakis is used […]

For a global movement with a radical agenda – long interview in THE HINDU (its FRONTLINE magazine)

, 08/04/2020

In this interview, the first to Indian media, Yanis speaks elaborately on the 2019 British election, Brexit, the E.U. crisis, the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the global financial crisis, rising ultra-national forces, the need for a progressive international movement, the DiEM25, rising inequality and the Greek crisis. How important is this year’s U.S. presidential election […]

Discussing SOCIETY AFTER COVID-19 with Brian Eno on DiEM-TV – VIDEO

, 03/04/2020

DiEM TV honoured me yesterday night by asking me to host a discussion on SOCIETY AFTER COVID-19 with Brian Eno – an idol of mine that I am privileged now, in my old age, to count amongst my friends, not to mention a co-founder of DiEM25. Enjoy his take on our current predicament as well […]

What should the EU do NOW: DiEM25’s 3-Point Plan for averting a Covid-19 Depression

, 27/03/2020

With Lives, Livelihoods and the Union on the brink, the COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest test of the European project in the history of the Union — and we are failing. Solidarity was meant to be a foundational principle of the EU. But solidarity is missing at the moment it is most needed. COVID-19 has revealed a fundamental truth: […]

Last night Julian Assange called me. Here is what we talked about

, 24/03/2020

Last night, immediately after our first DiEM25 TV event, my phone rang. It was Julian. From prison. It was not that first time that he honoured me deeply by using the few phone calls prison allows him to make to call me. Like every other such occasion, when I unexpectedly recognise his voice a torrent […]

How deep will the Depression occasioned by Covid-19 be? Debate on BBC World Service’s THE REAL STORY

, 20/03/2020

Coronavirus: The economic crisis – Just how bad will the downturn be and can anything be done to soften the blow? Contributors Stephanie Flanders – head of Bloomberg Economics Yanis Varoufakis – Greek economist, politician, secretary-general of DiEM25 who also served as Greek finance minister during 2015Linda Yueh – economist and author of the book: ‘The Great Economists’ […]

Monetising misery & the future of capitalism – ABC Radio National, BIG IDEAS program

, 20/03/2020

Enormous global corporations and financial institutions are now, some say, more powerful than governments. Rules that once constrained and regulated capitalism have gone. And when their power causes massive destruction, the captains of Big Capital find ways to profit from the destruction. So, is modern capitalism, itself, a threat to capitalism? Or will corporations always […]

The Eurogroup fails Europe once again. Brace for a hideous EU recession

, 17/03/2020

The Eurogroup met yesterday, Monday 16th March, to hammer out its coordinated fiscal response to the massive recession already in progress following the lockdown of much of Europe’s society. The task they faced is enormous: If sales, tourism, services etc. fall by 50% for just one month (which is certain), and then by 25% for […]

EUROLEAKS: Letting light in to how crucial decisions are made (or not) in the EU

, 11/03/2020

On March 14, for the first time, European citizens will be able to take a front seat in the meetings where their future is decided: DiEM25’s #EuroLeaks will take YOU inside the Eurogroup that has no standing in law, but where the most far-reaching decisions about all our lives are made. WHY AND WHY NOW? – […]

Yanis Varoufakis: “Syriza Was a Bigger Blow to the Left Than Thatcher” – JACOBIN

, 11/03/2020

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis told Jacobin why he’s publishing his secret recordings of the critical Eurogroup meetings of 2015 — and why the Left around Europe is struggling to overcome Syriza’s disastrous legacy. Yanis Varoufakis during his speech in Hellenic Parliament. Dimitrios Karvountzis / Pacific Press / LightRocket via Getty INTERVIEW BY George […]

Climate change is capitalism’s Waterloo – IRISH EXAMINER

, 11/03/2020

Steven Mnuchin’s snide remark about teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg at this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos outraged liberal commentators. US treasury secretary Mnuchin, responding to Thunberg’s call for an immediate exit from fossil fuel investments, said that she should go to college “to study economics” before “she can come back and explain […]

Brexit: A rational choice for the wrong reasons? – Financial News & Project Syndicate

, 11/03/2020

The motives and thinking behind Brexit were even less worthy than those behind US President Richard Nixon’s move in 1971 to ditch the Bretton Woods system. But, as with the “Nixon shock,” there is a singular underlying historical factor that explains Brexit. ATHENS – At pivotal historical moments, rational political ruptures often are brought about […]

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