
The op-ed that The Guardian would have published had Trump won: Compare and contrast

, 11/11/2020

Before the US Presidential Election the Guardian kindly asked me to write two articles: one in case of a Biden victory, one in case of a Trump victory. I was happy to write them, only to be startled by how similar the two articles ended up being. Interested readers can read here the article that […]

Hoping for a return to normal after Trump? That’s the last thing we need – The GUARDIAN

, 11/11/2020

Normalcy and the restoration of a modicum of decorum to the White House: that is what many elite supporters of Joe Biden hope for now that he has won the election. But the rest of us are turned off by this meagre ambition. Voters who loathe Trump celebrate his loss, but the majority rue the return […]

Brian Eno’s take on the US Presidential Election result

, 10/11/2020

Once again, Brian and I are singing from the same hymn sheet – just as we did on the day after the Brexit referendum, the last UK General Election etc. Having  just received an email containing his gut feeling about the next four years in the US, I thought I should share it with you. […]

Owen Jones & Yanis Varoufakis to discuss Labour’s 2019 electoral defeat in the context of Owen’s recent book – 7 NOV 2020

, 18/10/2020

The global crisis of COVID-19 presents an opportunity for a radical rethink of Britain as we know it. Join two icons of the Left as they imagine a future for progressive politics. Whether exposing Britain’s powerful elites in The Establishment or defending the white working class in Chavs, fighting for equality and social justice as a Guardian columnist and broadcaster, […]

John Bolton vs Yanis Varoufakis on “Is Global Stability A Pipe Dream?” – The 2020 Holberg Debate, 5 DEC 2020

, 18/10/2020

At the 2020 Holberg Debate, Amb. John Bolton and Yanis Varoufakis, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, will discuss current threats to regional and global stability. The debate will be a virtual event. Anyone can  watch the livestream here.  Tweet your questions before or during the event with hashtag #Holberg2020. JOHN BOLTON is an American attorney, […]

How progressives could still win the 21st century – The Correspondent

, 06/10/2020

Our era will be remembered for the triumphant march of authoritarianism in whose wake the vast majority of humanity have experienced unnecessary hardship and the planet’s ecosystem has suffered avoidable climate destruction. For a brief period – a period the British historian Eric Hobsbawm described as “the short 20th century”  – establishment forces  were united in dealing with challenges […]

It is time to prosecute Julian’s persecutors – The Belmarsh Tribunal

, 04/10/2020

This is the time to change tack. We have spent too long defending an innocent man for leaking power’s guilty secrets. We have protested too long against their right to destroy Julian’s body so as to silence his voice. We have pleaded for too long for them to stop torturing a man who dared reveal to […]

Diary entries on Brexit, defending refugees & writing postcapitalist fiction – THE NEWSTATESMAN

, 28/09/2020

Reading the newspapers last Monday, I was reminded that negotiations with Brussels are always an occasion for second-rate theatre. Ultimatums are usually issued by EU negotiators facing UK governments that talk enthusiastically of red lines and sovereignty. But now, if the Telegraph is to be believed, it is Boris Johnson who has given the EU […]

LOWY INSTITUDE: Interviewed by Alexandre Dayanton on EUROPE & THE FUTURE OF CAPITALISM

, 28/09/2020

In this episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Alexandre Dayant sat down with Professor Yanis Varoufakis to discuss Europe and the future of capitalism. Yanis is currently a member of the Hellenic Parliament and served as Greece’s minister of finance during the government debt crisis. ALEXANDRE DAYANT COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast […]

Γερμανοί, Έλληνες & Τούρκοι μέλη του DiEM25 εναντίον εξορύξεων, εξοπλισμών & εντάσεων και υπέρ της Ειρήνης & της Πράσινης Κοινής Ευημερίας

, 30/07/2020

Πρόκειται για παρέμβαση του DiEM25 (αναπόσπαστο μέρος του οποίου είναι το ΜέΡΑ25) που κάνει όλους εμάς που, από τον Φλεβάρη του 2016, παλεύουμε να χτίσουμε αυτό το μοναδικό, ενιαίο, διεθνικό κίνημα να νιώθουμε βαθιά περήφανοι. Φέρνοντας μαζί, ως μέλη του ίδιου κινήματος, μέλη και οργανώσεις μας από την Γερμανία, την Ελλάδα ΚΑΙ την Τουρκία, η […]

DiEM25 organisations from Germany, Greece & Turkey on Peace & Shared Green Prosperity, instead of War Games & Oil-Gas Drilling, in the Eastern Mediterranean

, 30/07/2020

Deeply proud of DiEM25’s intervention to avert tensions in the E. Mediterranean. Proving there is no clash between nations, DiEM25’s organisations in Germany, Greece & Turkey issued a manifesto for splendid Peace & Shared Green Prosperity in our region: The perpetrators of war, the profiteers of the fossil fuel industry and political leaders wedded to […]

Ούτε Πόλεμος Ούτε Συνεκμετάλλευση – Ειρήνη, Συνεργασία & Πράσινη Κοινή Ευημερία: Οι θέσεις του ΜέΡΑ25 & του DiEM25 για την Ειρήνη και την Κοινή Πράσινη Ευημερία στην Αν. Μεσόγειο

, 30/07/2020

Πρόσφατα γιορτάσαμε την 46η Επέτειο από την Αποκατάσταση της Δημοκρατίας. Το ΜέΡΑ25 τόνισε, με την ευκαιρία της επετείου, ότι οι Έλληνες δημοκράτες έχουμε υποχρέωση να μην ξεχνάμε πως επέστρεψε η Δημοκρατία στην Ελλάδα: Ως απόρροια της Κυπριακής τραγωδίας που έφεραν εθνικιστικές επιλογές ενός ξενοκίνητου ελληνικού καθεστώτος που άνοιξε διάπλατα την πόρτα στην Κατοχή της Βόρειας […]

Capitalism in crisis – Video by Patreon

, 27/07/2020

What comes next? Yanis Varoufakis on capitalism’s crisis and our duty to plan for postcapitalsim ? Support DDN: http://www.patreon.com/DoubleDownNews

The EU coronavirus Recovery Fund will take Europe another step towards disintegration – The Guardian

, 25/07/2020

During the early years of the eurozone crisis, I remember gauging its depths by the rapidly diminishing half-life of the celebrations that followed every European Union summit. Premature proclamations that the crisis was over inspired hope, which caused the money markets to rebound. But then, at some point, gloom would unfailingly return. As the years of […]

While EU leaders squabble, the Elephant in the Room remains unnoticed

, 18/07/2020

While the media are reporting the news of the deadlocked EU Summit negotiations over the so-called ‘Recovery Fund’, an eerie silence prevails regarding the Elephant in the Room: The huge wave of austerity the Eurozone is sleepwalking towards. Let’s look at the facts. Even if the Dutch Prime Minister, Mr Rutte, and the rest of […]

The Eurozone’s grappling with crisis, class war & the North-South divide – Berliner Verlag interview

, 16/07/2020

What did you think when the Euro-group elected its new leader last week? At least this was not the outcome Frau Merkel had wished? My first thought was that it spelled the end of any possibility of harmonizing corporate tax rates across the Eurozone, an issue that I am on Mrs Merkel’s side. The second […]

MeRA25: One year in Parliament

, 09/07/2020

In less than a year, MeRA25’s our parliamentary group has proven “your voice in parliament” They have attended all parliamentary proceedings and articulated profound, substantive and creative opposition! MeRA25’s parliamentary group has notably: Tabled more than 850 questions in the context of Parliamentary Control of the Government Submitted concrete proposals on a number of articles […]

The COVID Class War – THE IRISH EXAMINER & Project Syndicate

, 02/07/2020

“Strengthening the solidarity of Europe’s oligarchs is not a good strategy for empowering Europe’s majority. Quite the contrary. Any “recovery” based on such a formula will short-change almost all Europeans and push the majority into deeper despair.” ATHENS – The euro crisis that erupted a decade ago has long been portrayed as a clash between […]

Europe’s Recovery Fund: An instrument of class war against weaker Europeans everywhere

, 29/06/2020

Europe never was the battlefield on which the frugal North clashed with the profligate South. Instead, every European country has been the battlefield where a vicious class war is fought by a transnational oligarchy-without-frontiers training its armour against the weaker residents of every country, every region, every community. Covid-19, and the European Union’s response to […]

Anish Kapoor on India, Israel, life in the UK and, of course, art, art and art. On DiEM-TV’s ANOTHER NOW, 15th June 2020

, 16/06/2020

I spent Monday night, 15th of June, chatting with Anish Kapoor for an hour. I began by asking him about life in 1950s India as the child of a Punjabi Hindu Admiral and a Bagdadi Jewish mother. Our conversation moved on to a Kibbutz in Israel before landing in Blighty and in particular Hornsby Art […]

Julian Assange just called. To talk about the pandemic’s effect on capitalism & politics!

, 13/06/2020

Julian called me a little earlier on, at 14.22 London time to be precise. From Belmarsh High Security Prison of course. This is not the first time but, as you can imagine, every time I hear his voice I feel honoured and moved that he should dial my number when he has such few and […]

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