On the Euro-Summit ‘Agreement’ with Greece, my resignation and what it all means for Greece and Europe – in conversation with Phillip Adams
, 14/07/2015
Late Night Live, ABC Radio National, 13th July 2015
Dr Schäuble’s Plan for Europe: Do Europeans approve? – Article to appear in Die Zeit on Thursday 16th July 2015
, 13/07/2015
Pre-publication summary: Five months of intense negotiations between Greece and the Eurogroup never had a chance of success. Condemned to lead to impasse, their purpose was to pave the ground for what Dr Schäuble had decided was ‘optimal’ well before our government was even elected: That Greece should be eased out of the Eurozone in order […]
Behind Germany's refusal to grant Greece debt relief – Op-Ed in The Guardian
, 11/07/2015
Tomorrow’s EU Summit will seal Greece’s fate in the Eurozone. As these lines are being written, Euclid Tsakalotos, my great friend, comrade and successor as Greece’s Finance Ministry is heading for a Eurogroup meeting that will determine whether a last ditch agreement between Greece and our creditors is reached and whether this agreement contains the degree […]
Minister No More!
, 06/07/2015
The referendum of 5th July will stay in history as a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt-bondage.
Our NO is a majestic, big YES to a democratic, rational Europe!
, 06/07/2015
On the 25th of January, dignity was restored to the people of Greece. In the five months that intervened since then, we became the first government that dared raise its voice, speaking on behalf of the people, saying NO to the damaging irrationality of our extend-and-pretend ‘Bailout Program’. We
GREECE: Still raging against the dying of the light
, 05/07/2015
In 1967 foreign powers, in cahoots with local stooges, used the tanks to overthrow Greek democracy. In 2015 foreign powers, in cahoots with local stooges, used the banks to overthrow the Greek government. In 1967 democracy’s defenders were in disarray and the prisons, the death squads, and the torturers were working overtime. In 2015 none […]
'We've made hope return to Europe' – in conversation with Paul Mason on Ch4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmqnYHmRg48 , 04/07/2015
IMF backs (ever so peculiarly) the SYRIZA government’s debt assessment
, 03/07/2015
Debt relief ought to be at the centre of negotiations over a New Deal for Greece. That has been our government’s mantra from 26th of January, our first day on the job. Exactly five months later, on 26th of June, the IMF has conceded the point (as evidenced earlier today by the NYT) – on […]
Only the No Can Save the Euro – by James K. Galbraith
, 03/07/2015
For the original source, at Prospect Magazine, click here
Nine Myths About the Greek Crisis – by James K. Galbraith
, 03/07/2015
Click here for the original Politico site, or read on…
Why a NO vote in the Referendum is a Yes for a proud Greece in a Decent Europe – Talking with Phillip Adams, on LNL ABC Radio National
, 02/07/2015
Late Night Live has been a daily companion of mine since 1989. Phillip Adams, its presenter, is someone I consider a friend (he, in fact, interviewed me in 1991 on the… Greek crisis!). In this (yesterday’s) program he added a touch at the very end of the interview that made me (almost) to break down. Thanks […]
US Senator Bernie Sanders Blasts Greece’s Creditors
, 02/07/2015
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) attacked the International Monetary Fund and European authorities on Wednesday for imposing what he called excessive austerity measures on Greece in negotiations over the country’s debt payments. [Click here for the Huffington Post site, or read on]
Why we recommend a NO in the referendum – in 6 short bullet points
, 01/07/2015
Negotiations have stalled because Greece’s creditors (a) refused to reduce our un-payable public debt and (b) insisted that it should be repaid ‘parametrically’ by the weakest members of our society, their children and their grandchildren The IMF, the United States’ government, many other governments around the globe, and most independent economists believe — along with […]
As it happened – Yanis Varoufakis’ intervention during the 27th June 2015 Eurogroup Meeting
, 28/06/2015
The Eurogroup Meeting of 27th June 2015 will not go down as a proud moment in Europe’s history. Ministers turned down the Greek government’s request that the Greek people should be granted a single week during which to deliver a Yes or No answer to the institutions’ proposals – proposals crucial for Greece’s future in the Eurozone. The very […]
Greece's Proposals to End the Crisis: My intervention at today's Eurogroup
, 18/06/2015
The only antidote to propaganda and malicious ‘leaks’ is transparency. After so much disinformation on my presentation at the Eurogroup of the Greek government’s position, the only response is to post the precise words uttered within. Read them and judge for yourselves whether the Greek government’s proposals constitute a basis for agreement.
Greece, Germany and the Eurozone – Keynote at the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Berlin 8th June 2015
, 09/06/2015
CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for being here. Thank you for the warm welcome. Above all thank you for the opportunity to build bridges, to pave common ground, to bring harmony in the face of blatant attempts to sow the seeds of discord between peoples whose historic duty […]
A Speech of Hope for Greece – a Project Syndicate Op-Ed
, 07/06/2015
ATHENS – On September 6, 1946 US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes traveled to Stuttgart to deliver his historic “Speech of Hope.” Byrnes’ address marked America’s post-war change of heart vis-à-vis Germany and gave a fallen nation a chance to imagine recovery, growth, and a return to normalcy. Seven decades later, it is my […]
The truth about Riga
, 24/05/2015
It was the 24th of April. The Eurogroup meeting taking place that day in Latvia was of great importance to Greece. It was the last Eurogroup meeting prior to the deadline (30th April) that we had collectively decided upon (back in the 20th February Eurogroup meeting) for an agreement on the set of reforms that […]
Die Zeit's Q&A on Dr Wolfgang Schäuble
, 20/05/2015
Die Zeit, the German good quality newspaper, asked me three questions on Dr Schäuble. I obliged them with the answers that follow. (Predictably, some news outlets went out of their way to distort them. Such is life these days…)
A Blueprint for Greece’s Recovery within a Consolidating Europe – Brussels Keynote 7th May 2015
, 15/05/2015
On 7th May 2015 I was invited to deliver a lunchtime keynote speech at the European Business Summit 2015 in Brussels. Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister introduced the talk. Click here for the accompanying powerpoint slides. The text of the talk follows below
Varoufakis and Tsakalotos on the Eurozone institutions and bank bailouts – INET-OECD April 9th 2015
, 13/04/2015
Two SYRIZA ministers for the price of one! Here you can find audio of our talks at the INET-OECD 9th April conference on the subject of ‘Eurozone institutions during the bank bailout negotiations’. Yanis Varoufakis’ talk below Euclid Tsakalotos talk below
In conversation with Joseph Stiglitz on the Eurozone Crisis – at the INET-OECD conference, 9 April 2015
, 11/04/2015
Presenting an agenda for Europe at AMBROSETTI (Lake Como, 14th March 2015)
, 15/03/2015
Dear All, Ministerial duties have impeded my blogging of late. I am now breaking the silence since I have just given a talk that combines my previous work with my current endeavours. Here is the text of the talk I gave this morning at the Ambrosetti Conference on the theme of ‘An Agenda for Europe’. Long time […]