A message for Mr Renzi
, 22/09/2015
Italian PM M. Renzi (click here for his speech) rejoiced at having “got rid of me” – citing my ‘removal’ from the ‘scene’ as a sign that ‘apostates’ (i.e. those who divide their parties) are jettisoned. His is a motivated illusion. Last July ‘they’ ‘got rid’ of something much more important than me. Here is my […]
Tsipras' triumph vs the impossible task of implementing a program designed to fail – in The Guardian
, 22/09/2015
Alexis Tsipras has snatched resounding victory from the jaws of July’s humiliating surrender to the troika of Greece’s lenders. Defying opposition parties, opinion pollsters and critics within his ranks (including this writer), he held on to government with a reduced, albeit workable, majority. The question is whether he can combine remaining in office with being […]
Paul Krugman on Greece's 3rd MoU: An agreement designed to fail
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=aZY-5wp_6IQ , 19/09/2015
Addressing the striking staff of London's National Gallery – 14th SEP 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY_-Z0HQxYU , 19/09/2015
On Corbyn, Greece and the UN – Interviewed for RT-tv's UNDERGROUND
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=_giZbaZPm94 , 16/09/2015
Interview in Corriere Della Sera – 16 SEP 2015
, 16/09/2015
L’ex ministro greco delle Finanze: «Presto ci sarà il lancio ufficiale e una sinistra pan europea capace di offrire una politica alternativa all’austerità» For the Italian version as published in CDS, click here. But beware: The Italian text there is a summary of my answers and, in my view, offers a distorted version of my […]
Britain, Greece & the Struggle for a Decent Future – Emmanuel Centre, London, 14th September 2015
, 15/09/2015
Jump to 1:04:50 for my address
On German Moral Leadership – English version of op-ed in Sunday's FAZ
, 14/09/2015
For the published version in Sunday’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung click here. For my original English text read on…
There is an alternative to austerity – Brighton, Sunday 13/9, organised by PCS
, 11/09/2015
Former Greece finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is one of four powerful speakers against austerity at a PCS public meeting in Brighton on 13 September.
HOW EUROPE CRUSHED GREECE – Yanis Varoufakis' op-ed in the NYT
, 09/09/2015
ATHENS — Since the beginning of Greece’s financial crisis in 2010, two prime ministers have been swept from office after they were forced to adopt an unfeasible package of austerity measures in exchange for a bailout from the troika, as the eurozone authorities — the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary […]
Interviewed, for DW's Conflict Zone, by Tim Sebastian
, 09/09/2015
Click on the picture above to watch the interview
European countries must support the United Nations’ proposals for sovereign debt restructuring! – Open letter to the UN by 19 economists
, 08/09/2015
On September 10, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on nine principles concerning the restructuring of sovereign debts. Abiding by such principles would have avoided the pitfalls of the Greek crisis, in which political representatives gave in to creditor demands despite their lack of economic sense and their disastrous social impact. This public interest […]
On the state of the European Union – Address at the 41st Forum of The European House-Ambrosetti
, 07/09/2015
In a session entitled ‘Old and New Conflicts and Challenges in the EU’, featuring also Peter Sutherland (FT), Mario Monti and Otmar Issing, I used the unwillingness of the Eurogroup, and the troika, even to consider a document prepared by my (then) ministry (entitled “A Policy Framework for Greece’s Fiscal Consolidation, Recover and Growth“) as a […]
On CNBC discussing Greece and Europe – full transcript, 4th September 2015
, 04/09/2015
First on CNBC Interview: Squawk Box Europe Interview Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister Following are excerpts from the unofficial transcript of a First on CNBC interview with Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister, aired on Friday 4th September on Squawk Box Europe. CLICK HERE FOR THE CNBC SITE OR…
Democratizing the Eurozone – a Project-Syndicate op-ed
, 02/09/2015
ATHENS – Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the […]
Varoufakis on Schäuble – extract from Stephan Lamby's SWR-ADR documentary
, 31/08/2015
Extract from Stephan Lamby’s SWR-ADR documentary Schäuble: Power & Powerlessness in which I discuss our government’s January-June 2015 negotiating experience and aspects of my discussions with Dr Wolfgang Schäuble.
In THE CONVERSATION answering to leading academics
, 27/08/2015
Click here for website of THE CONVERSATION or…
The Spectre of Democracy haunts Europe – in conversation with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National 26th Aug 2015
, 27/08/2015
In discussion with Phillip Adams, on my favourite radio program (LNL), on my recent Frangy address/manifesto for a campaign to Democratise the Eurozone as well as, of course, on the forthcoming snap Greek election.
The Athens Spring lives on! Speech at Frangy-en-Bresse, with Arnaud Montebourg
, 25/08/2015
On Sunday 23th August, I joined forces with Arnaud Montembourg in Frangy-en-Bresse (or Frangy-en-Grece as it was renamed for the day!) to put forward to the people of France a simple message: There is no alternative but the democratisation of the Eurozone! For the full text of my speech click here. And for a translation in […]
The Greek Plan for Growth & Recovery: Two documents the Ministry of Finance tabled in May and June 2015
, 20/08/2015
Now that Greece’s Third Memorandum of Understanding has passed (see here for my annotated version), after the SYRIZA government surrendered on 12th July 2015, it is perhaps of interest to compare the ‘Reform Agenda’ in that agreement with the agenda the Ministry of Finance had presented to the institutions on two occasions, in May and June […]
A New Approach to Eurozone Sovereign Debt – op-ed in Project Syndicate
, 17/08/2015
My latest column for Project Syndicate is now out. Click here for the Project Syndicate page or read on:
My question to Christine Lagarde, Eurogroup 25th June 2015 – as narrated by Landon Thomas in the NYT
, 17/08/2015
During the 25th June 2015 Eurogroup, the institutions presented me, in the form of an effective utlimatum, with a comprehensive staff level agreement and funding plan (which I considered financially non-viable). It was the deal that Prime Minister Tsipras decided, on the following day, to put to the Greek people in the form of the now […]