Guardian Long Read – Why we must save the EU
, 10/04/2016
5th April 2016. For The Guardian site, click here. Otherwise…
Telegraph profile – by Mick Brown
, 10/04/2016
For The Telegraph site, click here. Otherwise… ‘Europe is too important to be left to its clueless rulers’
Discussing Panama papers & UK referendum – Channel 4 News, 4 April 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZjqicN8Zug , 05/04/2016
On BBC Radio 4’s, Start of the Week, with Andrew Marr and friends
/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/starttheweek-20160404-greeceandtheeurozonewithyanisvaroufakis.mp3 , 05/04/2016
‘Europe is too important to be left to its clueless rulers’ – Telegraph profile
, 03/04/2016
By Mick Brown, 31 MARCH 2016 • 11:08AM [For the TELEGRAPH site, complete with photos and videos, click here] So, I say to Yanis Varoufakis, you were an obscure university lecturer, with a sideline in writing comment pieces about economics, who had also devised and plotted virtual currencies for computer games, but your only experience of political […]
Antonio Fazio, ex Govenor of Italy’s Central Bank, endorses Varoufakis’ analysis
, 02/04/2016
[The report below is an abridged English translation of an article in Katholisches under the title Varoufakis, DiEM25 und Papst Franziskus For the English translation of the whole article, click here.] Antonio Fazio, the ex Govenor of the Italian Central Bank, criticizes EU Economic Policy… Fazio who is an economist and a practising Catholic known for his outstanding knowledge of […]
What’s DiEM25, really? Reply to Open Letter by Souvlis&Mazzolini
, 02/04/2016
Shortly after DiEM25’s Rome launch, I received a splendid Open Letter from George Souvlis and Samuele Mazzolini. It reminded me of another such letter I had received from John Malamatinas prior to DiEM25’s Berlin launch. George and Samuele raise crucial questions about DiEM25 and our project to democratise Europe. Here comes a feeble attempt to […]
On Martin Sandbu’s FT review of "And the weak suffer what they must?"
, 02/04/2016
Martin Sandbu reviewed my new book (And The Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe, Austerity and the Great Threat to Global Stability, Bodley Head & Nation Books) for the FT. (Click here for the, unfortunately, paywalled site.) I wish to thank Martin, whose own book on the same subject (Europe’s Orphan: The Future of the Euro […]
On the BBC's HARDtalk, talking with Stephen Sackur
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZOAroRgIbY&feature=youtu.be , 02/04/2016
Interview with The Economist – full transcript
, 01/04/2016
For The Economist’s site, where this interview with Jeremy Cliffe appeared. click here. YANIS VAROUFAKIS is a Greek economist who served as finance minister in his country’s Syriza government from January to September last year. After this approved the third bailout package, which he described as a surrender, he declined to stand in fresh elections and set about founding DiEM25, […]
The Eurogroup Made Simple
, 30/03/2016
The Eurozone is the largest and most important macro-economy in the world.
QUARTZ Magazine – DiEM25’s plan to save the European Union from itself
, 24/03/2016
[Click here for the Quartz site] After years of economic turmoil, a near-Grexit, a looming Brexit, and a refugee crisis that challenges the very principle of open borders, it’s safe to say that the European Union is struggling. According to Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s unforgettable former minister of finance, the only way to stop the EU’s […]
Transparency in Europe now! Sign/share the petition today!
, 24/03/2016
To: Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup, the Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), and Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin) Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), and Cecilia Malmström, EU Trade Commissioner PETITION TEXT […]
DiEM25 in Italy – watch video and sign the Transparency Petition
, 23/03/2016
ROME, 23rd March 2016 DiEM25 in Italy was launched, along with DiEM25’s TRANSPARENCY IN EUROPE, NOW! campaign. Watch the video below, join DiEM25 and sign the TRANSPARENCY IN EUROPE, NOW! petition!
La Repubblica: Diem25, un movimento per superare il fallimento dell’Europa
, 20/03/2016
For a copy of the (longer) interview in English, click: Original answers by Yanis Varoufakis, in English, to La Repubblica, 19 March 2016. Click here the LA REPUBBLICA site (Italian), or…
Professorship Honoris Causa, International University College of Torino – report in La Stampa
, 19/03/2016
Folla all’università di Torino per la lectio magistralis dell’ex ministro che racconta i duelli con Schäuble: «Gli dissi che le sue idee erano ottime per il Partito comunista cinese» SEPPE SALVAGGIULO, TORINO – Click here for La Stampa’s website or…
Noam Chomsky joins DiEM25
, 15/03/2016
The following was published in openDemocracy “DiEM25’s Manifesto is a bold effort to reverse the damage and restore the promise,” says Chomsky. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, March 14, 2016– Distinguished American linguist, philosopher and political activist, Noam Chomsky, has officially endorsed DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement launched last month by Greece’s former Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis.
Lies, Damn Lies, and European Growth Statistics
, 15/03/2016
ATHENS – “Greece has at last returned to economic growth.” That was the official European Union storyline at the end of 2014. Alas, Greek voters, unimpressed by this rejoicing, ousted the incumbent government and, in January 2015, voted for a new administration in which I served as finance minister. Last week, similarly celebratory reports emanated […]
Lectio Magistralis: DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE – The Political Economics of an Epic Struggle. March 17, Torino, Italy
, 14/03/2016
PROFESSORSHIP HONORIS CAUSA & Lectio Magistralis YANIS VAROUFAKIS has been appointed Professor Honoris Causa by the International University College di Torino. His Lectio Magistralis DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE, The Political Economics of an Epic Struggle will take place on Thursday March 17, at 2:30 pm, in the Aula Magna at the Campus Einaudi of the Università di Torino, Lungo Dora Siena 100. The IUC […]
L’Union européenne est en train de s’écrouler – L’ Echo
, 14/03/2016
L’ancien ministre grec des Finances Yanis Varoufakis est désormais à la tête d’un mouvement paneuropéen qui veut agir pour plus de démocratie et de transparence. Publicité
Salmond’s ‘big mistake’ – in The Sunday Times
, 14/03/2016
The former Greek minister says that the stance on sterling was a serious strategic error in the fight for independence, writes Michael Glackin. Click here.
Second Scottish independence referendum would be justifiable following Brexit – in The HeraldScotland
, 14/03/2016
Click here for the HeraldScotland webpages. Or…
Real vs Money Incomes – the one thing we need to understand during deflationary times (with an illustration from Greece and Cyprus)
, 13/03/2016
In inflationary times, real income growth is always good news. However, in deflationary times, real income growth may well reflect a deepening recession (or even a depression). This is important to know lest deepening recession is presented as… economic recovery (as has been the EU’s wont in recent times). How can real income growth reflect […]