A broken-up Europe will breed monsters: Varoufakis on CNBC
, 29/09/2016
Europe is disintegrating and this could come at great human cost, Greece’s fiery former finance minister warned on Tuesday.
Yanis Varoufakis on George Osborne’s responsibility for Brexit – The Telegraph
, 29/09/2016
Yanis Varoufakis said George Osborne was trapped in a vicious cycle by Cristina Criddle 28 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 11:23AM
Discussing Brexit on BBC Radio 4, the Today program
, 29/09/2016
An interview on the Brexit paradox-cum-enigma and the future of the European Union – the interview was recorded in the context of the Institute of Directors conference on post-Brexit Britain, 27th September 2016
Distinguished Visiting Professors join Kings College, University of London
, 27/09/2016
Reposted from Kings College website Former Greek Finance Minister & Rolls Royce Chairman join King’s College Posted on 19/05/2016 Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former Finance Minister and Sir Simon Robertson, former Chairman of Rolls Royce are both joining King’s as distinguished Visiting Professors within the Department of Political Economy. Starting from 1 August they will both […]
The Cambridge Union’s 2016 London Debate – Friday 23/9
, 21/09/2016
Varoufakis’ speech last Michaelmas was thought to attract over a thousand students [The following is re-posted from the Cambridge Union’s The Tab] With the Autumn Statement of the new Government looming, the Cambridge Union takes over Inner Temple hall to question the dominance of austerity politics in the United Kingdom. Yanis Varoufakis, the ex-Greek Finance Minister, will be […]
A message for left wing comrades – Berlin, 17 September 2016
, 21/09/2016
The above is an extract from a joint pre-election speech, for the Berlin state election, by Varoufakis and Kipping and Lederer at Astra Kulturhaus Berlin, Revaler Str. 99
On the need to face the facts about big business before democracy gets a chance – NYT Athens Democracy Forum Debate
, 16/09/2016
Paul Krugman, Ross LaJeunesse (Google), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25) and Yasheng Huang, economist, M.I.T.
My letter to supporters of Another Europe Is Possible
, 15/09/2016
In a letter addressed to supporters of Another Europe Is Possible, Yanis Varoufakis makes the case for the organisation to unite with the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025
Joining forces! In reply to Stefano Fassina
, 14/09/2016
Stefano Fassina points out that in my article ‘Europe’s Left After Brexit’ I did not discuss his preferred option for Eurozone member-states: Stay in the EU but leave the euro. Of course the reason my article did not discuss that position is that it was focusing on Brexit and addressing Lexiteers like Tariq Ali and […]
Speech at DiEM25’s pavilion, Fête de l’Humanité 2016
, 13/09/2016
“It is time for Europe’s humanists to reclaim Europe” Last year, I came to La Fete with a message from Greece. The Athens Spring had just been crushed by the Troika because Europe’s Establishment was planning to bring the Troika to Paris. Since then, the Troika has come to Paris. Labour Laws have been passed […]
Stefano Fassina on my ‘Europe’s Left After Brexit’
, 13/09/2016
Stefano Fassina was kind enough to respond to my article entitled Europe’s Left After Brexit. His reply follows.
Democratising Europe – a transnational project? A debate with openDemocracy
, 13/09/2016
YANIS VAROUFAKIS, ROSEMARY BECHLER, ALEX SAKALIS, and ANTHONY BARNETT 13 September 2016 (Click here for the openDemocracy site) What role does national self-determination and ‘self-government’ play in European and human emancipation today? Yanis Varoufakis replies for DiEM25. Yanis Varoufakis has recently been engaged in debating this key question for our times with the left. (See more.) […]
Interview with the Berlin Policy Journal in 140 characters
, 08/09/2016
You left office about a year ago – any regrets? None whatsoever. Once it was no longer possible to do good for Greece as minister, there was no reason to stay in office.
Europe’s Left after Brexit
, 08/09/2016
In reply to Tariq Ali, Stathis Kouvelakis, Vicente Navarro and Stefano Fassina on DiEM25’s plan for resisting within the European Union Preface: This article (published in edited form in Jacobin, Neues Deutschland, Il Manifesto, Mediapart and elsewhere) addresses left-wing critics of DiEM25 claiming that DiEM25 is pursuing the wrong objective (to democratise the EU) […]
KURIER: Österreichs Sozialdemokratie hat ihr Ende erreicht
, 04/09/2016
Der griechische Ex-Finanzminister sagt, der Geist Bruno Kreiskys sei verloren gegangen. 31.08.2016, 14:01 Der frühere griechische Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis hat in Alpbach bei einem Pressegespräch auch zur österreichischen Innenpolitik Stellung genommen. Er kritisierte dabei die von den Sozialdemokraten übernommenen Inhalte rechter Politiker, wie die Errichtung neuer Grenzen. Damit sei das Ende der Sozialdemokratie, wie sie […]
Markets vs States in today’s Europe: An Alpbach Keynote Debate
, 03/09/2016
In October 2015, I had the opportunity to debate, in Munich, Professor Hans Werner Sinn on the European Monetary Union and, more broadly, Europe’s economy . On 30 August 2016, at the Alpbach European Forum, I debated Professor Sinn’s successor as President of IFO, Professor Clemens Fuest. [Click here, or the image above, for video of […]
DiEM25: Bring it on! – J.K. Galbraith in the Boston Globe
, 23/08/2016
From the destruction of Greece to democracy in Europe By James K. Galbraith (Click here for the Globe’s site)
The Politics of Negative Interest Rates – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 23/08/2016
ATHENS – Objects of desire come at a cost. Only bad things, like toxic waste, have a negative price, the equivalent of a fee payable to anyone willing to make them disappear. Does this mean that negative interest rates embody a new perspective on money – that it has gone “bad”? [To read on, click […]
"Merkel has no plan" – interviewed by Die Welt’s editor, Stefan Aust
, 16/08/2016
A few weeks ago, Stefan Aust, Die Welt’s editor and formerly the heart and soul of Der Spiegel, paid me a visit at our Aegina house. We spoke for a good two hours on Europe, Germany, Greece and, of course, DiEM25. It was a serious, pleasant and at times passionate discussion. On 14th August the […]
Discussing the IMF’s confession – with Phillip Adams, LNL, ABC Radio National
, 10/08/2016
How the IMF and the EU screwed Greece: It’s Official (Title as it appeared on the ABC’s website)
Galbraith’s letter to Kathimerini: Let’s talk about academic-journalistic ethics, shall we?
, 06/08/2016
Athens daily Kathimerini published a letter signed by 23 ‘US-educated Greeks’ sent to the University of Texas’ President denouncing James K. Galbraith (a long-standing professor there) for having helped me design a “monetary cum military coup d’etat”. At least that was their description of my Plan X – a preliminary contingency plan to counter the European […]