
Trump is a wake up call. I am glad DiEM25 is awake – Brian Eno

, 09/11/2016

I had a bet with my American friend Stewart Brand that Trump would win. He wrote to me this morning: “You called it right. And I called it wrong. Groan. Now the weirdness!” I wrote back to him:

Trump’s Triumph: DiEM25 on how progressives must react

, 09/11/2016

Donald Trump’s victory marks the end of an era when a self-confident Establishment preached the end of history, the end of passion and the supremacy of a technocracy working on behalf of the 1%. But the era it ushers in is not new. It is a new variant of the 1930s, featuring deflationary economics, xenophobia […]

A Call to American Friends on the day of the US Presidential Election

, 08/11/2016

By Thomas Seibert and Yanis Varoufakis, members of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective As in the case of Brexit, we refuse to respond in a binary manner (remain or leave, Clinton or Trump) to the question facing voters.

How the EU’s Greek Tragedy Became a British Farce – by James K. Galbraith

, 05/11/2016

[Originally published in Zocalo] British citizens took to the polls to cast their “Leave” ballots—and their grievances—in the now-infamous Brexit vote last June, seeking to escape the overarching power of the European Union. Their triumph stunned British and global elites, but shouldn’t have; the odds were stacked in the Leave camp’s favor.

PSOE’s Penchant for Repeating PASOK’s Disappearing Act – El Diario (English & Spanish texts)

, 02/11/2016

  el PASOK mordió el polvo por participar en el derrocamiento de su líder y, curiosamente, el PSOE ha tomado el mismo camino. EFE [For the El Diario site click here] History may repeat itself but never as quickly or as mindlessly as it does within Europe’s social democratic family. Spain’s socialists jettisoned Pedro Sánchez […]

The Universal Right to Capital Income – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 31/10/2016

  ATHENS – The right to laziness has traditionally been only for the propertied rich, whereas the poor have had to struggle for decent wages and working conditions, unemployment and disability insurance, universal health care, and other accoutrements of a dignified life. The idea that the poor should be granted an unconditional income sufficient to […]

Varoufakis & DiEM25 a La Gabbia Open

, 28/10/2016


On BBC Question Time from Hartlepool – 20th October 2016

, 22/10/2016

On the panel are Conservative former chancellor Ken Clarke MP, Labour’s shadow education secretary Angela Rayner MP, runner up in the UKIP leadership election Lisa Duffy, DiEM25 initiator and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis and the previous owner of the Daily Telegraph Conrad Black.

Europe’s Ugly Future: A review of Varoufakis, Galbraith & Stiglitz – Foreign Affairs

, 19/10/2016

Muddling Through Austerity By Andrew Moravcsik – click here for the Foreign Affairs website In This Review And the Weak Suffer What They Must? – Yanis Varoufakis Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice: The Destruction of Greece and Europe – James K. Galbraith The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe – Joseph Stiglitz

How do you solve a problem like Europe? Interviewed by Eurofinance

, 17/10/2016

Friday 23/9/2016 (click here for the Eurofinance site & here for a related Keynote speech) How long can Europe go on like this? In mid-July Germany sold €4.038bn of 10-year zero-coupon bonds with a yield of minus 0.05 per cent. This added a few more billions to the more than €4.25 trillion euros-worth of euro-zone government bonds […]

To prevent Brexit from turning nasty, progressive internationalists must come close to winning 10 Downing Street

, 11/10/2016

Addressing a DiEM25-Another Europe event held at the LSE on Saturday 8th October 2016 For the complete transcript of the speech…

Why did I sign the 20/2/2015 Eurogroup agreement? What is DiEM25’s strategy for democratising Europe?

, 05/10/2016

Yanis Varoufakis responds to Alexis Cukier and Patrick Surain, who challenged him on his time as Greek finance minister, the feasibility of reforming existing EU structures, and a left-wing exit from the EU. Read ‘the challenge’ here.

Impressive list of elected DiEM25 Coordinators & Advisors has been announced

, 05/10/2016

Leading activists, artists, scholars and political figures take central role in DiEM25 Linguist Noam Chomsky, novelist Elif Shafak, artist/musician Brian Eno, activist Zoe Gardner and fashion designer/environmental activist Vivienne Westwood are amongst those elected by DiEM25’s members to coordinate the movement’s activities. (See full announcement at DiEM25.org).

Transparent Budgeting at its best – the City of Barcelona is showing the way

, 02/10/2016

Imagine a city or state budget where citizens could see at a glance where every euro, pound or dollar went or came from, which services were paid for by their taxes or rates, the distribution of the tax burden across different regions etc. You don’t need to imagine it. The City of Barcelona has delivered […]

Radical internationalism: What Europe & the Left need – The New Statesman

, 29/09/2016

Yanis Varoufakis: The left never recovered from the fall of the Soviet Union — yet there is hope

The Independent on my Brexit proposal: Trigger Article 50 and agree a 5yr Norway-like transition period

, 29/09/2016

Yanis Varoufakis has told the UK government to get a move on with triggering Article 50 to begin a “robust debate” on what a post-Brexit Britain could look like. In an interview with the BBC’s Today programme, the former Greek finance minister, said the discussion prior to the referendum was of “very low quality”, adding […]

Apple, Brussels, and Ireland’s Bruised Sovereignty – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 29/09/2016

  ATHENS – Despite their unequivocal Europeanism, the Irish have been serially mistreated by the European Union. When Irish voters rejected the Treaty of Lisbon in 2008, the EU forced them to vote again until they delivered the “right” outcome. A year later, when private Irish banks imploded, threatening their (mainly) German private creditors with […]

A broken-up Europe will breed monsters: Varoufakis on CNBC

, 29/09/2016

Europe is disintegrating and this could come at great human cost, Greece’s fiery former finance minister warned on Tuesday.

Yanis Varoufakis on George Osborne’s responsibility for Brexit – The Telegraph

, 29/09/2016

Yanis Varoufakis said George Osborne was trapped in a vicious cycle by Cristina Criddle 28 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 11:23AM

Discussing Brexit on BBC Radio 4, the Today program

, 29/09/2016

An interview on the Brexit paradox-cum-enigma and the future of the European Union – the interview was recorded in the context of the Institute of Directors conference on post-Brexit Britain, 27th September 2016

Distinguished Visiting Professors join Kings College, University of London

, 27/09/2016

Reposted from Kings College website Former Greek Finance Minister & Rolls Royce Chairman join King’s College Posted on 19/05/2016 Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former Finance Minister and Sir Simon Robertson, former Chairman of Rolls Royce are both joining King’s as distinguished Visiting Professors within the Department of Political Economy. Starting from 1 August they will both […]

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