Brexit – an unorthodox perspective | Guardian Live event
, 20/02/2017
27th January 2017 Srećko Horvat, a Croat philosopher, Elif Shafak, renowned Turkish novelist, and Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former finance minister, bring to this conversation an intriguing perspective. As intellectuals who know Britain well, they understand first hand the perils of nationalism, disintegration, isolationism and marginalisation. They place post-Brexit Britain in a context informed by a […]
Greece’s fiscal waterboarding continues – on Al Jazeera
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIOKLH1eknM , 20/02/2017
Mr Draghi, what are you afraid of? Release #TheGreekFiles!
, 19/02/2017
Join the campaign to demand that the ECB publish the legal opinion it commissioned on whether its closure of Greece’s banks in 2015 was… legal. CLICK HERE!
A New Deal to Save Europe
, 14/02/2017
LONDON – “I don’t care about what it will cost. We took our country back!” This is the proud message heard throughout England since the Brexit referendum last June. And it is a demand that is resonating across the continent. Until recently, any proposal to “save” Europe was regarded sympathetically, albeit with skepticism about its […]
Open Letter to the editor of The Times: Your Athens correspondent has done it again!
, 13/02/2017
Dear Sir, A day after one of your able journalists interviewed me in London, with a view of composing a piece for your newspaper (which I suppose is forthcoming), my attention was drawn to a separate piece that I am sure slipped inadvertently into your newspaper through your various filters. Its defamatory and wholly made-up title tells […]
DiEM25 unveils its ‘European New Deal: An economic agenda for European Recovery’
, 10/02/2017
To mark its first anniversary DiEM25 has today published a summary of its White Paper entitled ‘European New Deal: An economic agenda for European Recovery’. The full White Paper will be launched on the 25th March 2017 in Rome, in the context of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. Click here for a pdf.
Brian Eno’s message for this Saturday’s Conway Hall DiEM25 UK launch meeting. Join us!
, 07/02/2017
This Saturday (28/1, 10am), Conway Hall, London, Brian Eno, myself and others will launch DiEM25 UK. Join us in a three hour event to discuss taking our countries back on the basis of a progressive agenda. Here is a teaser of what Brian wants to talk about. 2016-2017 by Brian Eno The consensus among most […]
The Establishment is in denial – interviewed by der Freitag (English text)
, 07/02/2017
For der Freitag’s site click here. To read my original English answers… Mr Varoufakis, the current unemployment rate in the Eurozone is at 9,8%, the lowest since July 2009. One could get the impression things are getting better… It is, I grant you, still perfectly possible for those who wish to remain in denial to […]
Why Benoit Hamon’s primaries victory is good news for European progressives
, 07/02/2017
A few years ago, in a televised chat with other French progressives, Benoît Hamon succinctly exposed the essence of our troubles in Europe: “[EU] governments may change,” he said, “but not the policies”.
Brian Eno & Yanis Varoufakis: The meaning of ‘Value’ – King’s College, London 30/1/2017
, 07/02/2017
Brian Eno’s talk Yanis Varoufakis talk Discussion NEW: A 3 minute edit of Varoufakis’ talk with a Brian Eno soundtrack (Thursday afternoon) – thanks Jason Ghionis!
A New Deal to Save Europe – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 23/01/2017
LONDON – “I don’t care about what it will cost. We took our country back!” This is the proud message heard throughout England since the Brexit referendum last June. And it is a demand that is resonating across the continent. Until recently, any proposal to “save” Europe was regarded sympathetically, albeit with skepticism about its […]
Join DiEM25’s UK launch this coming Saturday, 28/1, Conway Hall London
, 22/01/2017
Introductory speeches by Brian Eno, Yanis Varoufakis, Elif Shafak, Srecko Horvat & Agnieszka Wiśniewska. To be followed by a two hour interactive meeting for the purposes of establishing DiEM25 UK as a movement in every British city and town. Our purpose? To harness the discontent that surfaced during 2016 in order to make 2017 the year […]
Congratulations Benoit Hamon!
, 22/01/2017
On 9th January 2017 I had the pleasure of linking up with Benoit Hamon in Paris, to discuss with him DiEM25’s Progressive Agenda for Europe and, in particular, our policy of constructive disobedience. See below for a report of that meeting. It is with great pleasure that I heard the news that Benoit has […]
We need an alternative to Trump’s nationalism. It isn’t the status quo – The Guardian, op-ed
, 22/01/2017
The answer to neoliberalism’s Waterloo cannot be the retreat to a barricaded nation-state and the pitting of ‘our’ people against ‘others’ fenced off by tall walls Click here for The Guardian – or…
Lunch with The Globe and Mail, in discussion with Eric Reguly
, 22/01/2017
by Eric Reguly for The Globe and Mail Having lost the old fight over Greece’s financial future, Mr. Varoufakis is focused on a different cause: preserving the European Union Click here for The Globe and Mail site and here for a pdf of the article. Alternatively…
Brexit: An unorthodox view – a Guardian Live event, 27th January 2017
, 22/01/2017
With Srećko Horvat, Elif Shafak, Yanis Varoufakis & Owen Jones A troubled Britain is on its way out of a troubled European Union. Disintegration and xenophobia are in the air. The government in London is in disarray. But so is every other government in Europe, not to mention the European Commission whose authority is tending […]
Greek drama in review – on the Rubin Report
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DP_v8f8ihs , 14/01/2017
Greece’s perpetual crisis will not end via one-off handouts. It will end only when Athens ends the perpetual lie.
, 22/12/2016
ATHENS – Since the summer of 2015, Greece has (mostly) dropped out of the news, but not because its economic condition has stabilized. A prison is not newsworthy as long as the inmates suffer quietly. It is only when they stage a rebellion, and the authorities crack down, that the satellite trucks appear. [To read […]
Becoming popular by opposing populism: A progressive’s task – The Guardian
, 20/12/2016
A few days ago I received an email from the Guardian: “We’re putting a panel together of writers and thinkers following the announcement that Jeremy Corbyn is planning to relaunch his image and policies as a leftwing populist. We are asking for 300 words in response to the question, “What should Corbyn’s leftwing populism look […]
The Hitchhiker’s Guide through a Collapsing Europe – by DiEM25ers Yanis Varoufakis & Srećko Horvat
, 13/12/2016
This event took place on 3rd December 2016 in Zagreb’s magnificent National Theatre in front of an audience of at least 1200 people. Thanks Zagreb!
Democratising Europe – interviewed by James Lock for NOW THEN magazine
, 10/12/2016
In recent years we have seen far more of the workings behind the curtain of neoliberalism than we ever have before. This is in part, I believe, due to the work of Yanis Varoufakis. A Greek economist educated in Britain, Varoufakis first made headlines for his integral role as Finance Minister for the Syriza government […]
Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου “Η αρπαγή της Ευρώπης” των εκδόσεων Πατάκη- Δευτέρα 12 Δεκεμβρίου
, 09/12/2016
The book will be launched at 19.00 on 12th December 2016 at Parnassos Hall, Plateia Karitsi 8. Speakers include Nicholas Theocarakis (University of Athens), Thanos Mikroutsikos (Composer) and Kostas Vaxevanis (Journalist and publisher). Video messages by Noam Chomsky, James K. Galbraith, Jeff Sachs and Slavoj Zizek. (Please note that this event will be conducted in […]