Jeremy Corbyn’s night was one for the true believers. Onwards now!
, 09/06/2017
In September 2015, soon after Jeremy Corbyn’s election, I was asked to offer advice to the freshly elected Labour leader. My response was, following our experiences in Greece of defeating a resurgent, oligarchic media twice during that year: Do not get scared by the character assassination attempts of the systemic media. The systemic media will try […]
DiEM25 supports Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell – except in our own special way!
, 07/06/2017
After DiEM25 published its collective decision to back fifteen Parliamentary candidates in tomorrow’s UK General Election, we received some interesting missives – mostly critical that included non-Labour candidates, including (lo and behold) Nick Clegg. This is a welcome ‘backlash’, in the sense that it gives us an opportunity to put things straight. DiEM25 was not […]
The 15 parliamentary candidates DiEM25 endorses for Thursday’s UK General Election
, 06/06/2017
DiEM25 was formed to build a Progressive International across Europe. The UK, especially since Brexit prevailed in last year’s referendum, is a major battleground for European democracy. The way Brexit is handled will be crucial for the future of Britain but also for European peoples far and wide. DiEM25 could not be absent from this election campaign. […]
El Confidential: ¿Qué fue de Varufakis?
, 30/05/2017
Creó un movimiento paneuropeo desde el que diseñar su regreso: Diem25, con sucursales ya en capitales europeas. También en Madrid. Sus miembros decidirán si se presenta o no a las elecciones 30.05.2017 – 05:00 H. Yanis Varufakis desembarca de nuevo en Grecia después de una travesía por el desierto que ha durado casi dos años. […]
How to build a democratic Europe in a post-Brexit landscape – interviewed for Jacobin by Doug Henwood
, 22/05/2017
Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with the EU elite over the Greek bailout, witnessed firsthand the callous mathematics used to keep the union together. Today — after OXI, after Brexit, and after Trump — he and his comrades in DiEM25 are calling for a New Deal for Europe: a plan that can stabilize the European Union and […]
Ομιλία Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη στην εκδήλωση στο ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017
, 21/05/2017
ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ DiEM25 ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΓΗΠΕΔΟ ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017 Όπως βλέπετε, φίλες, φίλοι, σύντροφοι, ΕΜΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ… ΕΜΕΙΣ ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ Η ΜΑΧΟΜΕΝΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΑΞΙΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ! Ο απομονωτισμός δεν βοηθά κανέναν να πάρει πίσω την πατρίδα του. Όπως η κλιματική αλλαγή έτσι και η αντιμετώπιση του χρέους, των τραπεζικών κρίσεων, των […]
Only Theresa May can end this inhumane tug of war over EU citizens – THE HOUSE Magazine op-ed
, 21/05/2017
The HOUSE Magazine is the inhouse publication of the UK’s Houses of Parliament. This piece was commissioned to discuss what the British government should do in relation to EU residents post-Brexit. For the sake of Britain’s economy, and soul, Theresa May must immediately and unilaterally guarantee the rights of EU citizens currently residing in the […]
The day DiEM25 came to Athens – 19th May 2017
, 19/05/2017
On 19th May 2017 , DiEM25 held its first-ever event in Athens, ground-zero of the Euro Crisis and of course our co-founder Yanis Varoufakis’ home turf. Here’s a timeline of the event: The week started off with a bang: Greece’s opposition party shamelessly attacked us, so we responded in kind. The DiEM25 Greece team put […]
Δεν χρειάζεται να επιχειρηματολογούμε όταν τα λένε οι ίδιοι! Την Παρασκευή το βράδυ θα μιλήσουμε με δικούς όρους. Στο Σπόρτιγκ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4GwHMp7ERI , 17/05/2017
Congratulations, President Macron. Now We Oppose You! – Project Syndicate op-ed
, 15/05/2017
ATHENS – Prior to the second round of the French Presidential election, DiEM25 (the pan-European movement of democrats, mostly of the left, that I helped to found) promised Emmanuel Macron that we would “mobilize fully to help” him defeat Marine Le Pen. This we did – incurring the wrath of many on the left – […]
Discussing Adults in the Room with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National
, 11/05/2017
Insider account of Europe’s Establishment Economist and academic Yanis Varoufakis was always a political outsider, who gained notoriety when he challenged Europe’s political leaders, the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the IMF during Greece’s economic crisis. He exposed these leaders and institutions as being self-serving, while not considering the disastrous effects of austerity […]
Talking about Adults in the Room on Sweden’s EFN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGt82RFfg3U , 05/05/2017
A state of political disrepair: On Brexit, the EU, and trashing the establishment
, 05/05/2017
Interviewed by openDemocracy
Why the French left should have backed Macron in the 2nd Presidential Round – The Guardian
, 04/05/2017
In 2002, Jacques Chirac, the French right’s leader, faced Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the racist Front National, in the second round of France’s presidential election. The French left rallied behind the Gaullist, conservative Chirac to oppose the xenophobic heir of Vichy collaborationism. Fifteen years later, however, large sections of the French left are […]
The Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – The Guardian
, 03/05/2017
“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with […]
The six Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – Guardian op-ed 3 May 2017
, 03/05/2017
“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with European powerbrokers – […]
Macron tried to help Greece. He deserves the Left’s vote – Le Monde op-ed
, 02/05/2017
[For the Le Monde website click here. The original article in English is posted below] A year ago, at an event at the New York Public Library, Noam Chomsky and I were asked by a member of the audience where we stood regarding the impending electoral duel between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both Noam […]
Why we support Macron in the second round – op-ed in Le Monde (English original) and DiEM25 France in Mediapart
, 02/05/2017
In today’s Le Monde I call upon French progressives to vote for Macron in the second round of France’s Presidential election. The article explains my recommendation to French voters and finishes off with the following promise to Emmanuel: “I shall mobilise fully to help you beat Le Pen with the same strength that I shall […]
On Theresa May’s EU negotiating tactics – BBC Radio 4 World at One, 2nd May 2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glQaXrWgV-U&feature=youtu.be , 02/05/2017
DiEM25’s position paper on why we supported Macron in the second round – Mediapart
, 28/04/2017
Pour faire opposition à Le Pen, DiEM25 appelle à voter Macron 28 AVR. 2017 PAR LES INVITÉS DE MEDIAPART ÉDITION : LES INVITÉS DE MEDIAPART Le Mouvement pour la démocratie en Europe DiEM25, mouvement politique pan-européen lancé en 2015 par l’ancien ministre des Finances grec Yanis Varoufakis, appelle à faire barrage à l’extrême droite « […]
Ecuador has much to teach us in the Eurozone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ooX3I_mwjE , 27/04/2017
A message from DiEM25 Barcelona – The European Revolution Starts with You
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EiTE47CoXo , 13/04/2017
DiEM25 practises democracy internally, before preaching it… The case of the French Presidential elections
, 05/04/2017
DiEM25 practises democracy at home before preaching it! Like other campaigns and elections (e.g. the referenda in the UK and Italy), DiEM25’s position is decided by means of a comprehensive internal debate and a vote involving all DiEM25ers – even those who live in Latin America or the United States (yes, we have an ideological […]