
Why the French left should have backed Macron in the 2nd Presidential Round – The Guardian

, 04/05/2017

In 2002, Jacques Chirac, the French right’s leader, faced Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the racist Front National, in the second round of France’s presidential election. The French left rallied behind the Gaullist, conservative Chirac to oppose the xenophobic heir of Vichy collaborationism. Fifteen years later, however, large sections of the French left are […]

The Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – The Guardian

, 03/05/2017

“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with […]

The six Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May – Guardian op-ed 3 May 2017

, 03/05/2017

“It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates. A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with European powerbrokers – […]

Macron tried to help Greece. He deserves the Left’s vote – Le Monde op-ed

, 02/05/2017

[For the Le Monde website click here. The original article in English is posted below] A year ago, at an event at the New York Public Library, Noam Chomsky and I were asked by a member of the audience where we stood regarding the impending electoral duel between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both Noam […]

Why we support Macron in the second round – op-ed in Le Monde (English original) and DiEM25 France in Mediapart

, 02/05/2017

In today’s Le Monde I call upon French progressives to vote for Macron in the second round of France’s Presidential election. The article explains my recommendation to French voters and finishes off with the following promise to Emmanuel: “I shall mobilise fully to help you beat Le Pen with the same strength that I shall […]

DiEM25’s position paper on why we supported Macron in the second round – Mediapart

, 28/04/2017

Pour faire opposition à Le Pen, DiEM25 appelle à voter Macron 28 AVR. 2017 PAR LES INVITÉS DE MEDIAPART ÉDITION : LES INVITÉS DE MEDIAPART  Le Mouvement pour la démocratie en Europe DiEM25, mouvement politique pan-européen lancé en 2015 par l’ancien ministre des Finances grec Yanis Varoufakis, appelle à faire barrage à l’extrême droite « […]

Ecuador has much to teach us in the Eurozone

, 27/04/2017


DiEM25 practises democracy internally, before preaching it… The case of the French Presidential elections

, 05/04/2017

DiEM25 practises democracy at home before preaching it! Like other campaigns and elections (e.g. the referenda in the UK and Italy), DiEM25’s position is decided by means of a comprehensive internal debate and a vote involving all DiEM25ers – even those who live in Latin America or the United States (yes, we have an ideological […]

DiEM25’s Rome 25th March 2017 Launch of the European New Deal – from Teatro Italia

, 03/04/2017

On 25th March 2017, as Europe’s leaders gathered in Rome to celebrate the… disintegration of the EU, DiEM25 was there, at Teatro Italia, launching our major Policy Paper The European New Deal – a comprehensive economic and social policy agenda, applicable to the whole of Europe (not just the EU), by which to save Europe […]

PM Theresa May has miscalculated – Op-ed in THE MIRROR

, 02/04/2017

Theresa May has miscalculated her Brexit strategy, says the ­former Greek finance minister who handled his country’s EU negotiations. Yanis Varoufakis, writing exclusively for the Mirror, says the PM’s threat of a “ hard Brexit ” will not make Britain’s departure any easier. Mr Varoufakis said: “By making a hard Brexit the default of the ­negotiating […]

How does the triggering of article 50 look from Europe? Op-ed, The Guardian

, 02/04/2017

How do I feel now that article 50 has been triggered? I feel sad that so many good people in Britain will feel so disappointed when they realise that Brexit has not helped them “take back their country”. I feel alarmed that, driven by Brexit, EU leaders chose its 60th anniversary, last Saturday, to embrace […]

CNN op-ed following Article 50: The EU cannot survive if it sticks to business as usual

, 02/04/2017

March for a Different Europe in Rome, March 25, 2017. From DiEm25 facebook page. Allowing EU member states to move in different directions and at different speeds is precisely the wrong way to address the differing concerns of Europeans living in different countries – and it seems an odd way to unite them behind a […]

Llevar a las urnas un New Deal Europeo – Spanish version of DiEM25’s Press Conference

, 02/04/2017

The Spanish version of DiEM25’s European New Deal Press Conference follows, courtesy of sinpermiso:En vísperas de la presentación de su New Deal Europeo en Roma, DiEM25 llevó a cabo una rueda de prensa el pasado 24 de marzo en la que Yanis Varoufakis hizo la siguiente declaración antes de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas […]

“Diem25, un movimento per superare il fallimento dell’Europa” – La Repubblica

, 02/04/2017

L’ex ministro dell’Economia greco presenta il suo nuovo progetto politico: “Mi piacerebbe attrarre il maggior numero di democratici di tutti i tipi” di MATTEO PUCCIARELLI  MILANO. La crisi greca non è finita, anzi. “Tsipras sta percorrendo un vicolo cieco e lui lo sa benissimo”, assicura l’ex ministro all’Economia greco Yanis Varoufakis. È in Italia per il […]


, 02/04/2017

Marzo 2017 LA FINANZA RACCONTATA DALLA SUA SCATOLA NERA Mib 0.45% Il piano del movimento DiEM25 per salvare l’Europa da se stessa: uno European New Deal, con una Banca europea di investimenti dalla quale la Bce comprerebbe i bond, uno European Equity Depository, un Dividendo universale di base al posto del reddito universale. L’ex ministro […]

“DiEM25’s European New Deal demands electoral expression” – Rome Press Conference, 24 March 2017

, 25/03/2017

On the eve of launching its European New Deal policy framework in Rome, DiEM25 held a press conference where Yanis Varoufakis issued the following statement prior to a Q&A session with gathered journalists. With this statement DiEM25 announced its determination to bring the European New Deal policy framework to a ballot box in every corner of Europe.

Congressman Huizenga Introduces Bill to Oppose IMF’s Third Greek Bailout

, 17/03/2017

Anyone who doubted that the IMF is in deep trouble over its inane involvement in the toxic Greek bailout, and Berlin’s policy of extending Greece’s insolvency ad infinitum while the country’s social economy shrinks, should now have no more doubts. Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI), a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, yesterday introduced the IMF […]

Η συλλογή υπογραφών συνεχίζεται: Απαίτησε το δικαίωμά σου να διαβάσεις την γνωμοδότηση για το κλείσιμο των ελληνικών τραπεζών από την EKT

, 14/03/2017

H Ευρώπη διαθέτει μια κεντρική τράπεζα με απεριόριστη δύναμη να κλείνει τις τράπεζες μιας χώρας-μέλους της Ευρωζώνης – την ΕΚΤ. Καμία άλλη κεντρικής τράπεζα δεν έχει τέτοια εξουσία. Για αυτό τον λόγο η ΕΚΤ υποτίθεται ότι θα ήταν μια κεντρική τράπεζα πλήρως ανεξάρτητη από τους πολιτικούς. Όμως, όπως αποδείχτηκε το 2015 με το κλείσιμο των ελληνικών […]

The campaign goes on: Did the ECB break the law in closing Greece’s banks? Sign the petition today!

, 14/03/2017

Europe has created a central bank with the exorbitant power to close down a member-state’s banks. This central bank, the ECB, was supposed to be independent of politicians. Except that, as the case with closure of the Greek banks in 2015 proves, no central bank has less independence of politicians operating behind closed doors (e.g. the Eurogroup). This combination […]

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