
Europe’s Gradualist Fallacy – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 28/06/2017

ATHENS – Europe is at the mercy of a common currency that not only was unnecessary for European integration, but that is actually undermining the European Union itself. So what should be done about a currency without a state to back it – or about the 19 European states without a currency that they control? […]

On Snowden, Putin & NATO

, 27/06/2017

Extracts from an event that took place on 3rd December 2016 in Zagreb’s National Theatre.

Interviewed by Chris Newlands for the Financial News – 19 June 2017

, 21/06/2017

It is no surprise that Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, turns up to our interview without a tie. The 56-year-old famously arrived at Downing Street in 2015 for a meeting with the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, with his shirt untucked. More surprising is that the left-wing economist, who led negotiations […]

The markets will not fix themselves – interviewed by Emma Walden for FundForum

, 19/06/2017

“We have a major imbalance between savings and investment. We have the highest savings rates in the history of capitalism and lowest level of investment. You only have to state that to realise what the source of our troubles are.” Speaking at FundForum International 2017, Former Greek Finance Minister and DiEM25 Co-Founder Yanis Varoufakis sat […]

A 90 minute exchange with Russell Brand on everything: politics, aesthetics, religion, dialectics

, 16/06/2017


DiEM25’s New Deal for Greece

, 16/06/2017

Yesterday, the Eurogroup came up with another fudge, another extend-and-pretend loan tranche, for Greece. It is, as this annotated version of the Eurogroup statement explains, a further boost to Greece’s never-ending crisis. Greece’s creditors, the EU and the IMF, are refusing even to discuss Greece’s recovery, Greece’s escape from debtor’s prison. So, what should be done? DiEM25 […]

The Annotated 15th June 2017 Eurogroup statement on Greece

, 16/06/2017

Extending (again) the extending-and-pretending Eurogroup policy on Greece’s never-ending crisis Back in August 2015, while sitting gloomily in the Greek Parliament during the sad, long night leading to the voting in of the 3rd MoU, I found solace in annotating the MoU’s text. Last night, I felt the need to repeat that wretched ritual once […]

LIBERATION: Bruno Le Maire dans les pas de Yánis Varoufákis?

, 14/06/2017

  Le ministre de l’Economie va proposer une indexation du remboursement de la dette grecque en fonction de la croissance du pays. Neuf thérapies en forme d’austérité budgétaire, trois plans d’aides, un changement de gouvernement et, au bout du compte, un énorme fiasco. Malgré l’obstination de la «troïka» (BCE, FMI et Commission européenne), qui n’a cessé d’imposer (le pistolet […]

der Freitag: Eine neue Partei für Europa

, 14/06/2017

Eine neue Partei für Europa DiEM 25 Ein radikales und zugleich seriöses Programm, gute Leute, ökonomische Expertise: Wird Yanis Varoufakis’ Bewegung zur Konkurrenz für die Linke in Deutschland? „Ein anderes Europa ist möglich“: Dafür kämpfen viele, aber bisher noch keine transnationale Partei Löscht eure Paypal-Konten und helft, das Monopol privater Finanzkonzerne über Europas Zahlungsverkehr zu […]

What lies behind the euro crisis, Brexit & Trump: Keynote at the FundForum International, Berlin & a discussion with Megan Greene

, 12/06/2017

Keynote at the FundForum International conference in Berlin, 12th June 2017. Followed by a discussion with Megan Greene.

Jeremy Corbyn’s night was one for the true believers. Onwards now!

, 09/06/2017

In September 2015, soon after Jeremy Corbyn’s election, I was asked to offer advice to the freshly elected Labour leader. My response was, following our experiences in Greece of defeating a resurgent, oligarchic media twice during that year: Do not get scared by the character assassination attempts of the systemic media. The systemic media will try […]

DiEM25 supports Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell – except in our own special way!

, 07/06/2017

After DiEM25 published its collective decision to back fifteen Parliamentary candidates in tomorrow’s UK General Election, we received some interesting missives – mostly critical that included non-Labour candidates, including (lo and behold) Nick Clegg. This is a welcome ‘backlash’, in the sense that it gives us an opportunity to put things straight. DiEM25 was not […]

The 15 parliamentary candidates DiEM25 endorses for Thursday’s UK General Election

, 06/06/2017

DiEM25 was formed to build a Progressive International across Europe. The UK, especially since Brexit prevailed in last year’s referendum, is a major battleground for European democracy. The way Brexit is handled will be crucial for the future of Britain but also for European peoples far and wide. DiEM25 could not be absent from this election campaign. […]

El Confidential: ¿Qué fue de Varufakis?

, 30/05/2017

Creó un movimiento paneuropeo desde el que diseñar su regreso: Diem25, con sucursales ya en capitales europeas. También en Madrid. Sus miembros decidirán si se presenta o no a las elecciones 30.05.2017 – 05:00 H. Yanis Varufakis desembarca de nuevo en Grecia después de una travesía por el desierto que ha durado casi dos años. […]

How to build a democratic Europe in a post-Brexit landscape – interviewed for Jacobin by Doug Henwood

, 22/05/2017

Yanis Varoufakis negotiated with the EU elite over the Greek bailout, witnessed firsthand the callous mathematics used to keep the union together. Today — after OXI, after Brexit, and after Trump — he and his comrades in DiEM25 are calling for a New Deal for Europe: a plan that can stabilize the European Union and […]

Ομιλία Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη στην εκδήλωση στο ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017

, 21/05/2017

ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ DiEM25 ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΓΗΠΕΔΟ ΣΠΟΡΤΙΓΚ, 19 Μαΐου 2017 Όπως βλέπετε, φίλες, φίλοι, σύντροφοι, ΕΜΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ… ΕΜΕΙΣ ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ Η ΜΑΧΟΜΕΝΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΑΞΙΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ! Ο απομονωτισμός δεν βοηθά κανέναν να πάρει πίσω την πατρίδα του. Όπως η κλιματική αλλαγή έτσι και η αντιμετώπιση του χρέους, των τραπεζικών κρίσεων, των […]

Only Theresa May can end this inhumane tug of war over EU citizens – THE HOUSE Magazine op-ed

, 21/05/2017

The HOUSE Magazine is the inhouse publication of the UK’s Houses of Parliament. This piece was commissioned to discuss what the British government should do in relation to EU residents post-Brexit. For the sake of Britain’s economy, and soul, Theresa May must immediately and unilaterally guarantee the rights of EU citizens currently residing in the […]

The day DiEM25 came to Athens – 19th May 2017

, 19/05/2017

On 19th May 2017 , DiEM25 held its first-ever event in Athens, ground-zero of the Euro Crisis and of course our co-founder Yanis Varoufakis’ home turf. Here’s a timeline of the event: The week started off with a bang: Greece’s opposition party shamelessly attacked us, so we responded in kind. The DiEM25 Greece team put […]

Congratulations, President Macron. Now We Oppose You! – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 15/05/2017

ATHENS – Prior to the second round of the French Presidential election, DiEM25 (the pan-European movement of democrats, mostly of the left, that I helped to found) promised Emmanuel Macron that we would “mobilize fully to help” him defeat Marine Le Pen. This we did – incurring the wrath of many on the left – […]

Discussing Adults in the Room with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National

, 11/05/2017

Insider account of Europe’s Establishment Economist and academic Yanis Varoufakis was always a political outsider, who gained notoriety when he challenged Europe’s political leaders, the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the IMF during Greece’s economic crisis. He exposed these leaders and institutions as being self-serving, while not considering the disastrous effects of austerity […]

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