
Sign here DiEM25’s petition: Time for Europe’s greatest liability, Mrs Ursula von der Leyen, to go!

, 22/10/2023

DiEM25-MERA25 has launched a petition for the removal of Mrs Ursula von der Leyen from the Presidency of the European Commission. Below is the text of Yanis Varoufakis’ video message to Ms. von der Leyen. To sign the petition please click here. Mrs von der Leyen, the moment you landed in Tel Aviv, not as […]

Τα τρία πλούσια δώρα της Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ στην Ακροδεξιά – NEWS24|7

, 08/10/2023

Την πρόσφατη αναβίωση της Ακροδεξιάς σε όλη την Ευρώπη δεν την προκάλεσαν οι τρεις μεγάλες γκάφες της Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ, από τότε που ανέλαβε Προέδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας. Όμως, την ενίσχυσαν τα μέγιστα! Η πρώτη γκάφα της Λαγκάρντ ήρθε νωρίς στην θητεία της στην ΕΚΤ και κόστισε στην Ιταλία δισεκατομμύρια και στην ΕΚΤ σημαντικό μέρος της «αξιοπιστίας» της ως […]

Ο καπιταλισμός πέθανε. Καλώς ήλθατε σε κάτι ακόμα χειρότερο, στην τεχνοφεουδαρχία – NEWS24|7

, 01/10/2023

Αυτό που, τελικά, σκότωσε τον καπιταλισμό είναι το ίδιο το κεφάλαιο, όχι αυτό που γνωρίζαμε από την αυγή της βιομηχανικής εποχής, αλλά μια μετάλλαξή του που εμφανίστηκε τις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες. Κάποτε είχα παρακολουθήσει διάλεξη του Φρίντριχ φον Χάγιεκ στο LSE στην οποία, όπως συνήθιζε, καταφέρθηκε κατά του σοσιαλιστικού σχεδιασμού με μια χαριτωμένη προσωπική ιστορία. […]

Christine Lagarde’s Gifts to Populists – Project Syndicate

, 27/09/2023

Since taking over as president of the European Central Bank in late 2019, Christine Lagarde has committed three major errors that play right into the hands of right-wing populists. Now, one can only hope that these parties’ own incompetence will sink them before next year’s European Parliament elections. ATHENS – Christine Lagarde’s three blunders as president […]

Why can’t the EU power ahead with green subsidies like Biden’s? It isn’t just political procrastination – THE GUARDIAN

, 14/09/2023

Inglorious procrastination is one of the European Union’s standard responses to major crises. This is not merely due to the difficulty of getting twenty-seven Prime Ministers and Presidents to agree. It is also because of their motivated tendency to ask themselves the wrong questions, thus heading slowly but inexorably to self-harming policy solutions. After the […]

Αυγουστιάτικες σκέψεις εν όψει των ευρωεκλογών του Ιουνίου – NEWS24|7

, 27/08/2023

Ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης θα είναι υποψήφιος με το ΜέΡΑ25 στις ευρωεκλογές – αυτή τη φορά όχι στη Γερμανία, όπως το 2019, αλλά στην Ελλάδα. Οι τομές που είναι πιο αναγκαίες από ποτέ για την Ένωση. Οι ήσυχες ημέρες του Αυγούστου είναι μια καλή στιγμή για να αναλογιστεί κανείς τη χρονιά που έρχεται. Κοιτάζοντας το ημερολόγιό […]

How the EU out-trumped Trump, plus what is killing capitalism: My last week’s Diary in The New Statesman

, 18/07/2023

The week started ominously with a French journalist asking me whether the Greeks have turned cold-hearted, alluding to the apparent apathy to the drowning of hundreds of refugees off the coast of the Peloponnese and to the murky role played in this tragedy by our Coastguard. Yes, I replied without a second thought. A population […]

Austerity Ruined Europe, and Now It’s Back – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 17/07/2023

The United States is experiencing an investment boom, owing to industrial policies that grant enormous subsidies – including to European firms – for investing in America, largely in green tech. Europe, meanwhile, is responding with a return to the austerity policies that caused it to fall behind the US in the first place. ATHENS – […]

La Stampa interview (English version) on Greek gvt refugee policy, Greece’s economy, MeRA25′ electoral setback, the euro, Italy’s PD and… Angela Merkel

, 29/05/2023

In this post you will find my original answers (in English) to La Stampa‘s varied questions (27/5/2023); from the Greek government’s shameful policy on refugees and MeRA25’s electoral setback, to the future of the Eurozone, my friend Elly Schlein’s leadership of Italy’s main opposition party, the PD and, yes, Angela Merkel! Almost all parties, on […]

Our defeat in context: Greece’s Erdogan-isation is almost complete

, 22/05/2023

The people spoke. Unlike in 2019, when MeRA25 won nine seats in Greece’s Parliament, in yesterday’s election we failed to clear the 3% hurdle, thus, electing no MPs. However, this freshly minted Parliament was condemned before it got a chance to convene. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the conservative party leader, who won handsomely, is about to dissolve […]

What to do about the Parthenon Marbles – interviewed by Michael Portillo

, 25/04/2023

Following my article in Unherd about the Parthenon Marbles, Michael Portillo interviewed me on the subject for GB News.

Europe’s latest illiberal democracy: Greece! – New Statesman

, 24/03/2023

“Like lambs to the slaughter” was how an elderly neighbour described the deaths of youngsters travelling on Intercity 62 which, on the night of 28 February, crashed head-on with a freight train in Greece killing 57 people. Many of the dead were students returning after a long weekend from Athens to their universities in Thessaloniki. […]

On the shameful deal Osborne-Mitsotakis are hammering out over the Parthenon antiquities – UNHERD

, 24/03/2023

From the very beginning, Elgin’s removal of the Parthenon’s statues and friezes caused something of a discursive British civil war. On one side were humanists, like Lord Byron; on the other were Empire apologists, who defend Elgin’s actions and support the British Museum’s inalienable property rights to the artefacts it, eventually, purchased from him. Over […]

Exposing the scam that is an electricity ‘market’ – ANY electricity ‘market’

, 26/02/2023

So used are we to the idea of an ‘electricity market’ that the next sentence may jar in your mind: There is no such thing as an electricity market! In this video I explain why those who talk to us about electricity markets as something natural, clever and necessary are either deluded or in the […]

What’s behind the Great Volatility? Audio of SSGA Zurich Address

, 26/02/2023

From the Great Moderation to the Great Crash, the Great Recession, the Great Stagnation, the Great Inflation and, finally, to the Great Volatility. What are the forces driving this 50yr dynamic? Plus an answer to: “What did the euro crisis teach us about the EU’s various debt instruments?” A lecture delivered on 24th January 2023 […]

Will China Dump Its Dark Deal with America? – Project Syndicate

, 20/02/2023

A new cold war is upon us, but only China is in a position to push it beyond the point of no return. That moment will come when China’s policymakers cross the Rubicon and decide to wean Chinese economic growth off the US trade deficit. ATHENS – True hegemons prevail not by force but by […]

Is Europe Deindustrialising? – Project Syndicate

, 23/01/2023

The real problem confronting European manufacturing is not the threat of factory closures. It is that, compared to the United States and China, Europe has fallen far behind in the race to accumulate, and benefit from, the cloud capital that represents the future of profit in industries like electric cars and green energy. ATHENS – […]

After an eventful 2022, what can we expect from 2023? DiEM25 New Year’s message

, 01/01/2023

On behalf of DiEM25, greetings and Happy New Year. 2022 brought us a hideous War and crippling price hikes. 2022 brought environmental disaster closer to home and varieties of neofascism at our door. 2022 was the year our dire predictions about Europe’s failures and the world’s slide into a New Cold War were confirmed. But, […]

Greece’s Varoufakis brings his anti-establishment party to Italy – POLITICO

, 06/12/2022

Yanis Varoufakis tried to rescue Greece from the austerity imposed by the liberal establishment. Then he wanted to rescue the whole EU. Now the motorbike-riding, leather jacket-wearing former Greek finance minister has turned his attention to Italy. “If ever there was a moment it is now,” the economist told POLITICO in an interview to mark the […]

Rishi Sunak’s ‘grown-up’ austerity is designed to keep zombie capitalism alive

, 10/11/2022

The demise of Trussonomics was a welcome victory for decency and common sense in a minor battle within a broader class war. Sadly, the class that Liz Truss tried to bolster with copious tax and regulatory gifts will win this war by deploying an even nastier, blunter, dirtier weapon: austerity. Britain’s wealthy owe a debt […]

Should electricity markets be reformed or disbanded? My debate with Michael Liebreich on Cleaning Up

, 01/11/2022

The other day, Michael Liebreich and I had a lively discussion on his CleaningUp podcast provoked by my call “to blow up the electricity markets”. It was fun but, of course, fell short of a comprehensive analysis of the complex issues pertaining to the political economy of electricity generation and distribution. Following our debate, Michael […]

Comradely disagreements between progressives over Ukraine & the New Cold War – Reply to Anthony Barnett

, 12/10/2022

Anthony Burnett, a friend, comrade and collaborator, just published an article in openDemocracy, a splendid and much loved source of progressive ideas and material, to which he alerted me in a mail reading: “Dear Yanis, we disagree but in solidarity!” Since Anthony’s article mentions me, along with Jeremy Corbyn, in its subtitle, here I am, […]

My take on Georgia Melloni and her incoming government – LTIO clip

, 10/10/2022

Italy is about to have a new far-right government under the self-declared Mussolini groupie Ms Georgia Meloni. In this LTIO episode (entitled Fascism: The Radical Centre’s Last Resort), with comrades Roger Waters, Ece Temelcuran and Frank Barrat), I share my thoughts on Meloni and Co.

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